Chapter 376 (First update)
"Just wait for your triumphant return!"

Wang Yongnian nodded. Before Fan Wei left the Zhang family, he was already the No. [-] pride in Sky Snow City. Regarding his strength, Wang Yongnian was naturally at ease.

Especially now that Fan Wei has broken through to the Transcendence Realm, and his strength is even stronger than before.

No matter how you put it, it's better than a person with no reputation.

Fan Wei walked up to the center of the ring with a cold face, drew out the spirit sword from his waist, and raised the sword to invite Lin Tian: "It's a man, come up and fight."

Lin Tian also knew that today's matter would not end well if he did not take action.


He shook his head, and walked towards the ring helplessly.

This scene surprised everyone.

"Hey, this guy actually dared to go, does he really think he can beat Fan Wei?"

Someone couldn't help but said, with doubts in their eyes.

I really don't believe in Lin Tian's strength.

"At this time, it is no longer a matter of whether to fight or not, but it is impossible to go. If he does not go, Fan Wei will come, so there is no difference in essence." A sensible person understood the situation and shook his head explained.

Hearing this, some people couldn't help but joked: "That's good, it happens to let us see where this guy has the ability to say such arrogant words just now."

There was a lot of discussion around.

Among the crowd, there were two young men with extraordinary temperament, watching this scene from a distance, frowning slightly.

One of them stared at Lin Tian's back closely, and said to the other: "Brother, don't you think this person looks familiar?"

"It's a little familiar."

Another young man who looked more mature nodded his head, his eyes fixed on Lin Tian, ​​and he muttered to himself, "This person is also named Lin, what a coincidence..."

"However, didn't that person fall in the ancient battlefield four years ago... How could he appear in Beiyuan?"

Speaking of this, the man's eyes were full of doubts.

At this moment, Lin Tian also slowly stepped onto the ring.

"Hmph, you are brave."

Fan Wei stared at Lin Tian, ​​couldn't help snorting coldly, and then said with a grin: "But today, I will make you regret coming here."

"Without further ado……"

Lin Tian glanced at Fan Wei, then turned around and hooked Zhong Qi, "Let's go together!"

"What? Let's go together?"

Zhong Qi was full of astonishment, always feeling that his ears had heard something wrong.

Looking at this scene, Zhang Xiong said mockingly to Zhang Ziyi: "This is the person you invited? Arrogant and ignorant!"

You know, Zhong Qi can squeeze into the top [-] in Beili Academy, which is as arrogant as a cloud.

Just Lin Tian, ​​what qualifications does he have to challenge others?

Zhang Ziyi's voice was silenced and she couldn't refute. She could only stand here and look at Lin Tian worriedly, pointing to Zhong Qi and said, "Don't you like to make troubles? Let me test your strength as the North Plains Tianjiao today. Do you have your ability to pick things up!"

Hearing these contemptuous words, Zhong Qi's face was extremely ugly.

"Since you are courting death, I will fulfill you."

He took a deep breath, walked over slowly with a sullen face.

The breath on the body gradually released.

Zhou Tian's spiritual energy gathered in an instant.

The vision gradually condensed behind Zhong Qi. It was a big golden bell, which was cultivated by the saint method left by a great sage in Zhong Qi's ancestor. vision.

"Hmph, since he wants to die, let's make it a pleasure!"

Seeing this, Fan Wei was not to be outdone, and released his vision with a sneer.

It was a big purple mink with a strange light in its eyes.

This is a soul-devouring mink, a monster that likes to absorb divine power, and its methods are unpredictable. The moment it came out, everyone knew that Fan Wei must be proficient in the art of soul.

The aura of the two kings spread across the audience in an instant.

Everyone fell silent involuntarily.

"Don't say we are bullying you, I'll give you a minute to summon the vision..." Zhong Qi looked at Lin Tian with contemptuous eyes, and stood with his hands behind his back, giving people a sense of aloofness.

Fan Wei was not in a hurry to make a move either, he gently wiped the long sword in his hand with a sneer on his face.

Anyway, in his eyes, Lin Tian was no different from the meat on the chopping board.

What surprised the two of them was that Lin Tian did not release the vision.

"I don't need visions to help me deal with you."

Lin Tian shook his head, and said, "Let's do it!"

Hearing this, Zhong Qi and Fan Wei couldn't help but look at each other, with a tinge of anger rising in their hearts.

It can be said that from birth to now.

They had never been so slighted before.

Lin Tian is definitely No.1.

"Since you are so eager to seek death, then we will fulfill you!"

Zhong Qi snorted coldly, and the two shot at the same time.

One left and one right turned into two afterimages of white and purple, and killed Lin Tian in the blink of an eye.

Lin Tian stood there in a daze, as if he had been frightened by the speed of the two of them, looking around, as if he didn't know how to make a move.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Xiong couldn't help feeling amused.

Wang Yongnian also shook his head, the corners of his mouth raised slightly in sarcasm.

With this strength, dare to speak nonsense and kill them out of their hands?

It's hilarious!

Almost everyone present was shaking their heads.

Only in the crowd, the two inconspicuous but extraordinary young men did not make a sound, they stared intently at the white-clothed youth on the ring who was being attacked from both sides.

If this person is really the one in their memory.

Then dealing with these two people in front of you, you shouldn't be able to do anything, right?

After all, the person in their impression was someone who could compete with the top Tianjiao of China at that time a few years ago.

Just when everyone almost believed that Lin Tian would be defeated, and even Zhong Qi and Fan Wei couldn't take a blow together, the expressionless Lin Tian finally moved.

In the blink of an eye, he disappeared from everyone's sight.

When Zhong Qi and Fan Wei saw this, their expressions immediately changed, and they hurriedly withdrew their strength and turned around, otherwise they would have killed each other.

"How is this going?"

At that moment, everyone opened their mouths.

People from the five major families including Zhang Xiong and Wang Yongnian couldn't sit still any longer, they got up one after another, looking at the place where Lin Tian disappeared, their faces full of surprise.

"It's a space supernatural power..."

Someone's eyes narrowed slightly, revealing the reason for Lin Tian's disappearance.

Wang Yongnian's face darkened, and he finally understood, how could Lin Tian have the confidence to say what he just said.

It turned out that this kid actually possessed the rarest type of supernatural power in the world.

"No wonder he dared to yell at the Wang family in public. It turns out that he has such supernatural powers..."

The Patriarch of the Ye family muttered to himself, and then couldn't help but glance at Wang Yongnian. He saw that his face was ugly, and he couldn't help showing a playful look. What a pleasant surprise.

If Lin Tian was just a pure young genius, the Wang family might not have to worry.

It really doesn't work, just try every means to obliterate it.

However, it is not so easy to kill a Tianjiao who controls the supernatural power of space. If he fails to make such a person grow up, it will probably be a nightmare for the entire Wang family.

However, the Patriarch of the Ye family naturally likes to hear about such things.

 Calvin, put out a chapter first.

(End of this chapter)

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