Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 377 Unleashing the Sword

Chapter 377 Unleashing the Sword (Second Change)

Fan Wei and Zhong Qi looked at each other, and after a brief shock, they quickly understood.

Holding the spirit sword, Fan Wei pointed at the void, and said with a sullen face: "Lin Tian, ​​I know you are hiding here. If you have the guts, you can come out and fight with me. What are you doing hiding?"

"But this is also a kind of strength, isn't it?"

Lin Tian's voice came out slowly.

As if coming from all directions, people can't figure out the direction.

Zhong Qi and Fan Wei's hairs stood on end at the same time, their hearts were no longer as relaxed as before, and they watched their surroundings nervously, fearing that Lin Tian would kill him suddenly.

"You can't even touch the corner of my clothes, how can you fight me?"

At this time, Lin Tian's voice sounded again.

An ominous premonition suddenly rose in Fan Wei's heart, the hairs all over his body subconsciously exploded, and he turned his head abruptly.

I saw a cold light piercing through the void and cutting out abruptly.

Fan Wei immediately opened his mouth wide, and the sword light was reflected in his eyes at such an incomparably fast speed that everyone swiped past Fan Wei before they could react.

Lin Tian quietly appeared behind Fan Wei.

He turned his back to Fan Wei, and never looked back from the beginning to the end.


A "click" sound.

Fan Wei, who looked dull, split the two halves in an instant, and then fell to the ground.

from start to finish.

He didn't even have a scream, but he fell under Lin Tian's sword.

The fall of Fan Wei also made everyone present come back to their senses.


Looking at the half-cut corpse on the ground, everyone couldn't help gasping, their eyes full of shock.

At this time, no one dared to despise Lin Tian anymore.

Zhong Qi, who was standing opposite Lin Tianzheng, broke out in cold sweat nervously.

He is not a fool.

I also know how many catties I have.

He is stronger than Fan Wei, but no matter how strong he is, there is a limit to it.

It is absolutely impossible for him to kill Fan Wei with a single strike.

From this point, it can be seen that Lin Tian is definitely more than a star and a half stronger than him. If he wants to kill him, it may not be as difficult as killing Fan Wei.

If Zhong Qi said he was not afraid, he would be lying.

It's just that he was a little embarrassed to ask for help in such a large crowd, and felt really ashamed.

Seeing Lin Tian walking step by step, Zhong Qi's legs were trembling.

Soybean-like cold sweat slid down his cheeks, and his eyes were full of horror.

Fortunately, at this moment, Zhang Xiong came back to his senses and saw Lin Tian walking towards Zhong Qi with the shimmering Celestial Sword in his hand. He hurriedly got up and stopped, "Lin Tian, ​​what are you doing?"

Hearing Zhang Xiong's voice, Lin Tian paused, then looked over with a sarcastic expression.

Immediately, he withdrew his gaze again and continued to walk towards Zhong Qi.

Seeing this, Zhang Xiong's expression turned extremely ugly.

"Lin Tian, ​​Zhong Qi is the proud son of Beili Academy. If you dare to hurt him, Beili Academy will never let you go!" Zhang Xiong roared, staring at Lin Tian, The divine sense locked him in an instant, and he was looking for an opportunity, ready to take action at any time to take Lin Tian down or kill him.

Wang Yongnian's killing intent was boundless.

The power of the soul quietly blocked the surrounding space.

The elders of Wang's family also stood up one after another, and quietly moved to every corner of Yanwu Square.

Since, they now know Lin Tian's methods.

So naturally there is no reason to let him go.

Seeing that Lin Tian ignored Zhang Xiong's warning and continued to walk towards him, Zhong Qi couldn't help but panic, forced a smile and said, "Lin Tian, ​​we have no grievances, why do you have to work hard with me?" ?”

However, Lin Tian didn't intend to answer.

He slowly raised his sword, pointed at Zhong Qi, and said expressionlessly: "You only have one chance to make a move?"

Hearing this, Zhong Qi's face was extremely ugly, and he couldn't help but said: "Is this necessary? Even if you win, what can you get?"

This time, Lin Tian didn't bother to talk at all.

Anyway, he had already given the opportunity, Zhong Qi didn't seize it, that was his own business.

Seeing Lin Tian's sudden attack, Zhong Qi's expression changed drastically.

Immediately reacted, and greeted him with a sword.

The vision behind him also enveloped him in an instant, turning into a golden protective cover, protecting Zhong Qi from 360 degrees without any dead ends.

At the same time, Zhang Xiong and Wang Yongnian also shot instantly.

The two top emperors rushed towards Lin Tian in a blink of an eye.

As long as Zhong Qi blocks Lin Tian's blow, Lin Tian will die.

After all, the two top emperors made a move, which was not an ordinary horror. In front of them, Lin Tian only had this chance to make a move.

"Hehe, just give up... No matter how strong you are, you will never be able to break the top holy art 'golden bell cover' of my Zhong family!" Zhong Qi couldn't help but grinned when he saw Lin Tian who had just arrived, In my heart, I am quite confident in my own unique sacred art.

At least, Lin Tian will definitely not be able to break through it with one blow.

As long as this attack fails, Zhang Xiong and Wang Yongnian will arrive, and his crisis will naturally be resolved immediately.

Lin Tian naturally also saw Zhong Qi's thoughts, he paused, glanced at Zhang Xiong and Wang Yongnian who turned into two afterimages, and rushed towards Zhang Xiong and Wang Yongnian, the corners of his mouth could not help but sneer, he wanted to kill , just want to stop these two emperors?

In the next second, Lin Tian moved again.

Without a moment's pause, he directly slashed out with a sword, pointing directly at Zhong Qi.

"It's a waste of effort."

Seeing this scene, Zhong Qi just sneered.

All the spiritual power in his body was poured into the golden bell in front of him.

But the next moment, he couldn't laugh anymore.

Because the moment Lin Tian's sword tip touched the surface of the golden bell, Zhong Qi's golden bell, which he thought was indestructible, split open on the spot, and then shattered in an instant, turning into golden fragments and scattered all around.

Zhong Qi was stunned, and stood there blankly, looking at the cold light reflected in his pupils, he forgot to resist.

He never thought that the top holy art that he was proud of would be broken so easily by others, without even the slightest blocking effect, just like a piece of thin paper, this kind of blow made Zhong For a brief moment, he fell into a daze.

At the same time, it also gave Lin Tian a fatal flaw.

"Zhuzi, dare you?!"

Seeing this scene, Zhang Xiong was about to burst into tears, and the speed under his feet was a little faster again.

You know, Zhong Qi was the one he invited.

If this is the case, let Zhong Qi die here, even if Beili College doesn't pursue it, but behind Zhong Qi, the terrible family of saints, the Zhong family, will not let their Zhang family go.

At that time, even if Lin Tian killed the people, their Zhang family would also be unlucky.

After all, Zhang Xiong invited this person.

He didn't protect well, so he was naturally responsible.

It's just that no matter how fast Zhang Xiong is, it can't compare to Lin Tian's sword.

Just a moment.

Not even a second.

Lin Tian's sword cut off Zhong Qi's head before Zhang Xiong arrived.

At that moment, the audience was silent.

Everyone couldn't help holding their breath.

 There are two more chapters in the middle of the night~
(End of this chapter)

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