Chapter 378 Dead? (third change)

No one thought that this young man who was considered arrogant and ignorant by them before beheaded Zhong Qi's head in front of the two emperors after beheading Fan Wei. The state, extremely relaxed.

Zhang Ziyi, Xiao Cui and the others couldn't help but open their mouths, their faces full of shock.

They knew that Lin Tian was very strong.

But it never occurred to him that he was so strong.

In a blink of an eye, he beheaded and killed two heaven's proud sons who could rank first in the entire Northern Plains.

This kind of strength, not to mention in Beiyuan, even if you look at the whole of China, there are not many people who can possess it.

The figures of Zhang Xiong and Wang Yongnian couldn't help being startled at this moment.

Especially Zhang Xiong, looking at the falling head, he was stunned. He never expected that Lin Tian would be so ruthless that he really cut off Zhong Qi from Beili Academy with a single sword.

But only for a moment, Zhang Xiong came back to his senses, and looked at Lin Tian with a strong killing intent in his eyes.

Zhong Qi is dead.

If they can't take Lin Tian down now, then the Zhong family's anger will inevitably be borne by their Zhang family.

After all, more than half of the responsibility for Zhong Qi's death lay with them.

It was because they failed to protect Zhong Qi who came to help, which led to the tragedy at this moment.

So, at this moment, Zhang Xiong needs Lin Tian.

He needs Lin Tian's life to help calm the Zhong family's anger.

Otherwise, their Zhang family might be destroyed because of it.

"Boy, you are courting death!!!"

Zhang Xiong stared at Lin Tian, ​​his eyes were gloomy, and the vision behind him rose rapidly, without any neglect.

The strong members of the Zhang family did not hesitate, and moved forward one after another.

With just a blink of an eye, Lin Tian was surrounded.

In an instant, several auras of the emperor condensed on the martial arts arena, and everyone around felt a pressure.

"In order to deal with me, you actually shot them all. It seems that you really value me..."

Looking at this scene, Lin Tian couldn't help laughing.

Zhang Xiong's face remained unchanged, extremely indifferent.

"With so many of us taking action, even if you die here today, it's not a waste of time."

Not far away, Wang Yongnian snorted coldly.

"is it?"

Hearing this, Lin Tian smiled noncommittally, then shook his head and said, "But I still say that old saying, if I want to leave, you people can't stop me."

"It seems that you are very confident in your own spatial supernatural power..."

Wang Yongnian said with a sneer on his face: "But today, I promise, even if you can grow a pair of wings, you don't want to get out of here alive!"

"Hehe, you are also very confident."

Lin Tian also smiled.

It's just that Zhang Xiong lost his patience at this moment. His face was cold and he urged impatiently: "Stop talking nonsense with him, take it down!"

After all, Zhang Xiong took the lead.

The whole person turned into an afterimage, killing Lin Tian instantly.

Compared with the king who escaped the mortal realm, the emperor who was in the realm of the divine fetus was obviously much stronger.

Whether it's the speed and power that erupt in an instant, or the lock of divine sense that makes people unable to escape, they all show the strength and difficulty of this realm.

In particular, the strong members of the Wang family have sealed off the surrounding space with spiritual power.

That is to say, unless you have the strength to break the enchantment they jointly set up.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to escape from this space into the void.

This is where Wang Yongnian's confidence lies.

The strong members of the Zhang family were not idle either. They locked on Lin Tian at all times and kept vigilant to prevent the strong members of the Wang family from missing and let him take advantage of the loopholes.

After all, it will be difficult to catch him once he is gone.

Just when everyone thought that Lin Tian would find a way to escape, a surprising scene appeared.

I saw Lin Tian turning around.

The sword in his hand slashed towards Zhang Xiong immediately.

At that moment, the ordinary Heavenly God Sword suddenly lit up.

Strange golden lines emerged on the sword body.

The terrifying majesty of a real person exploded in an instant.

"No, it's a real treasure!"

Zhang Xiong's expression changed drastically.

The rushing body froze abruptly, and without even thinking about it, he immediately retreated.

He is a true emperor.

But Lin Tian is not weak either.

Based on the strength Lin Tian showed before, it can be proved that he at least has the cultivation base of the transcendent realm.

This realm, coupled with real treasures.

Even crossing the border to kill the emperor is not impossible.

Wang Yongnian was also taken aback by this sudden movement, he had no time to think, and hurriedly backed away.

At this time, Lin Tian's sword also made a move.

The sword light all over the sky instantly charged towards Zhang Xiong who was originally coming towards him.

In the blink of an eye, Zhang Xiong was completely swallowed up.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Ziyi's expression was dull.

Immediately afterwards, he couldn't bear to close his eyes, and a crystal tear slid down his cheek in an instant.

No matter how much Zhang Xiong did, he was her father after all.

At this moment, seeing Zhang Xiong being engulfed by Lin Tian's sword light, Zhang Ziyi still couldn't help feeling sad.

What made her most uncomfortable was that Lin Tian was the one who did it.

It was this man who fascinated her.

Uncle Wang stood beside him with a pale face, glanced at the trembling Zhang Ziyi, and couldn't help but shook his head and sighed, "Ah..."

Xiaocui also knew what her young lady was thinking.

But she didn't know how to comfort Zhang Ziyi at this moment.

He could only watch beside him worriedly.

At this moment, Lin Tian on the field moved again.

Without looking at it, he immediately slashed out with a sword, and the target was an elder of the Zhang family.

Although the Zhang family elder has the cultivation base of the emperor, he has also maintained vigilance, but there are so many people in front of him, and the protagonist Wang Yongnian is among them. He did not expect that Lin Tian would suddenly attack him. I was caught off guard and couldn't fight with all my strength.

Just a face-to-face meeting made Lin Tian cut it in half.

"Kill this kid!"

The next moment, the soul of the Zhang family elder flew out of his body, turned into a virtual image, and roared towards Lin Tian with a ferocious expression.

All the stupefied people were awakened.

At that moment, the overwhelming supernatural powers rushed towards Lin Tian.

One-on-one, they may not be the opponents of Lin Tian who is holding a real treasure.

But they are better than many people.

There are so many people, and each of them uses an attacking supernatural power. Unless Lin Tian has three heads and six arms, he can't block them all.


Looking at this scene, Wang Yongnian couldn't help showing a sinister smile.

When Lin Tian was overwhelmed by this supernatural power, he couldn't help laughing: "Hahahaha, I thought it would be so powerful, but it turns out that it's just an ant who uses a real treasure to show off its might. In front of the strength, after all, the original shape is revealed."

Wang Yongnian laughed loudly, feeling very happy in his heart.

So much so that I forgot that I am a group of emperors.

And Lin Tian is just a king.

Even if Lin Tian is really killed, there is nothing to be happy about.

Fortunately, everyone's attention is not here at the moment.

They stared intently at the martial arts arena that was blown out of a big hole in an instant, and now the dust was billowing, and they couldn't see what it looked like inside. They couldn't wait to know whether Lin Tian was really dead.

After all, with the demeanor that Lin Tian showed just now.

If it is said that he has fallen like this, everyone really can't believe it.

 Lately, my thoughts have been chaotic and slow.

  One more chapter, plus today's four chapters.

  There are five chapters during the day, and they will not be updated in the morning, so make up for sleep.

  Get up and write.

(End of this chapter)

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