Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 41 Divine Furnace

Chapter 41 Divine Furnace
Yue Qingying remained silent, as if she was considering the authenticity of Lin Tian's words.

If it was before, neither she nor Mi Lao would have believed Lin Tian's words.

But now, with several failures of 'Hua Ling Pill', Yue Qingying had no choice but to believe that Lin Tian's words were true.

"I want to watch you make alchemy."

After a while, Yue Qingying looked at Lin Tian and said seriously.

"Want to inspect my alchemy?"

Lin Tian saw through Yue Qingying's mind and was a little funny.

Yue Qingying didn't deny it either, she acquiesced, and only when she saw Lin Tian's alchemy with her own eyes, could she completely believe his words.

Otherwise, no matter how unpredictable Lin Tian behaved, she would not agree easily.

"Okay, since you want to see it, I'll show you my hands today."

Lin Tian rolled up his sleeves, smiled, and walked towards the cyan alchemy furnace.

Everyone looked at Lin Tian with embarrassing eyes, whether it was Bai Changfeng or Mi Lao, they all wanted to see how Lin Tian's medicine refining skills were.

Especially Mi Lao, he was unwilling to admit from the bottom of his heart that for such a young person, his alchemy skills would be better than him.

"By the way, old man Mi, don't you have a tripod? Take it out and give it to him to try." At this time, Bai Changfeng said secretly, remembering the purpose of coming here.

At the same time, he also wanted to use this to save his relationship with Lin Tian.

Mi Lao gave Bai Changfeng a hard look, guessing his plan, and felt a little upset.

But he didn't hide it, he turned his hand and took out the tripod.

Mi Lao held a head-sized, rusty alchemy stove, and said to Lin Tian with an unnatural expression, "This is for you."

Hearing Mi Lao's voice, Lin Tian turned his head.

When he saw the small alchemy stove, his face suddenly became extremely exciting, his mouth opened slightly, as if he saw something shocking.

"What do you look like? Although my alchemy furnace doesn't look very good, it is psychic. The entire Tianyun Dynasty can't find a second one."

Seeing Lin Tian's dumbfounded look, Mr. Mi thought that he disliked the fact that his pill furnace was rusted, and said with some dissatisfaction.

Hearing Mi Lao's words, Yue Qingying couldn't help but look over.

The psychic alchemy stove, even if placed in their 'Yingyue Tiangong', can definitely be regarded as a rare treasure.

In the whole of China, there are not many statues to be found.

Putting it outside will definitely cause a bloodbath.

How could something like this fall into Mi Lao's hands.

Yue Qingying was full of curiosity in her heart. When she saw the appearance of that alchemy furnace clearly, she realized why she could have a psychic alchemy furnace with Mi Lao's strength.

It turned out that it was a damaged one.

With Yue Qingying's eyesight, he could naturally see the state of the rusty alchemy furnace in Mi Lao's hand at the moment.

If it is so bad, it will completely lose its divinity, otherwise it would not be rusted.

Even if it is a psychic pill furnace, I'm afraid it doesn't have much spirituality.

Its value is now estimated to be a little higher than that of ordinary pill furnaces.

Even, it can't even compare to a better ordinary alchemy furnace.

No wonder, Mi Lao was able to hold it safely.

Yue Qingying shook her head in disappointment. She really thought that she would encounter a psychic alchemy furnace today.

It's just that Yue Qingying was lost, but Lin Tian was not.

He stared at the alchemy furnace closely, and didn't even listen to what Mi Lao said to him. He was thinking all over his head, this is so predestined.

Others don't know this alchemy furnace, but Lin Tian knows it all.

Because, he can also be regarded as the creator of this alchemy furnace.

This is not a psychic alchemy furnace at all, but a real divine furnace.

It was built by Lin Tian and Yaoshen, the old guy who searched nine heavens and ten places together and collected countless divine materials.

When the God of Medicine left, he left it to Lin Tian.

And Lin Tian left this alchemy furnace in an alchemy sect that inherited part of the inheritance of the God of Medicine before he fell into a deep sleep.

Unexpectedly, when Lin Tian was reborn and changed his physique, after waking up from a deep sleep, he found that the alchemy sect had been destroyed long ago.

Moreover, after tens of thousands of years, even if Lin Tian tried his best to deduce and restore the original scene, he could only see that this alchemy furnace was finally brought into a forbidden place in Shenzhou by an unrivaled powerhouse. among.

There are some unknown secrets there, and even Lin Tian is very afraid of it, and cannot be thoroughly explored.

Therefore, he did not continue to search.

Unexpectedly, after traveling for thousands of years, she unexpectedly met her in this small city of Yanyang.

Moreover, judging from the appearance of this sacred furnace, it should have been used as a weapon by someone back then. After a long battle, it has suffered extremely serious damage, and there is still a trace of the aura of the supreme avenue on it.

It's just that the time is too long, and others can't feel it.

It seems that this should have happened during Lin Tian's deep sleep.

Otherwise, as long as it is in the nine heavens and ten places, it is impossible for the supreme battle at the level of the emperor to hide from his eyes.

"what do you want?"

Lin Tian raised his head, looked at Mi Lao, and asked directly.

"what do you want?"

Mi Lao was a little dazed by Lin Tian's sudden question.

Lin Tian said seriously: "Give me this alchemy furnace, you can ask for anything you want, and I will try my best to satisfy you."

When Mi Lao heard this, he looked a little hesitant.

It is true that the method Lin Tian revealed just now is very strong, but his life experience, or background, is really too weak.

For a while, Mi Lao didn't know what to ask for.

Lin Tian saw through his thoughts at a glance, and couldn't help saying: "How about this, you give me this alchemy furnace, and I will teach you the alchemy techniques of the master alchemist, how about it?"

Hearing this, Mi Lao's eyes lit up, and he asked in disbelief, "Do you have the alchemy technique of a master alchemist?"

Lin Tian didn't want to talk nonsense with him, and went directly to the cyan alchemy furnace where Yue Qingying used to refine medicine.

Everyone looked at Lin Tian suspiciously, not knowing what he was going to do.

Lin Tian yelled lightly: "Fire!"

The formation was obviously not motivated by spiritual power, but it lit up with Lin Tian's voice at this moment.

At this scene, everyone who saw it was stunned.

Xiao Hei looked at these people with some contempt, with some pride in his eyes.

These ordinary people, how can they understand the awesomeness of his young master.


Lin Tian stretched out his hand.

Yue Qingying also understood at this moment, what Lin Tian was going to do, immediately handed over the last remaining medicinal material of the 'Hua Ling Pill', and then looked at it intently.


Under the shocked eyes of everyone, Lin Tian opened the jade box without even looking at it, and threw all the elixir into the alchemy furnace with his backhand.

"Are you crazy?"

Yue Qingying couldn't help but said.

Although the level of refining medicinal materials is not the most difficult, it is the most complicated step. It needs to be figured out gradually, and it is easy to leave flaws if it is too hasty.

At that time, not only will it be more difficult to fuse into pills, but the quality of the successfully refined pills will also be inferior.

Like Lin Tian, ​​he throws all the medicinal materials in at one go and refines them at the same time. Once the control is not good, these elixir medicines are mixed together before the essence is extracted, and the batch of medicines will be destroyed.

Therefore, everyone couldn't understand what Lin Tian was doing. He was like a layman destroying medicine.

That's why Yue Qingying asked that question.

Lin Tian didn't care about everyone's opinions. Looking at the green alchemy furnace, he showed an inscrutable smile, "Look, this is the real refining medicine..."

(End of this chapter)

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