Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 42 It's still not ready...

Chapter 42 It's still not ready...

When Lin Tian's voice fell, everyone saw the flames in the pill furnace and ran away abruptly.

This scene frightened them a lot, and they all sweated for Lin Tian.

Especially Mi Lao, he was very skeptical, could this kind of fire control ability really be refined into a elixir?
However, as soon as Mi Lao's thought came up, it was instantly destroyed by Lin Tian's next operation.

I saw the raging flames in the alchemy furnace fly out of the alchemy furnace under Lin Tian's raised hand, and then, under Yue Qingying's shocked gaze, circled around him happily, and then turned into a fire dragon, flying into the The alchemy furnace was opened.

At this moment, Lin Tian is like an emperor in flames, controlling all fires in the world.


With a sound of falling, the fire dragon instantly opened its big mouth full of sparks, and swallowed all the elixir hovering in the pill furnace in one gulp.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Tian made a very profound handprint.

The fire dragon in the alchemy furnace followed his handprints and rolled around in the alchemy furnace, like a performance.

Lin Tian's handprints are constantly changing.

Bai Changfeng, Mi Lao and Yue Qingying, including Xiao Hei, were all watching intently, but none of them could remember Lin Tian's tricks.

His every move is like carving a work of art, in the eyes of everyone, it looks so elegant, people can't help but be intoxicated by it.

After a while, there was a sound of "condensation", and a smooth and round pill was slowly spit out from the fire dragon's mouth.

This elixir is almost the same as the one that Yue Qingying refined before.

It's just that there is a circle of light white lines on it.

Seeing this scene, Mi Lao and Yue Qingying's pupils shrank.

Mi Lao couldn't bear it, rushed to the front of the alchemy stove, he didn't care about the heat on the stove, he lay down on top of it, his eyes widened, and he looked inside.

"This is Dan Yun???"

Resisting the excitement in his heart, Mi Laoqiang asked in a trembling voice.

"Well, that's right."

Lin Tian nodded.

Seeing his confession, Mi Lao lay on the hot alchemy furnace, looked at the 'Hua Ling Pill' inside which was being conceived by the raging fire, and said in a daze: "Dan Yun, it's really Dan Yun, this, how is this possible? ..."

No matter how calm Yue Qingying was, she couldn't help stretching out her white jade hand at this moment, covering her mouth, and looked at Lin Tian in shock, her beautiful eyes were full of disbelief.

The appearance of Pill Cloud represented the extreme efficacy of the pill.

The pill with Danyun will have the same level of effect, and the pill without Danyun will be several times more effective.

That is to say, although the 'Hua Ling Pill' in the alchemy furnace is only a fourth-rank panacea, with the appearance of Pill Cloud, its efficacy can already be compared with that of a fifth-rank panacea.

Even, it is better than ordinary fifth-grade panacea.

Its value is absolutely hard to find.

In the world of alchemy, there has always been a saying: treasure pills are easy to get, but pill clouds are hard to find.

Moreover, the most important thing is that Danyun will only appear on treasure pills and higher-level pills.

Anyway, Yue Qingying hadn't heard of it yet, who could refine all the elixir to make Danyun.

Because the alchemy material limits the upper limit of the panacea.

After all, no matter how advanced the elixir is, it is an ordinary thing. There are too many impurities in it, and the age of the medicine is less than a thousand years old, which is far from being comparable to the precious medicine with at least a thousand years of age.

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes today, Yue Qingying would never have believed that something like Pill Cloud would appear on a fourth-grade spirit pill.

Lin Tian ignored everyone's shock, he waved his hand, the fire dragon collapsed instantly, and the pill flew out and landed in his palm.

After playing around for a while, Lin Tian shook his head regretfully, and said something that both Yue Qingying and Mi Lao wanted to strangle him to death.

"It's a pity, it's still a bit late..."

"Cough cough cough..."

Yue Qingying choked on Lin Tian's words, and almost coughed up her lungs, this bastard, he even made Danyun, what else did he want?
Could it be that he still wants to refine a panacea into a precious pill for life?
You know, when she was refining the 'Hua Ling Pill', she had been failing all the time, and she never succeeded.

Yue Qingying stared at Lin Tian fiercely, feeling so angry that she seemed to be being ridiculed.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Lin Tian noticed Yue Qingying's eyes, looked at her in surprise, and then asked with a smile: "How are you doing, are you ready to be my maid?"

"Don't blame me for not reminding you, after passing this village, there will be no such shop..."

Hearing this, Yue Qingying became entangled.

If it was before Lin Tian made alchemy, she might have disdain for Lin Tian's words in her heart, but at this moment, Yue Qingying only felt that the medicine refining technique she was proud of before, in front of Lin Tian's superb refining technique, was simply It's just a piece of garbage, not as good as shit.

To be honest, even if there are no previous problems, she is now following Lin Tian to learn this technique.

It's just that, for Lin Tian to be a maid, this condition is a bit too...excessive.

You know, she is the saint of 'Yueying Tiangong', and she is not the only one representing her.

If the people of 'Yingyue Tiangong' knew that their saint had become a maid for someone else, they would probably go crazy on the spot.

Even, the whole of China will set off a storm of public opinion.

It is estimated that at that time, there will be countless admirers of Yue Qingying, who will come to Lin Tian desperately.

There was some struggle in Yue Qingying's eyes. If she didn't agree to Lin Tian, ​​would it be true that she would never even be able to refine the 'Hua Ling Pill' in the future?

This is not what she wants to see.

Especially, looking at the playful smile on Lin Tian's face, for some reason, Yue Qingying seemed to have an inexplicable voice in her heart, as if telling her that if she didn't agree today, she might regret it for the rest of her life.

"Don't worry, just think about it slowly."

Lin Tian didn't force Yue Qingying to agree immediately, but turned to look at Mi Lao, who was still talking to himself in a daze, and asked, "How is it? Do you want to change?"

When Mr. Mi heard Lin Tian's words, his whole body trembled, and he immediately came back to his senses. Afraid that Lin Tian would regret it, he took out the rusty pill furnace again in a panic, without even thinking about it. He nodded and said, "Change, I'll change!!"

Seeing this, Lin Tian stretched out his finger, and a beam of soul light entered Mi Lao's mind, and a volume of information immediately appeared in Mi Lao's mind.

This unprecedented miraculous method made Mi Lao dumbfounded, and he gradually became in awe of Lin Tian in his heart.

Taking a deep breath, Mi Lao closed his eyes, put the rusty alchemy stove aside, and began to investigate the information in his mind.

To his disappointment, this was not the method Lin Tian used before.

However, it is also very subtle.

It is definitely an existence of the alchemy master level.

Mr. Mi also knew that one should know how to be content, so he sat down on the ground happily and studied it regardless of other people.

Seeing this scene, Bai Changfeng was a little envious.

Obviously he was the one who met Lin Tian first, and even made a little friendship, but in the end he was completely ruined by himself.

This made Bai Changfeng very regretful.

"How are you, have you made up your mind?"

After teaching the Fa, Lin Tian looked back at Yue Qingying and asked again. This was the last time. If she still didn't agree, it meant that the two of them had no fate.

In this case, Lin Tian will not force it.

 PS: Ask for a recommendation ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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