Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 421 Is this the end?

Chapter 421 Is this the end?

"Tsk tsk, this Good Fortune Martial Sect is really crazy. Do you really think that you can be arrogant when you have a saint in charge?"

Someone looked at Lin Tian's direction and couldn't help but sneer.

The strong man from the Ye family was also shaking his head, and said with a sneer on his face: "You have committed evil, you must not live!"

Even the three holy places dare to offend to death.

This is not courting death, what is it?
Are these three really vegetarians?

Lin Tian smiled disapprovingly, "I just killed someone who wanted to kill me. Is this too much?"

The powerhouses of the three holy places did not make a sound.

With a cold face, he stared at Lin Tian through the wind and snow.

Is this too much?

Certainly not too much.

But killing people in front of them is too much!
"Why, do you want to start a war?"

Feeling the anger of the powerhouses of the Three Great Sacred Lands, Xiaoxue walked out from behind silently, her breath not showing.

But the sense of oppression came quietly.

It made the faces of the powerhouses of the Three Great Sacred Grounds look ugly.

"Senior, you are a saint, what's the point of bullying us juniors?"

The strong man of Xuanmingzong couldn't help gnashing his teeth.

He almost pointed at Xiaoxue's forehead and scolded her for being shameless. Although the rest of them didn't speak, their sarcastic eyes betrayed their thoughts.

However, Xiaoxue didn't care too much about this.

Because, in her eyes, this group of people is no different from ants, and why should she care about what a group of ants think?
Happy, let them go.

If you're not happy, just trample to death.

What's more, they are provoking Lin Tian, ​​which is equivalent to biting meat on her leg.

Such ants, don't shoot them to death.

Then shoot who?

"If you can't beat it, you can't beat it. If you have the guts, you can call the saints of your sect to come over. What are you doing?"

At this time, a mocking voice came.

It's Black.

It flew into the sky, and it was very conspicuous. It grinned at the crowd and said mockingly: "Yesterday, when I was in that shitty academy, it's not like I haven't met a saint from your sect."

"But what?"

"Master Xue of our family invited them to fight. They were the ones who cowarded themselves. They didn't even have the courage to be born. Can this also blame us for bullying others?"

Hear this.

The strong men of the Three Great Sacred Grounds suddenly turned pale, extremely ugly.

There is an emotion called aggrieved in my heart, which is rising sharply.

What happened at Beili Academy.

They naturally know.

Although they know that their ancestors avoided fighting, this is a tactic to slow down the army, and it is a wise person's approach.

But this can't change the fact that they are cowardly.

Therefore, when Xiao Hei said it, they still felt extremely aggrieved.

"This fellow Taoist from the Monster Race, isn't your words too much?" At this moment, an extremely cold voice full of displeasure came from afar.

Immediately afterwards, a shower of flowers appeared on the horizon, followed by wind and snow, dancing in the air together.

In the rain of flowers, several five-color Luan slowly appeared in everyone's sight, pulling several chariots.

Around the chariot, there were several young women in plain clothes and long skirts, elegant and fairy-like.

"The powerhouse of the Glazed Immortal Pavilion has arrived..."

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but a flash of amazement flashed in their eyes, and then they became a little happy.

Especially the powerhouses of the Three Holy Lands.

In their eyes, Liuli Xiange is now standing on the same front as them.

With the Liuli Immortal Pavilion, facing the extremely arrogant Lin Tian and others, their confidence should be much stronger.

"I am the third elder of the Liuli Immortal Pavilion, and I have met my seniors." The chariot came to the top of Lin Tian and the others, and a graceful and luxurious middle-aged woman came down and saluted Xiaoxue generously.

Xiaoxue nodded indifferently.

Immediately afterwards, the third elder who claimed to be the Liuli Immortal Pavilion changed the topic again.

"Senior, this is the core area of ​​our Northern Plains. Of course, it also belongs to Shenzhou. You and the strong Wu Zong can come, and we naturally feel that we are flourishing. But you are like this, using your own force to bully us juniors. Great, isn't it?"

The words of the three elders of the Liuli Immortal Pavilion are more ingenious than those of the previous ones.

All of a sudden, Lin Tian and others couldn't help but become guests, and at the same time, they also implied that they were a group of evil guests.

The point is, there is nothing wrong with the words.

Lin Tian narrowed his eyes slightly.

a long time.

He waved his hand dullly, "Forget it, that's the end of the matter."

"Is this the end?"

Hearing this, the eyes of the experts from the Liuli Immortal Pavilion, as well as the experts from the Three Great Sacred Grounds in the distance, including the Ye family, couldn't help but flicker.

Immediately, a casual sneer flashed in his eyes.

They lost so much face and even died, how could this matter stop here? !

The third elder of the Liuli Immortal Pavilion took a deep look at Lin Tian, ​​then retracted his gaze, and said with a smile, "Okay, let's call it a day..."


Lin Tian and others naturally heard the meaning of her words.

However, he didn't care.

just for now...

Anyway, he wasn't prepared to let the matter end like this.

Otherwise, he didn't need to call Wu Zong's people.

Chen Nuo and Xiao Hei looked at each other, with a treacherous look on their faces at the same time, they already rubbed their palms with itching, looking extremely wretched.

Everyone tacitly agreed, and each of them had their own ghosts and went quiet again.

Everything just now was as if nothing happened.

But everyone knows that under this tranquility, there is such a violent energy buried, and now it is only one fuse away from a complete explosion.

At that time, there will be a storm in the whole of China.

Of course, this long-lost tranquility didn't last long before it was broken by the chaotic aura of the plain.

Everyone couldn't help standing up and looking into the depths of the uninhabited snow field.

I saw that the plain land covered by ice and snow suddenly shook violently like an earth dragon turning over.

The leaders of the major forces flew into the air with their young disciples who were unable to control the air to stabilize their bodies.

Lin Tian and others are no exception.

Moreover, the field of view in the sky is also wider.

If there is any accident, there is still time to react immediately.

After all, it is normal for such a large relic from the ancient world to be in danger.

Then the ground shook violently.

The spiritual energy in the air is also becoming more and more chaotic.

I saw a sudden opening on the ice and snow plain in front of me, and then, all the chaotic spiritual energy in the world was swallowed by this opening like a whale.


At this moment, the snowfield in front of him seemed to have been replenished with energy, shaking even more violently.

The wind and snow that had gradually subsided began to dance wildly again.

Everyone looked dignified, waiting nervously for the birth of the ancient ruins in front of them.

 Good night everyone, I will continue to code, and I will continue to update tomorrow.

  In the future, I will try my best to connect more.

(End of this chapter)

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