Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 422 Immortal Sect of Longevity

Chapter 422 Immortal Sect of Longevity

The earth collapsed completely.

The ground was covered with white snow, all pouring into the bottomless crack.

The cracks are getting wider.

Also getting longer and longer.

Like a moat, cut open in the middle of this vast snowfield, bottomless.

Everyone's eyes were slightly fixed, staring at the crack.

Some people have flickering eyes, and some people have deep eyes, but there are countless scenes reflected there.

They each show their magical powers and are observing the dynamics of the ground.

The same is true for Lin Tian.

In those deep eyes, a group of huge gray and white palaces were faintly reflected.

Even though it was dilapidated, it still had an inexplicable aura.

Gives a sense of splendor.

At this moment, these sunken palaces began to move, and they were slowly floated up under the impetus of an inexplicable force.

Seemingly slow.

But it didn't take long before he appeared in front of everyone.

At that moment, a vicissitudes of life, ancient and majestic aura rushed over.

Even after countless tens of thousands of years, it still looks the same.

"This is... the Immortal Sect of Longevity?"

Lin Tian stared at the leader of the group of palaces, the word "Longevity" on the collapsed gate, and a little surprise flashed across his face.

"Longevity Immortal Sect?"

Chen Nuo and Xiao Hei, who were standing beside Lin Tian, ​​couldn't help asking curiously when they heard this, "Is it the name of this sect?"

Lin Tian nodded, and said with some emotion: "At the beginning, they were the sect that wanted to teach and ascend."

Speaking of this, Lin Tian was a little bit hesitant.

Longevity, longevity.

I am afraid that the only forces that dare to name immortality and immortals are this group of lunatics.

In fact, from a certain point of view, the lunatics of the Changsheng Xianzong are actually the same kind of people as him.

They are all seeking to make the people around them not die together.

But let's be serious.

They are completely different.

Because of the Immortal Sect of Longevity, what it pursues is to educate and become an immortal, and live a long and happy life in the immortal world.

Lin Tian, ​​on the other hand, pursues eternal life.

True immortality.

And, not just his eternal life alone.

In comparison, his goal is more far-reaching and more difficult. For this reason, with his strength, he almost fell down several times.

However, Lin Tian still refused to give up.

In this regard, Changsheng Xianzong is similar to him.

Knowing that those people in the fairy world cannot tolerate so many people flying up at the same time, they still dare to try.

And there are those who move forward, stirring the wind and rain in the fairy world.

Let the entire fairy world, during that period of time, have no peace, until the last inheritance of the Immortal Sect of Longevity was ruined in the starry sky.

This long and heroic battle is finally over.

The promotion of teaching and promotion became the ultimate battle.

All the disciples of the Changsheng Immortal Sect died in battle in the ancient immortal road.

Corpses are piled up on the fairy road.

From there, blood flowed out all the way, staining an area of ​​Shenzhou red, which is today's northern border.

At that time, Lin Tian was in a deep sleep.

Otherwise, it would be unavoidable to sneak in and help the Immortal Sect of Longevity.

After all, he really wanted to see it at the beginning.

If the Immortal Sect of Longevity, the entire sect, were to enter the Immortal Realm, what impact would it have?

It's just a pity...

"Since the Immortal Sect of Longevity has been born, it seems that the Ancient Immortal Road should be near here."

Lin Tian muttered to himself, looking around.

Unfortunately, nothing was found.

"You guys are ready."

At this time, the young disciples from the major forces around were already waiting eagerly.

As long as they give an order, they will immediately step into the monument in front of them.

"After investigation, we found that as long as there is enough spiritual power injected here, people who agree with the standard can enter it."

A group of people came to the void above the ruins and said loudly.

There is the entrance to a small world.

It is the place where the disciples of the Immortal Sect of Longevity practice and practice. This kind of small world was not uncommon in the past.

However, since the Heavenly Dao collapsed, it rarely appeared.

Most of the small worlds were affected by the fish in the pond.

When the way of heaven collapses, it is also destroyed.

At the beginning, Good Fortune Martial Sect also had such a small world, but it was not destroyed by the collapse of heaven.

Instead, it was destroyed in the battle ten thousand years ago.

This is also the main reason for Wuzong's rapid decline.

After all, a small world represents the core background of an imperial power.

No more small worlds.

The background of the imperial power must be weakened by at least one-third.

Although the Changsheng Xianzong was destroyed and turned into a ruin, this small world has been preserved.

Millions of years have passed, even if the inside has been looted, but as long as there are seeds, there are still countless rare treasures.

Moreover, this small world is currently the only way to the ruins.

Whether it is for the baby in the small world.

Or the Immortal Sect of Longevity, something in the ruins.

They all have to get in here first.

Without hesitation, the powerhouses of all the major forces stepped forward one after another, with solemn expressions, and according to the orders of the powerhouses of the Liuli Immortal Pavilion and the Three Great Sacred Grounds, each injected their spiritual power into the void, the invisible gate.

"Fellow Taoists of Wu Zong, don't you guys want to help?" At this time, the third elder of the Liuli Immortal Pavilion looked back at Lin Tian and the others, and asked with a smile.

To open this small world, it takes a lot of spiritual power, naturally, at least a sage is required to do it.

But now, sages cannot be born.

They can only use the number of people to forcibly open it.

However, this way.

They will inevitably fall into a period of weakness for a short time, so there should be no danger in the presence.

Wu Zong's people don't do anything.

They all felt in their hearts, terrified.

Fuyong looked at Lin Tian, ​​Lin Tian waved his hand, and said indifferently: "Don't pay attention to them, it's just a space formation, how can it be so troublesome?"

Having said that, he looked at Xiaoxue and the others: "You wait for me here."

Then he said to Chen Nuo and a series of Wuzong disciples: "You follow me!"

Except for Chen Nuo, everyone else looked puzzled, not knowing what Lin Tian was going to do.

The ancestors of the Zhang family and the elders of Wuzong were also confused.

Before they could ask aloud, in the next second, a piece of nine-colored sunlight fell at the feet of Lin Tian and the others, lifted them up, and sent them towards the void.

"Huh? What are they going to do?"

Seeing this scene, the strong men of various sects who were jointly opening the door of space were stunned, and a trace of puzzlement flashed across their faces.

Is there something wrong with the mind of this Wuzong person?
It's okay if you don't come to help.

The door isn't even open yet.

So I couldn't wait to send the young disciples here. Aren't they afraid that something unexpected will happen later, causing the energy to rebound, and no one can save them?
(End of this chapter)

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