Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 423 It’s Just a Small Formation

Chapter 423 It’s Just a Small Formation
No one answered everyone's doubts.

Because even the people from Good Fortune Martial Sect, Zhang Family Patriarch and Qin Wu couldn't understand what Lin Tian and others were doing.

It's just that at this time, it's not easy for them to ask more questions.

Without waiting for everyone to think about it, in the blink of an eye, Lin Tian came to the front of the space gate and passed by a group of strong men.

The two masters of the Ye family cast a cold glance at Lin Tian, ​​although they had killing intent in their hearts, they did not dare to do it in front of Xiaoxue.

Standing behind Lin Tian, ​​Zhang Ziyi saw Lin Tian coming to the gate of this space alone, feeling the gazes of the powerful people around her, she finally couldn't help it, and asked a little uneasy: "Lin Tian, ​​what about us?" What are you doing?"

"Of course I'm going in."

Lin Tian replied casually.

His eyes didn't deviate at all, he stared at the space gate in front of him motionlessly, looking for any flaws here.

Then break open cleverly, and then go in.

Surrounded by at least some emperor-level powerhouses, Lin Tian's voice did not hide much.

Naturally, everything fell into their ears.

Master Ye Jia couldn't help but sneered and said, "Go in? The gate of this space hasn't been opened yet, what do you take to get in?"

"They like to dream, so you just let them do it well, what are you talking about?" The people from the Three Holy Lands also sneered.

Someone else said angrily: "This Wu Zong is really shameless. It's fine if you don't do your best. Before the door is opened, you have sent so many people here to make a profit. Don't be so embarrassing."

"Hehehe, I just don't know how important these people are. This ruin is full of danger everywhere. If you are not careful, you may fall into it."

"There are too many people, sometimes, but it doesn't help..." Someone said earnestly, with an inexplicable meaning in the words.

When the rest heard this, they couldn't help but look at each other with a sneer on their faces.

Seeing this, Wu Zong's disciples did not look very good.

Even a fool, seeing this scene, can understand at this moment that these bastards are probably going to join forces to deal with them.

"Chief Elder..." Lu Feng glanced at Lin Tian worriedly, afraid that what happened back then would happen again.

I want to advise Lin Tian to stay outside and not to put himself in danger.

Whatever you want, tell them, they will do their best, just bring it out to him.

It's a pity that Lu Feng hasn't spoken yet.

Chen Nuo, who was standing a little behind Lin Tian, ​​waved his hands disapprovingly and said, "Don't worry about them, they're just a bunch of small fish and shrimp."

Speaking of this, Chen Nuo took a special look at the young disciples at the Three Great Sacred Grounds, showing disdain, and said sarcastically, "Just me, this bunch of rubbish, can clean up all of them. Why do you need your help?"

Chen Nuo's words were naturally undisguised, and soon spread to the ears of the younger generation in the Three Holy Lands.

As a group of young people, being so despised by others, they were naturally very unconvinced, and couldn't help glaring at Chen Nuo Qiqi angrily.

Chen Nuo was not afraid, and glanced back indifferently.

That look was as contemptuous as it could be.

From the looks of it, the young Tianjiao of the Three Great Sacred Grounds was completely ignored.

This scene made the young Tianjiao of the three holy places extremely angry.

"Don't be as knowledgeable as them!" Just when the young disciples of the Three Great Sacred Grounds couldn't help but challenge Chen Nuo, one of their elders couldn't help turning around and shouting, dispelling everyone's thoughts.

Then, he continued: "Strength, you don't just say it with your mouth, you have to prove it with your strength."

Speaking of this, he glanced coldly at Chen Nuo, the meaning was self-evident.

"Well, that's right."

At this moment, an unexpected echo sounded, and at some point, Lin Tian, ​​who was standing there with a thoughtful expression, had already turned his head.

He chuckled lightly and said, "If you can't open the door yourself, don't say that others can't open it either."

"After all, you trash doesn't mean that everyone in the world is trash."

Speaking of this, Lin Tian couldn't help but shook his head, and sighed: "It's just a small space formation, it's hard for you, it's really embarrassing to your ancestors..."

After Lin Tian's voice fell, the four weeks suddenly fell silent, and everyone looked at Lin Tian in surprise.

No one expected that he would say such a thing.

Immediately afterwards, a wave of anger rose in everyone's hearts.

After all, it would be very uncomfortable for anyone to be so despised and ridiculed by a junior.

"You kid, you like to speak wild words, just this, and a small space formation?"

The strong man of Xuanmingzong pointed at the void, and shouted with a gloomy face: "Do you know, what kind of power is this relic?"

"At least, this is also a relic left by the imperial lineage. Moreover, this force, before its destruction, was a top-ranking existence even among the imperial lineage forces."

Before Lin Tian could answer, the strong Xuanmingzong asked himself and answered: "For this formation, at least a sage who is proficient in formation and space rules can be opened normally."

"I really don't know, you boy, what kind of ability do you have to say such a thing? Do you think that since you are the heir of Emperor Wu, you can ignore everything?"

At the end, the strong man of Xuanmingzong let out a cold snort, and flicked his sleeves in disdain.

next to.

The third elder of the Liuli Immortal Pavilion, who had always remained silent, said slowly at this time: "It is a good thing for young people to be capable, but they must also be humble."

"It is said that you have a very close relationship with the saintess of the Immortal Pavilion. Logically, I am also half of your elder, so don't blame me for talking too much. I am here to advise you. I am too proud and conceited, and I am prone to destruction. .”

"If you can guard against arrogance and impetuosity, there will definitely be your shadow on the emperor's road in the future."

The third elder of the Liuli Fairy Pavilion spoke earnestly and earnestly. He seemed to be very kind, and he was earnestly admonishing Lin Tian.

But in fact, her cold expression.

and speaking scenes.

In fact, both of them are alluding to Lin Tian's arrogance and ignorance.

If it were someone else, more or less, they would become angry from embarrassment, and then turn their faces on the spot, and finally lose face here.

It's a pity that she found the wrong person for her words.

For these words, Lin Tian was not only indifferent, but even wanted to laugh out loud.

He shook his head, too lazy to talk to this group of self-righteous guys, he turned his head and greeted Qin Feng, Zhang Ziyi, and Lu Feng and other Wuzong disciples: "Let's go!"


When everyone heard the words, they were puzzled for a while.

I don't know what Lin Tian is talking about.

But the next moment, their eyes widened.

I saw Lin Tian took a step forward, and half of his body disappeared into the void. The sky in front of him was like a disturbed water surface, with ripples.

"Hurry up."

At this time, Lin Tian's voice came again.

Before everyone came back to their senses, he had already walked in completely.

Completely in front of their eyes, disappeared.

 Good night everyone~
(End of this chapter)

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