Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 427 Lin Tian's World

Chapter 427 Lin Tian's World

Just when Qin Feng and others thought that Lin Tian was timid, it was the best plan to leave.

In the distance, Xuanmingzong and other forces, in the direction of the disappearing forest, suddenly heard a loud and clear neighing, and the sound waves rolled. Even if people are here, they can still feel a sense of oppression.

"This ancient emperor?"

Qin Feng and the others turned pale.

With his strength, it might be okay to compete against ordinary junior emperors.

But once they meet a high-ranking emperor, they may almost die.

What's more, it's an ancient emperor.

"It's not the ancient emperor, but it's not much different..."

Lin Tian shook his head and said lightly, with some amusement in his eyes.

Although this monster is not enough to kill the arrogance of Xuanmingzong's forces, it is also enough for them to drink a pot.

"Brother Lin, you probably already knew that there was a monster ambushing there, right?" Qin Feng turned his head and happened to see the playful smile on Lin Tian's face, and couldn't help feeling terrified.

The rest of the people also looked at Lin Tian in shock.

Judging by his appearance, it is obvious that he already knew about the things there.

"Fortunately, I am born with a keen insight into danger. It is because of this talent that I can turn danger into good luck." Lin Tian did not deny it, and made up a reason casually, explaining.

This reason, although it seems, is a bit nonsense.

But except for Chen Nuo, everyone believed in it.

Because, apart from believing, they can't find any other reason to explain all this.

And there are people who have this kind of ability in Lin Tian's mouth, and there are not no people in Jiutian.

It's just that the ability to sense the crisis is different.

Lin Tian should belong to that kind of person with outstanding talent.

"Brother Lin's talent is really enviable..." Qin Feng said enviously, with this kind of unique talent, if he goes into a treasure hunt in the future, his chances of surviving will be much higher. Bar.

Although the rest of the people didn't say anything, they couldn't hide the envy in their eyes.

It's a pity that such a talent cannot be envied.

It is not a magical power, it can be cultivated later.

This talent, it's something you're born with.

You are born with something, and if you don’t, you don’t have it.

Only Chen Nuo was alone, laughing beside him.

What kind of unique talent is all nonsense.

When the cultivation base reaches the level of Lin Tian.

Not to mention insight into the crisis, even if you silently read his name across a starry sky, he can sense it.

Finding the hiding places of a few monsters is not like playing.

Under Lin Tian's leadership, in the following time, the group of them, along the way, almost turned danger into fortune.

Every time something happens, it seems dangerous, but it can be overcome skillfully.

down for a few days.

All of them have benefited a lot.

There is the demon spirit of the demon emperor.

There are also various precious medicines.

There are countless elixir and the like.

For Wu Zong's disciples who are used to being poor, this place is simply a paradise on earth that people don't want to leave once they come. Although the trek through mountains and rivers is hard work, there are satisfied smiles on all of their faces.

Zhang Ziyi was also very happy.

Her strength is not high, although she can't help much.

But as the only woman here, she is almost always rushing to make a fire and cook.

So, everyone let her go.

Give her a share of any good things.

So, unknowingly, she, who was not strong, became the wealthiest person in Lin Tian's group.

This is a bit dumbfounding.

"Okay, I'm here today, let's take a rest!"

Lin Tian glanced at the towering cliffs on both sides, and a clear stream winding down from the green hills in front of him. He only felt that this mountain stream had a very beautiful scenery, so he decided to rest here for a day.

Anyway, they were in no hurry to do anything.

As for the rules of this world, Lin Tian has almost figured it out.

If you want to go out from here, you must get the ancient decree, and then find the teleportation array that Changsheng Xianzong left here before you can go out.

And this kind of ancient order is rare.

It is something specially made by Changsheng Xianzong.

In order for the disciples to progress, they are all hidden in powerful monsters.

Or some evil places in this world.

It's just that no one has taken care of them for so many years, and these things have been completely scattered. As for where they are, Lin Tian is not too clear. After so many days, he only found such a piece in a monster's lair.

Confirmed his original inference.

So, he is not in a hurry.

Everything, just take your time.

The night came as expected.

A round of bright moon, hanging on the top of the mountain, exudes a soft light.

Same as the sun during the day.

It is also the existence of Immortal Emperor Changsheng, sacrificed and refined.

In the brilliance, there is a breath of life.

Moisturizing this world all the time.

In these countless years, this world has always been kept full of vitality.

Such means are astonishing.

In the entire nine-day history, there are probably not many people who can do it.

Because it's not just about strength.

It also involves the Dao that one has cultivated.

Even Lin Tian can't guarantee that he can surpass Immortal Emperor Changsheng 100% on the road of life.

After all, Immortal Emperor Changsheng spent his whole life on this.

And he just practiced this way to the peak, and after mastering the essence, he found that there was no way to make leaping progress, so he chose to give it up, and then used means to live a new life and specialize in other ways .

In this life, three thousand roads.

Lin Tian didn't say all of them were touched.

At the very least, Lin Tian has practiced all the main avenues to maintain the existence of a world.

As long as he thinks, it can be said that he can evolve a world at any time.

a real world.

Just like the ten forbidden places, they are truly separated from this world and are not affected by the way of heaven.

Moreover, it has relatively complete order and laws.

Even, in this world, you can prove the Tao and become an emperor.

Unlike Small World, although it can be regarded as going out independently, its affordability is somewhat limited.

At least, here, you can't go beyond, its constructor.

It's not like the top ten forbidden places.

Although the ability to bear is strong, it is also limited everywhere.

Almost like a cemetery.

Buried with a group of 'walking dead' poor people.

The world constructed by Lin Tian is completely a living world, a miniature version of Nine Heavens, which is also the result of his researches over the years of constantly switching to various Taoisms.

There, it is possible to achieve eternal life in a formal sense.

However, like the top ten forbidden places, it is very difficult to enter there, integrate into the Tao there, and then want to come out, like being imprisoned, being locked in that piece of heaven and earth.

This is something that Emperor Wu and others cannot accept.

So, none of them went in.

In the end, Lin Tian also gave up and continued to construct the world.

However, it still exists.

Just not in nine days.

 Good night everyone~
(End of this chapter)

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