Chapter 428
The dark night in the forest is not really quiet.

At this time, Lin Tian and others had penetrated into the center of the small world.

Monster beasts, which were rare before, are gradually increasing now.

There are piercing hisses and beast roars everywhere.


Everyone could still feel that a huge shadow, carrying a terrifying aura, passed over their heads, making people palpitate.

Fortunately, the mountain stream where they rest is narrow.

Huge monsters cannot easily enter.

It is relatively safe.

In addition, everyone was relatively low-key and did not light fire unscrupulously.

Even by chance, there are still a few monsters with no eyes that break in, but their strength is not strong, and any Wuzong disciple can easily deal with it.

Therefore, this night, it was safe and sound.

Dawn is coming soon.

Although Lin Tian and others were in the mountain stream, blocked by the cliffs on both sides, they couldn't appreciate the beauty of the rising sun, but they could see the beautiful scenery of the mountains with clouds and mist floating like a fairyland.

"Staying here all the time seems to be good..."

Zhang Ziyi looked at this mountain stream dreamily, eyes full of longing.

Living in Sky Snow City all year round, she can't feel this kind of atmosphere at all, and has rarely seen such a scene.

In her world, except for the white snow and ice, there is only the biting cold wind.

There was no warmth in the whole city.

There are no three seasons of spring, summer and autumn.

Only cold winter.

Therefore, she likes to run a business.

I like to go to Zhongzhou.

There is a revival of all things, a warm spring.

There are also sweltering summers with lush foliage.

There is also the yellow and falling leaves, the sad and desolate late autumn.

Middle-aged thoughts are as thick as wine, and the feelings of girls are always poetry.

Even if Zhang Ziyi is psychologically more mature than her peers, it still cannot change this point.
It's just that she seldom expresses these emotions of "what is the autumn wind and sad painting fan", and she buries them all deep in her heart.

Now when I wake up, I see this scene.

The emotions in my heart were revealed subconsciously.

"My Wuzong also has such a scenery. If you like it, you can go and see it. It doesn't matter if you live there forever."

Seeing Zhang Ziyi's longing face, Lu Feng said with a smile.


Zhang Ziyi was overjoyed, and then looked at Lin Tian expectantly.

She knew that here, the only person who could really make the decision was this one who seemed to be the youngest.

Even, with a single sentence, he could negate the decision of Wu Zong's senior management.

Therefore, whether she can go to Wuzong or not depends on him.

"Go if you want. Anyway, I think your Zhang family is in Beiyuan. I'm afraid you won't be able to stay for long. After you go back, tell your ancestor that if he is willing, I can set aside a piece of land under Good Fortune Mountain. Your Zhang family built a village."

Lin Tian waved his hand and said casually.

Zhang Ziyi was embarrassed when she heard this.

I don't know how to reply.

Their Zhang family, how to put it, is also a second-rate force in Beiyuan.

There is a living real person sitting in the town.

It can be said that compared with the previous Wu Zong, his strength is only stronger but not weaker.

It's just that the background and reputation are a little bit worse.

So it's not that famous.

If they were allowed to go to Good Fortune Wuzong as alliance partners, their Zhang family might not refuse, but they could go to Good Fortune Wuzong to build a village. Lin Tian completely regarded them as subordinate subjects.

Even if the ancestors of the Zhang family agree.

I am afraid that everyone in the Zhang family will also oppose it.

After all, in Sky Snow City, their Zhang family, how to say, is also a local overlord.

Even in the future, I really can't wait any longer.

Change to another place.

At least it is not a problem to separate a small area and occupy the mountain as king.

Let a group of people who used to be said to be kings and hegemons and hold power become the vassals of another group. I am afraid that they would not be willing to change it. What's more, Wu Zong now has no capital to make them surrender.

Qin Feng and Wang Yu looked at each other, and also looked at each other in blank dismay.

I feel that Lin Tian's words are too confident.

Even Wu Zong is now on the rise, but he can't underestimate the heroes of the world like this.

After all, in the future golden world.

Who will rise.

Who will fall again.

No one knows.

Maybe, a late-blooming, transcendent and saintly person appeared in the Zhang family by chance, not necessarily.

"Whether you want to go or not is your business. I just said something casually. It's fine if you don't want to." Lin Tian saw through Zhang Ziyi's thoughts at a glance, and said in a neutral manner.

I don't care too much about this.

Chen Nuo was beside him, just shaking his head.

I think this is a great opportunity.

Just a pity.

From the looks of it, this house seems to be out of reach.

There is also the Qin family where Qin Feng is, and the Beiyuan Wang family where Wang Yu is. At this moment, there is actually a chance to embrace Lin Tian's thigh.


They still don't know what kind of opportunity they have lost.

Just when everyone was about to start again.

In the woods in front of the mountain stream, there was a sound.

The crowd looked for fame.

I saw many figures walking out one after another.

"Is it you?"

The two looked at each other and recognized each other instantly.

In front of him, this group of people who suddenly appeared was none other than the young arrogance of Xuanmingzong.

Just this time.

Their condition doesn't seem to be good, and everyone has a lot of money.

Originally there were around 20 people, but now there are only seven or eight people left. I don't know if they got separated or all died.

Lin Tian didn't care about this.

But the people of Xuanmingzong were extremely nervous.

"Brother, what should I do?"

One of them looked nervously at the leader.

The leading disciple of the Xuanming Sect looked dignified and didn't know what to do.

A few days ago, in order to get an ancient order to go out, they besieged and slaughtered an immemorial beast with no intelligence. It seemed that they were about to succeed, but who knew that this beast still had mad blood hidden in its body.

In an instant, strength comparable to that of a real person erupted.

One of their senior brothers in the God Embryo Realm was severely injured on the spot when they were caught off guard.

If it weren't for this time, it would have brought a life-saving taboo secret treasure.

They are afraid that they will suffer heavy injuries.

However, in the end, their lives were saved, but they were also dispersed, separated into several groups, and rushed to the mountains.

these days.

Encountered another monster.

After a series of battles.

It can be said that he suffered a lot.

"Senior Brother Qiu is not here, everyone be careful, these guys are not good people." The leading Xuanmingzong disciple took a deep breath, stared nervously at Lin Tian and the others, and then in front of them, took out The communication stone passed on what happened to him.

As long as the Xuanmingzong disciples in this small world can receive their messages.

This can be regarded as a warning to Lin Tian and the others.

Warn them, don't act recklessly just because you have a large number of people.

(End of this chapter)

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