Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 429 The Land of Inheritance

Chapter 429 The Land of Inheritance

The disciples of Xuanmingzong didn't know that Lin Tian actually didn't take them seriously at all.

If Lin Tian really wanted to kill them.

Not to mention informing their senior brother Huang.

Even if they dug up the grave of Patriarch Xuanming and asked Patriarch Xuanming to come back again, it was useless, Lin Tian still killed him without any mistakes.

Seeing Lin Tian, ​​after glancing at the disciples of Xuanmingzong, he turned around and walked towards the other side.

It didn't seem like they even made sense.

Chen Nuo glanced at the disciples of Xuanmingzong, his face full of sarcasm.

With such guts, he dared to provoke his young master.

Simply dead.

After Lin Tian left, not only the disciples of Xuanmingzong breathed a sigh of relief, but also Qin Feng and others.

They were really afraid that Lin Tian's violent temper came together at that time.

On the spot, he gave the order to kill the people of Xuanmingzong.

At that time, things will be completely messed up.

At least, those who are alive in Xuanmingzong will definitely not let them go.

Therefore, even though they knew that Lin Tian and Chen Nuo were both very strong, and were absolutely outstanding at the level of kings, almost everyone was unwilling to see them start a battle.

Because, come here.

It's not just the pride of the king.

There is also the emperor in the realm of the gods.

And, more than one.

Even if Lin Tian and Chen Nuo join forces, they can deal with one.

But what if the three holy lands were aroused to join forces?
You know, outside, his domineering posture has completely offended the Three Great Sacred Grounds to death.

Plus, an absolute enemy, the Ye family.

They are here, it can be said that they are already besieged on all sides.

Therefore, Qin Feng, Wang Yu, including Lu Feng and other disciples of the Good Fortune Martial Sect, did not expect extravagantly to be able to dominate and run rampant here. They only hope that they can go out smoothly and safely, and everything will be fine.

As for the harvest, there is enough.

Good or bad, they don't force it.

"Young master, those guys are obviously hostile to us, why not kill them all first?"

Chen Nuo caught up with Lin Tian and asked with some doubts.

Lin Tian looked back at Chen Nuo, just smiled, but did not answer.

In his eyes, those people from Xuanmingzong are not much different from ants.

And a few ants showed hostility towards you, so why should you care?
If you trample to death, you will trample to death.

If it doesn't go smoothly, it is unnecessary to deliberately reach out to crush or trample to death.

Chen Nuo looked at Lin Tian's smile and was puzzled.

He hasn't reached Lin Tian's level, so he naturally doesn't understand Lin Tian's mentality.

He only felt that if someone showed hostility towards him, then he should kill it, and he could not let the enemy grow up.

However, since Lin Tian is not going to do anything, he can't say much.

"By the way, son, where are we going?"

Chen Nuo changed the subject and asked curiously.

"Go there, I'm over there, and I sensed a special power, which should be the inheritance of the Immortal Sect of Longevity." Lin Tian shook his finger in the direction of the rising sun.

In order to benefit the younger generation and inspire the younger generation.

The sages of various sects, before their fall, like to put what they have learned all their lives in such a trial place, leave a legacy here, and then deploy special techniques to allow disciples who meet the requirements to obtain it.

Lin Tian and the others have seen several such inheritances along the way.

It's just that so many years have passed.

With no one maintaining them, the inheritance of those ruins has been completely wiped out.

Disappeared in the traces of the years.

In the distance, there are still fluctuations of spiritual power, and they are not weak.

If Lin Tian didn't feel wrong.

That should be a group of ruins.

It is the place where the sages of the Immortal Sect of Longevity concentrated their legacy.

Moreover, there are quasi-emperor-level existences, and there are more than one, setting up a large formation there to maintain that place.

So, until now.

The inheritance there has not been completely wiped out.

However, it is definitely not easy to enter such a place.

Over there, Lin Tian felt at least three tyrannical auras that were infinitely close to real people.

As for the specific number of powerful creatures guarding that side, Lin Tian didn't count in detail, and he didn't want to use too much to restore himself to a little bit of normal soul power.

Therefore, he is not very clear about this.

"A place of inheritance that has not been obliterated?"

Chen Nuo was shocked when he heard Lin Tian's words, and couldn't help but widen his eyes.

How many years has it been?

If it is said that the main lineage of the Immortal Sect of Longevity is protected by the relics in the sect protection formation of the Immortal Immortal Sect of Longevity, it is fine if it is not wiped out, but in this world, there is also time.

time this thing.

Seemingly silent and harmless to nothing.

In fact, it is the most terrifying existence.

Can kill almost everything.

Let your peerless elegance and cultivation reach the sky, and in the face of time and years, you will be pale and powerless.

Even Lin Tian, ​​who has comprehended the power of time, is powerless and unable to change anything when facing the passage of time.

at the moment.

The inheritance of the Immortal Sect of Longevity has been handed down for countless thousands of years, and it has not been obliterated by the years.

It is conceivable that what inheritance is left behind in the place of inheritance that Lin Tian mentioned.

Even if you don't reach the Emperor's Realm, you may have reached the Emperor's Realm.

At least, it is also the existence of the holy level.

Thinking of this, even Chen Nuo couldn't help but his heart skipped a beat.

Although he can be regarded as from the imperial sect.

But the inheritance of their Thief Heaven Sect is really too little.

Moreover, there are not many attack methods, and they are not considered advanced.

Of course, you can't say no.

It can only be said that compared to the attacking techniques left by other great emperors, they are mediocre.

Barely OK.

After all, whoever can prove the Tao and become an emperor will be a weak person.

Although Thief Heaven is not good at fighting, no matter how weak he is, he is still a great emperor.

Coupled with his excellent body skills and supernatural powers, the strength that Thieving Heaven Great Emperor erupts in an instant is not weaker than the other great emperors of Nine Heavens.

It's just that Chen Nuo couldn't use his body skills as proficiently as the Thief Heaven Great Emperor.

Therefore, he needs a stronger attack technique to fill himself.

Lin Tian himself is not interested in the scattered inheritance left by the Immortal Sect of Longevity in this small world.

But Lu Feng and the others needed this.

After all, he was going to leave sooner or later.

Wu Zong couldn't always rely on him alone for support.

If Good Fortune Wu Zong wants to truly become stronger again, Wu Zong's disciples must not be weak.

Therefore, even if he is not interested, Lin Tian has to go and have a look, as if he had fulfilled the duty of the chief elder, and brought his disciples to experience it.

Of course, he can do it, the most he can do is send them there
As for those inheritances, Lin Tian doesn't care whether they can get them or not.

Because there are some things that you need to fight for yourself.

If they can't even pass the test there, it can only prove that they are not talented enough. Even if Lin Tian takes the inheritance for them, it will be a waste.

Even, maybe, it will delay them.

After all, after a person has obtained a better inheritance, he will definitely give up the poor one.

And well, they can't practice.

But not willing to give up.

If this entanglement continues, it will only waste time.

(End of this chapter)

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