Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 504 Shocking Accident

Chapter 504 Shocking Accident

Hearing the laughter from Moyuan, Lin Tian felt more and more uneasy, feeling that today's incident was full of weirdness, but he couldn't see where the weirdness was. Holding the cracked golem, Lin Tian Tian hesitated for a moment, and finally punched it down.

At this moment, the puppet split apart completely, and a strange light emanated from its body.

Just when Lin Tian was about to punch down again to completely smash the puppet that made him feel uneasy, a burst of living soul fluctuations suddenly came from the puppet, which was obviously a dead thing.

And, it feels very familiar.

This made Lin Tian couldn't help but stop his fists that were close at hand.

This is……

Lin Tian looked at the puppet in his hand, his pupils shrank, as if he saw something terrible.

The next second, before he could react.

This puppet, which was on the verge of breaking, punched over and hit Lin Tian directly.

Without exception, Lin Tian immediately flew upside down, his internal organs were boiling, as if he was about to explode. Although his current strength has surpassed the Emperor Realm and reached a higher level, this does not mean that he Can ignore the power of the emperor level.

After all, his physical body will still remain at its original level after all.

It can be said that this punch directly injured Lin Tian severely. If he was not strong enough to directly suppress the injury and stabilize the body that was about to explode, Lin Tian would definitely not be so relaxed now.


Xiaoxue was shocked when she saw this, although she didn't know why Lin Tian stopped at the last moment, and why she was distracted and hurt by a puppet with the strength of the emperor, but at this moment, she didn't have time to think too much, seeing When she flew upside down, she hurriedly rushed over.

Not only to check Lin Tian's situation, but also to prevent Moyuan's supreme existence from attacking Lin Tian again at this time, causing secondary damage to Lin Tian.

"I am fine."

The moment before Xiaoxue arrived, Lin Tian stabilized his figure, stretched out his palm, signaling her to stop, then slowly raised his head, and looked in the direction of Mo Yuan and the puppet, with a gloomy and ugly expression.

However, it wasn't because he was injured, but because...

"Hehe, have you finally noticed it? It seems that your strength is really not as good as before, and you didn't realize it was wrong until the last step. Over the years, your soul has been damaged a lot, right?"

In the bottomless abyss of magic, the familiar voice came again, a little mocking, but also a little playful, as if he was watching Lin Tian's joke.

Lin Tian didn't speak, but his face was extremely ugly.

Although Xiaoxue, Chen Nuo, and Xiaohei didn't know what happened, they were extremely nervous at the moment, and their faces and eyes were full of worry, because they had never seen Lin Tian's face so ugly. .

"You...are courting death!!!"

After a while, Lin Tian took a deep breath, and spit out slowly, every word seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth. It is conceivable how strong his anger is now.

The monstrous killing intent caused the whole world to sink.

Even Xiaoxue and the others felt oppressed by this breath.

The energy between heaven and earth is getting more and more violent.


At this time, Xiaoxue suddenly exclaimed, she couldn't help covering her mouth, as if she saw something incredible, Chen Nuo and Xiao Hei were startled by her astonishing action.

They followed Xiaoxue's eyes and looked over.

In the distance, standing on the Demon Abyss, the puppet that was about to be broken, not only did not recover slowly after being attacked, but began to shatter.

In the next second, an illusory face full of pain appeared in everyone's eyes.

It was a middle-aged man...

If you look carefully, you will find that there are some similarities between his brows and Lin Muyu.

"This is!!!"

When Xiao Hei saw this person, his eyes widened immediately, and his feathers all exploded. Xiaoxue and Chen Nuo may not know Lin Longxiao, but as it has been by Lin Tian's side since the beginning, How could he not know Lin Longxiao?
Xiao Hei finally understood why Lin Tian stopped at that moment just now.

And why did he get hit by this puppet abruptly.

It looked at Xiaoxue with a gloomy expression, and Xiaoxue and Chen Nuo also looked at it. The faces of the three were not very good-looking. Obviously, they did not expect that the supreme existence of Moyuan would be so shameless.

Take an ordinary person to threaten Lin Tian.

"I've been preparing for this day for a long time... It took more than one emperor soldier's material to build this puppet, and your adoptive father's is too weak, and he can't even gather his soul. His soul merged with this puppet, I didn't waste much effort, but today, it seems that all of this is worth it."

Soon, the voice of the creature hidden in the Moyuan sounded again, as if showing off his achievements to Lin Tian.

"So cruel..."

Hearing his words, Xiaoxue trembled.

Turning people into puppets is even more cruel than killing them.

Especially like this, destroying Lin Longxiao's body, leaving behind his soul, sealed in the puppet, let this puppet go to attack Lin Tian, ​​and then use Lin Tian's hand to smash it himself, even more so. The cruelest and most ruthless method in the world.

It's hard for Xiaoxue to imagine how much the Supreme Being of Moyuan hates Lin Tian to do such vicious things to stimulate Lin Tian.

Facing the repeated provocations of the Moyuan strongman, Lin Tian never made a sound, but the cold air around his body became more and more solid, and even Xiaoxue and others could only retreat temporarily.

Terrible power gathered, and the world began to collapse.

The mountains, rivers and earth were torn apart by this terrifying force.

Lin Tian's power has already made this world completely unbearable, but he didn't stop there. The terrifying devouring power is frantically devouring all the power that can be ingested in the world.

In the world of heaven and spirit.

The power of belief in the sky gathered in front of the imperial palace, and then went away across the sky, like a meteor, spanning countless star fields, shining for nine days, and coming to the land of Shenzhou, turning into a jade tree facing the wind, standing behind Lin Tian, Elegant as a fairy.

In the world of heaven and man, the bells kept ringing, and another figure came behind Lin Tian and turned into a white-clothed emperor, but unlike him, who was as elegant as a fairy, this figure was covered by the air of chaos, and he couldn't see the truth clearly. .

But the domineering spirit in his bones coincided with each other.

Before everyone thought about it, there was another red shadow, one after another, he was rebellious, his eyes were full of indifference and hostility, like a peerless old devil, it was daunting.

"Are you angry? Are you angry? But what can you do to me? Before you attack us, you need to smash that puppet first, oh no, it should be your adoptive father now, hahahaha..."

Sensing the changes in the outside world, voices from Moyuan came one after another, but they were very proud.

(End of this chapter)

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