Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 505 1 punch smashes

Chapter 505

Three lives.

With only the appearance of the third body, the earth has already begun to sink. The sky within a radius of ten thousand miles of Tianmozong is constantly crumbling, and it is impossible to present a complete sky.

The whole of China was shaking under this terrifying force.

Some people have already felt the sinking of China.

Even the Heavenly Demon Realm has been implicated.

Countless people were terrified.

"Is this going to sink Shenzhou?"

There was an ancient existence, feeling the terrifying aura coming from afar, and said tremblingly, his face was full of uneasiness.

The other heavens in Nine Heavens are also shocked by this terrible momentum.

"The Emperor of Heaven is making a move..."

In the Heavenly Spirit Realm, an old tortoise slowly raised its head, its turbid eyes suddenly looked like a torch, as if it had penetrated the starry sky and peeked into a corner of China, but before it could observe carefully, a long river of time that disturbed time and space, from It comes from the depths of the distant universe, it does not know where it originated, and it comes across.

In the world, the spiritual thoughts of any strong person are cut off by this long river of time.

At the edge of the pitch-black universe, there was an incomparably dead silence. Floating in the vast ocean of starry sky, a dull voice suddenly sounded.

"Crazy Lin is attacking again..."

Hearing this name, the vast ocean, which was originally dead, became even more silent.

However, not long after, another voice came out, which seemed to be really sneering.

"He's courting death!"

"Break the Ancient Mine of God, fight against that kid from the Undead God Dynasty, and fight against the strong man from that side of the world. He has already exhausted his energy. If it wasn't for the Soul Suppressing Tablet, he would have already fallen."

Speaking of this, this strong man in the sea of ​​death couldn't help but feel aggrieved.

The soul-suppressing stele is the treasure of their world.

They were born with their side of the world, but they didn't die with their side of the world. They have been kept together with the sea of ​​death until today, but now they have fallen into Lin Tian's hands. How can they not be angry? .

"Perhaps, this is the cause and effect..." At this time, another voice came over, which seemed to be a little emotional, and said: "Back then, Crazy Lin was dissatisfied with the alliance between the Immortal God Dynasty and Mo Yuan, and wanted to rule this world, so Fighting with anger, with one's own strength, at the same time, fighting against Moyuan, pulling the undead gods down from the altar, the two sides can say that they have already formed a death feud, so it is not surprising..."

The burial ground of gods and demons, the burial ground of gods and demons...

Just having gods is definitely not enough to be called gods and demons.

At the same time, there are demons...

Of course, this demon is not only Lin Tian, ​​but also Moyuan.

Back then, Moyuan was already weak to the extreme, and was about to do the affairs of that world, using the creatures of the heavens as blood food to supplement itself. For this reason, they united with the king who suppressed this world in the ancient immortal era, and did not die. Protoss.

The two sides joined forces, even if there were many powerful people in the ancient era, they would still be swept away like ants in front of them.

In particular, creatures such as real phoenixes and real dragons are the sweet pastry in the eyes of the powerhouses of Moyuan. The essence of life conceived in their bodies is not enough for ordinary people to compare with.

Therefore, the legendary top ten mythical beasts also became the thorn in Moyuan's side.

As long as they are found, they will be shot at the first time, which makes the few races of divine beasts directly on the verge of extinction.

Fortunately, when this world fell into the boundless darkness, and it was about to sink, Lin Tian came back from the nine heavens. Although he was already very strong at that time, he was not the strongest.

At least, the undead god king of the undead god clan is not necessarily weaker than him.

Added another demon abyss.

That battle was extremely difficult.

If there is a slight error, the whole game will be lost.

Therefore, in that battle, Lin Tian also paid a huge price. He was almost crippled, and was chased and killed by his old enemies. He hid XZ in the east of the fairy world for thousands of years, and it was not until the ancient times that he truly recovered.

But these are all secrets.

Few people in the world know.

Just when all the powerful people in the world were alarmed and looked towards the direction of Shenzhou, the long river of time had already come to Lin Tian. A person who was exactly like Lin Tian came from the long river of time and confronted Lin Tian. Watch and call from afar.

They didn't speak, just looked at each other.

"This is the way of time..." Seeing the appearance of this figure, the existence of Mo Yuan was finally not as easy as before, and a dignified voice slowly spit out from it.

If there are three thousand ways in the world, there are differences in strength and weakness.

Then time and space, these two avenues, are definitely the kings among them.

Especially time.

It is known as the king of the Three Thousand Avenues.

Although this is not entirely accurate, it also proves its strength, because only it dares to compete for the top ten avenues in the top ten, and the other nine avenues, including spaces, are not ranked.

And when time and space merge into one, the variables will be huge...

At this moment, Lin Tian, ​​who had been silent all along, made a move. His movements were not fast, and could even be said to be slow, but the puppet in front of him, which had integrated Lin Longxiao's soul, couldn't escape it no matter what.

Suppressed by Lin Tian's terrifying aura, he couldn't move at all.

"What is he going to do, son?"

Seeing this scene, Xiaoxue and the others were shocked, not knowing what Lin Tian was going to do.

Could it be that he is really going to completely ignore Lin Longxiao and fail to attack Mo Yuan?

Moyuan's supreme existence seemed to have sensed Lin Tian's intentions, and he couldn't help but sneered, "Crazy Lin, don't waste your time trying, I know you have amazing means, but this time, even if you are capable, don't even think about it." Save the soul of your adoptive father."

They had already figured out Lin Tian's means, so before they came, they actually killed Lin Longxiao, but they didn't completely wipe him out. Now, what Lin Tian and the others see is only a trace of their leftover souls.

The real Lin Longxiao was already dead.

Just relying on this trace of remnant soul, if he wanted to revive Lin Longxiao, wouldn't he be so tall.

In particular, this trace of remnant soul may not be able to survive.

Because of this trace of remnant soul, the supreme existence of Moyuan has been integrated into the body of this puppet. When the puppet lives, this remnant soul will also die, because the puppet will keep devouring his soul, and the puppet will continue to devour his soul. When the puppet dies, Lin Longxiao's remnant soul will also be shattered accordingly.

It can be said that in order to prevent Lin Tian from breaking the game, they have made complete preparations.

After all, this big show is not just something you can watch if you want to.

The supreme beings in the Moyuan were all triumphant, and when they were about to watch Lin Tian joke, Lin Tian had already controlled the puppet. Looking at Lin Longxiao's illusory and painful face, he smashed the puppet directly without saying a word. Broken golem.

This punch can be said to scare everyone.

Even Xiaoxue's face was pale, and she didn't know what Lin Tian was doing.

The laughter in Moyuan also stopped abruptly.

Everyone thought that Lin Tian would rescue Lin Longxiao, and even rescue this puppet that was about to be broken, but no one expected that he would punch this puppet away on the spot, simply and neatly, without the slightest delay .

This kind of ruthlessness made Moyuan's supreme existence suddenly have a bad premonition in his heart.

"Grass, Zhen Nima is a lunatic, and even his adoptive father can kill him?" In the demon abyss, there is an ancient supreme existence, and he couldn't help but swear at this time. It is conceivable that at this moment his How shocked my heart is.

 Good night everyone~
(End of this chapter)

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