Chapter 506

After the puppet exploded, Lin Longxiao's soul was also completely freed. He looked at Lin Tian weakly, with shock and disbelief in his eyes. The originally illusory figure became even more illusory.

"I'll get you out."

Lin Tian didn't say much, and after solemnly saying these five words to Lin Longxiao, he soared into the sky.

next second.

The four figures standing behind Lin Tian looked at each other, then took a step together, and instantly merged into Lin Tian's body.

Terrible power, like a turbulent wave, instantly boiled in his body, and Lin Tian's aura rose again and again, reaching an indescribable level.

Lin Longxiao watched all this in disbelief.

He is no longer a country bumpkin who doesn't know anything. He has been out for a few years and encountered this series of things. Lin Longxiao is no longer the Lin Longxiao he used to be. Of course he understands how terrifying Lin Tian is now.

However, he couldn't believe that all of this could be true.

Because in Lin Longxiao's eyes, Lin Tian was always just a child. Even though he later emerged and showed extraordinary talents, he still couldn't change his identity as a child.

How many years have you seen?

It has grown to this point.

can not imagine.

Really can not imagine.

It's not just Lin Longxiao, anyone else probably wouldn't be able to connect the invincible strong man in front of him, who crushed the world to pieces just by his breath, with that stupid idiot in Yunyang City back then, right?

Without waiting for him to think too much, Lin Tian above the sky opened his eyes.

At that moment, the world turned gray.

Everything in the world seems to have fallen into chaos, like a newborn.

In this gray mist, everything seems to start to slow down, and then gradually become still, this feeling is frightening, even Xiaoxue, under this weird scene, has no strength to resist .

"Is he crazy?"

Feeling all of this, a strong man in the Demon Abyss let out an inconceivable low cry, as if he had seen through Lin Tian's intentions, and was shocked in his heart.

"It's not that he's crazy, it's that if he doesn't save this person, he's a demon in his heart. If he wants to get rid of the avenue and embark on the road of being the strongest, he must overcome these, so no matter what the angle is, he has to take action." .”

A moment later, a sneer sounded from Mo Yuan.

"However, the more this is the case, the more we can't let him succeed. It's better to let him remember it for a lifetime. In this way, no matter how he cultivates, he will have flaws in his heart and will not be perfect."

It has to be said that this group of guys in Moyuan are simply vicious to the extreme.

After seeing Lin Tian's intentions, they immediately killed them. In the terrifying black magic light, there was a smear of blood red, piercing the sky, shattering the void, and breaking through Lin Tian's gray avenue field. He rushed straight towards Lin Longxiao's illusory soul.

Even a strong man in the Emperor Realm would be powerless to resist that terrifying power, let alone a strong man in the Divine Embryo Realm.

If he was hit by this magic light, Lin Longxiao would definitely die.

"Young master..." Xiaoxue was shocked, and anxiously couldn't help but clenched her jade hand. She wanted to help, but under the suppression of Lin Tian's Dao, she couldn't move at all, let alone make a move.

At the moment when the magic light was about to bump into Lin Longxiao.

Lin Tian snorted abruptly: "Time and space...reverse chaos!!!"

The gray world, at the moment Lin Tian's voice fell, shattered like a mirror with a "bang", and three strange and invisible forces of silver, white and gray swept across the world crazily.

Everything is twisting.

Bang bang bang!
The entire Tianmo sect, the five peaks, and everyone, were under this terrifying force, shattered like a mirror, and then disappeared without even a scream.

This area of ​​thousands of miles turned into flat land.

There was no earth-shattering attack, and there was no blood in the sky, but it just happened to be such a peaceful disappearance, which made people feel chilling.

In the whole world, except for the illusory Lin Longxiao, there were only Lin Tian and Xiaoxue behind.

As for the magic light, when Lin Longxiao arrived in front of him, he distorted and shattered along with everything within a radius of ten thousand miles, and then disappeared. No one knew where he went.

next moment.

Three big holes filled with the power of space suddenly appeared behind Xiaoxue and the others. Without waiting for a few people to think, they swallowed the three of them in one gulp, and then disappeared.


Falling into the boundless darkness, the light suddenly reappeared in the next second, only to find that Xiaoxue and the other three members of the Good Fortune Martial Sect who were already countless thousands of miles away, their expressions all changed drastically, and they couldn't help but exclaimed.

An ominous premonition appeared in the hearts of the three of them at the same time.

They remembered when they were in Tianshi Realm.

Lin Tian was not sure, and when he was about to start a complete war with God, he threw them outside.

This time, too.

"You..." Yue Qingying felt the movement outside, walked out of the alchemy room, looked at the three Xiaoxue who suddenly appeared, looked surprised, and then prepared to ask Lin Tian for news.

The news that Lin Tian is not dead has already spread throughout Wu Zong.

Although she was in retreat during this period, she had already learned about it.

However, before Yue Qingying could open her mouth, Xiaoxue turned into a rainbow light, before Chen Nuo and Xiao Hei rushed towards Mo Yuan desperately.

Seeing this, Xiao Hei and Chen Nuo jumped anxiously.

"what happened?"

Looking at this scene, Yue Qingying also sensed that something was wrong. After all, the coercion from afar was so obvious and terrifying. Something big must have happened. However, no matter how you look at it, it seemed that Xiaoxue and the others were also involved. ...

Yue Qingying was full of doubts.

It's just that Xiao Hei and Chen Nuo didn't have the heart to explain anything to her at the moment. They looked at each other, and they didn't care whether they could fly to the Moyuan or not. Gritting their teeth, they rushed over there.

Leaving behind a foggy Yue Qingying, who didn't know what happened.


After sending Xiaoxue and the others away, Lin Tian mobilized all his strength, rebelled for a certain period of time, and sent all the magic abyss into it. Destroying Moyuan is at most just letting them disappear for a while.

But this is enough for Lin Tian to do next.

"Tian'er, you... don't force..." Seeing Lin Tian approaching, Lin Longxiao had already realized something in his heart. With red eyes, he shook his head at Lin Tian and said movedly: "Although I don't know, you How did you have the current strength, but I believe that you must have suffered a lot."

When Lin Tian heard this, a bright smile gradually appeared on his originally cold face.

He shook his head, signaling Lin Longxiao not to worry about himself.

(End of this chapter)

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