Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 527 1 Instant Arrival

Chapter 527 Arrives in an instant (Supplement·Third update)

Although the supreme existence of Moyuan is not connected with each other, they all converge towards one point tacitly, because they know that although Lin Tian is injured now, a lean camel is bigger than a horse. On this point, they Now I have deeply realized it.

Therefore, even if it is to take advantage of his illness and kill him, they must unite and take action together.

Finding Lin Tian alone is too risky.

They simply cannot afford it.

However, although their ideas are good, Lin Tian does not necessarily give them a chance to join forces again.

Not long after, in the depths of the distant starry sky, fluctuations of the Great Dao came again.

The terrifying aftermath of the battle shocked the entire Xingyu.

Nine days are trembling.

The hearts of the remaining Moyuan Supreme Beings were shocked. They knew that Lin Tian had found another companion of their own. They hesitated for a moment, and immediately rushed in that direction without stopping.

In an instant, he crossed countless star fields and came across.

It's just a pity that Lin Tian calculated their positions long before he started, so he chose a person who fell in the most remote place to start.

In this icy starry sky, debris is everywhere.


The power of the terrifying avenue remains here for a long time.

There are messy laws everywhere.

It can be said that the rules of this piece of heaven and earth have been completely disrupted. Even the Great Dao of the Heavens will not affect this place. This place has become a dead place. Even if there are stars of life born here and creatures migrate Even if you come here, you can't practice.

"It's still too late..."

Not long after, the rest of the people rushed over one after another. They looked at the dim starry sky full of debris and debris, and were silent.

"After repeated battles, he must have been exhausted by now. The few of us tried our best to find out his position, and don't give him another chance!" After a while, someone took a deep breath, turned to look at the others and said .

Hearing this, the rest of the people nodded solemnly.

Although the cost of deducing a supreme being comparable to the Dao of Heaven is huge, at this moment, they have no other choice. If they don't find Lin Tian, ​​they may not even be able to sleep soundly.

After all, no one knows what terrible things a dying person will do.

So, they have to divide it first and then quickly.

The remaining six people did not say much, each standing in the same direction, directly using the sky and the earth as the disk, and using the blood as the pen, directly in this starry sky, they portrayed a large array of secrets, which can be traced back to the past and present, and peek into the future.

It is a veritable supreme formation.

Six powerful men with half-steps in the way of heaven manipulated it together for deduction.

On the array disk, Lin Tian's appearance appeared, and then flashed quickly, and countless pictures about him jumped out, without exception, these were Lin Tian's appearances recorded by Tiandi when he was walking in this world.

He has the arrogance of holding a sword to the end of the world.

There is also his elegance of playing the piano in the snow-capped mountains.

Even more domineering when he stood up to heaven and earth.

In short, various scenes about him appeared on the array and flashed in the eyes of everyone in Moyuan, but these were not what they were looking for. They continued to deduce and saw the battle of heaven.

Seeing this, their eyes narrowed slightly.

However, they quickly skipped over here, because the battle at this level cannot be deduced by them, and there are too many things involved. If the deduction is forced to go on, it may attract the supreme being who survived from the gods Backlash.

Because at their level, if someone is deducing him and looking for his traces, he will feel some sense in his heart, and some people will take action to block the sense and hinder the other party's deduction.

Some people will violently attack.

After all, there are not many people in the world who like to be spied on.

Therefore, even if they want to know what is going on in the Shangcang Ancient Mine, they don't have any extra time and energy now. Their top priority now is to find Lin Tian again, which is the real thing.

The pictures in the array are jumping in chaos.

For a while, it was a scene from a long time ago, and for a while, it was a scene from recent years.

They are not proficient in the way of time, and no one is in charge of the avenue of cause and effect like fate, so it is not easy to deduce a person, especially a person who is stronger than them.

However, fortunately, Huangtian pays off.

During the 3-minute deduction, when everyone was sweating, they saw the battle of Moyuan, and they grasped this direction, and kept deducing it backwards. Everyone was full of energy , put all the attention on this.

But, for some reason, the closer they got to the truth, the more disturbed their hearts became.

This feeling made several people uncomfortable.

They frowned subconsciously, and the scene changed to this world. They saw the battle just now with their own eyes, and saw Lin Tian defeating his companion with lightning speed, and then left with his head down. time scene.

But just as the picture continued to change downwards, the uneasiness in their hearts reached its peak at this moment.

Suddenly, a cold light came out of the dilapidated and chaotic world, and went straight to cut one of them.

This sudden attack made Moyuan Supreme Being, who was fully concentrated and almost all of his attention was on this large formation, lose his life before he could react in time.

The terrifying knife light directly chopped off his head.

And the fierce murderous aura also took the opportunity to get into the opponent's body, piercing his spirit and soul, leaving behind a thousand wounds.

A dignified existence like a half-step Tiandao fell under Lin Tian's sword in an instant, and Lin Tian was not satisfied with this result, because just killing one was not enough to reverse his current disadvantage.

Therefore, at the moment when the long knife was swung, he didn't even look back at that person, turned around confidently, and raised the knife to kill another person.

This person is also worthy of being at the level of half-step heaven. After experiencing the short-term buffer of his previous companion, he immediately reacted. Although he had consumed a lot of energy under the deduction and had not recovered, his movements, But it is not slow at all, even if it avoids the vital point.

However, although the key points were avoided, injuries were still inevitable.

Almost half of his body was left under Lin Tian's knife, and the terrifying murderous aura went straight into his body. Even if he didn't kill him, if he wanted to make another move, he would have no chance up.

In the blink of an eye, one was killed and one injured.

Of the six half-step Heavenly Dao-level supreme beings, only four are left now, and they still have fighting power.

(End of this chapter)

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