Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 528 The Attitudes of All Parties

Chapter 528 The Attitudes of All Parties (Supplement·Fourth Update)

The remaining four quickly backed away and looked at each other, their faces extremely ugly.

At this moment, they finally understood where the uneasiness in their hearts came from. It turned out that Lin Tian never left here from the beginning to the end, but squatted in the dark, waiting here, waiting for their arrival.

Taking advantage of this world, the reason that he had already shattered it, and their subjective psychology, cleverly avoided their exploration.

Now, Lin Tian's surprise attack is successful.

On their side, two combat powers were drastically reduced in an instant.

And the few of them themselves have wasted a lot of energy in the deduction just now, and they haven't had time to recover now. Even if Lin Tian is injured, they are still not sure about facing him.

For a time, with four against one, none of the four of them dared to act rashly.

If this scene is passed on to Jiutian and to the eyes of the world, it will definitely make the world boil, and it will always be remembered in the heart. With a broken body, it shocked the four supreme beings from the forbidden area. Such power, Who else can I? !
"Crazy Lin, how about we shake hands and make peace?" Among the four of them, one of them took a deep breath and said in a deep voice. The successive incidents made him a little timid.

It's just that it's a bit too naive to want to shake hands and make peace now, isn't it?
Lin Tian sneered, shook his head sarcastically, and said, "I'm sorry, I've said it before, today, you're all going to die..."

Lin Tian's voice didn't use much force deliberately, but when it fell into the ears of Moyuan's supreme beings, it was so firm. All of a sudden, it showed his determination, which made Moyuan's powerhouses His complexion changed slightly.

They looked at each other, took a deep breath, and a ruthless look flashed in their eyes at the same time.

"In this case, today... let's decide the outcome!" Moyuan's supreme existence stared at Lin Tian, ​​and said in a deep voice, since there is no way to reconcile, then the only thing left is a war.

In this battle, either Lin Tian died or they died.

Therefore, none of the four dared to take it lightly.

They looked dignified, summoned their supreme Taoist soldiers one after another, and stared at Lin Tian in full battle. If you look carefully, you can find that there is a thin layer of sweat floating on their faces at this moment.

This kind of situation is simply unbelievable for a strong person like them.

It is conceivable that this time, facing Lin Tian, ​​how much pressure they endured in their hearts.

It can be said to be extremely tense.


Lin Tian looked at them with a face as cold as ice. After a while, he suddenly swung the big black knife in his hand to kill them, like a tiger coming out of the gate, fierce and unstoppable, and his invincible momentum frightened the Mo Yuan who was opposite him at that time. His supreme existence forced him to retreat.

Seeing this, the other three didn't dare to be negligent, and rushed towards Lin Tian to rescue him.

The terrible war broke out again.

This starry sky was completely destroyed by them in an instant. Any stars that could emit light were destroyed by them. A piece of starry sky shuttles back and forth.

There are frightening cold flashes everywhere.

It can be said that under this star universe, all the experts were once again startled by this great battle.

There is an ancient existence, using secret techniques and treasures, peeping into the corner of the starry sky, and saw a man with fluttering white hair and dressed in black, with an indifferent expression and ice-like eyes, like a demon god, came to a man with bare hands In front of the old man who was wearing a black robe and couldn't see his face clearly, there was a sudden and violent attack.

The seemingly disorderly style of punching forced the opponent to retreat steadily.

At the last moment when the other three came to kill, this black-clothed and white-haired man punched Fang Fang's body at the cost of an arm bursting open, and the devil's blood flew, causing the heavens to tremble.

This scene, the ancient existence of Nine Heavens, trembled in his heart.

With his cultivation base, he naturally understood what kind of existence these people were, but now, such an existence was still punched open in the chest and severely injured on the spot.

How terrifying must that black-clothed and white-haired man be?
The ancient existence of Nine Heavens was almost frightened after seeing this scene.

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it, a dying person, relying on his last breath, can actually bite back like this. Those guys from Moyuan are really useless." Somewhere in the starry sky, in the sea of ​​death, is there Upon observing this scene, the upper being couldn't help shaking his head, his eyes full of sneering.

But at the same time, they were also very happy.

Fortunately, at the beginning, they didn't really go to war with a lunatic like Lin Tian because of a moment of anger.

Otherwise, what happened to Mo Yuan and the others would be repeated on them.

"Are we going to help?" In the nine days, scattered in the farthest part of the starry sky, in a cemetery-like area in the extreme east of the Heavenly God Realm, a deep voice suddenly came out, making the place full of tombstones, no one Any sound, so weird to the extreme in the mountains and forests, is even more frightening.

But soon, another voice sounded.

Just like a ghost, it suddenly appeared.

"No need, now is not the time for our gods to be born, that lunatic has already run out of fuel, and it doesn't matter whether we can make a move. As for the life and death of Mo Yuan, what does it have to do with me?"

"Although I, the Immortal God Dynasty, reached a cooperation with them at the beginning, it was limited to cooperation. If you think that because of this relationship, going to trouble with that lunatic at this moment will undoubtedly add a little victory to his counterattack before he dies."

Hearing this, the world full of tombs fell silent, and there was no more sound.

The legendary burial place of gods and demons once again fell into endless silence.

Now, even Lin Tian's mortal enemies are unwilling to come to this muddy water, let alone other forbidden places, the ten forbidden places in nine days, except for the disappeared Shangcang ancient mine, the remaining eight forbidden places, Regarding the matter of Moyuan, they were surprisingly silent.

If it is said that this is the heyday of Lin Tian, ​​and there is no reason to start a war against Mo Yuan, and if he wants to clear this forbidden area, they may come to the rescue and force Lin Tian to stop because of reasons such as the death of the rabbit and the sorrow of the fox.

After all, if he turns a blind eye and allows Lin Tian to defeat them one by one, God knows whether he will be the next one.

But now, these things were completely instigated by Moyuan, and it was only natural for Lin Tian to take revenge. What's more, his own life was already hanging by a thread, just like the strong clan of the undead gods in the burial ground of gods and demons. As the author said, at this time, whoever seeks trouble with him is just asking for trouble and killing himself.

No one would do such a stupid thing that burns them.

Therefore, no matter how fierce the fight between Lin Tian and Moyuan's powerhouse was, the entire Xingyu maintained a kind of tacit silence, and no one came to intervene.

(End of this chapter)

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