Chapter 535
This is a long sword, the body of the sword is like flowing blood, scarlet and enchanting.

The Lord of the Demon Abyss held it, leaned forward, and said coldly to Lin Tian who had killed him: "Today, dying under this long sword is not an insult to your reputation!"

The voice fell, and the Lord of the Demon Abyss made an instant move.

The red light shines in the sky, illuminating the extremely dark Demon Abyss.

A touch of scarlet was reflected on Lin Tian's pale face.

But he wasn't afraid at all, even though he knew that he might die from this blow, he was still the same.

Holding the 'butcher', Lin Tian leaped up with all his might, and slashed at the oncoming long sword.

The two soldiers collided, making a loud buzzing noise.

Terrible vigor, swinging from between the two weapons, set off a wave.

Lin Tian flew out immediately.

The butcher's knife in his hand flew out again and stabbed fiercely into the wall of Moyuan Gorge.

Blood spewed out from Lin Tian's mouth. At that moment, his aura was extremely weak, his vitality was rapidly drained, and the last defensive force in his body was instantly dispersed at this moment.

He fell heavily on the ground, another mouthful of blood spewed out, and the whole person fell there, looking very painful, his whole face was almost twisted into a ball, but even so, he still didn't squeak Make a sound.

However, the Lord of the Demon Abyss was not angry because of this.

He and the lord of the sky ignored all this, knowing in their hearts that the peerless powerhouse in front of them was about to perish. They didn't do anything, just ended Lin Tian directly, but just looked at it tacitly Looking at him, watching the whole process of his slow death.

This process is much more interesting than killing him on the spot.

After a while, Lin Tian's brows were still furrowed, but his body began to relax.

Seeing this scene, both the Lord of Heaven and the Lord of Demon Abyss understood that Lin Tian had come to an end, and the one who greeted him next would be death. At this dying moment, even the Immortal of Immortality in its heyday God came, but he couldn't save him.

The time was reversed, and all the essence of life in the body was lost.

Coupled with their joint attack, there is no trace of power in Lin Tian's body now.

Under such circumstances, if Lin Tian could survive today, it would be really against the sky.


At this moment, on the cliff of the canyon, the black butcher knife "Butcher" trembled spontaneously, and a strong sadness flowed from it, and in just a short moment, it permeated the entire Demon Abyss.

The next moment, the 'butcher' jumped out of the wall, and with endless grief and indignation, he slashed at the Lord of the Demon Abyss.

"Even your master is planted in my hands. You dare to act presumptuously in front of me with a mere weapon?" Seeing this, the Lord of the Demon Abyss snorted disdainfully. Conquering the world's butcher's knife 'butcher'.

It's a pity, how could this knife be so easy to suppress?
Even without Lin Tian's control, the power it unleashes with all its strength in an instant is amazing, making the Lord of the Demon Abyss almost suffer.

However, the Lord of the Demon Abyss is an existence comparable to the Dao of Heaven after all.

Even though he is one of the weakest at this level, he is still not to be underestimated. It is indeed not a knife like a 'butcher' that can be dealt with. It didn't take long for it to be completely suppressed by the Lord of the Demon Abyss to the ground. , unable to break free.

Between heaven and earth, it returned to calm again.

It's just that the meaning of endless sadness lingers for a long time.

Because this sense of sadness is not only brought by the knife of the 'butcher', but also the world outside, which senses Lin Tian's state and reveals the sadness.

The saint died, and the heaven and the earth mourned together.

What's more, it's someone like Lin Tian.

This sadness, with Mo Yuan as the center, quickly swept across the entire Nine Heavens, all over the starry sky, and everywhere in the world, there was a sense of sadness. I don't know how many creatures, under the rendering of this sadness, couldn't help crying stand up.

As for whom to cry for, they don't know either.

Anyway, all things in the world, as long as there are living creatures, can hardly help but feel a sense of sadness in their hearts at this moment.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." on the back mountain of Good Fortune Martial Sect covered by dark clouds, a stalk of green bamboo swayed abruptly without wind, making whimpering sounds like weeping.

Yue Qingying, who was meditating, felt an inexplicable irritability in her heart.

In front of her, the Ten Thousand Stars that Xiaoxue gave her started to shake violently, and then she let out a weeping sound, which resounded through Wu Zong, echoed with the green bamboo in the back mountain, and made everyone in Wu Zong feel a wave of pain in their hearts. share uneasy.

Lin Muyu came out, looking at the dark clouds above her head, her soft and pretty face was full of worry.

"Brother, when are you coming back?"

She muttered to herself, and there was always an ominous premonition in her heart.

This feeling made her very uneasy.

The old turtle who was sent to the depths of the starry sky by Lin Tian, ​​lost his coordinates, and was recovering from his injuries, felt the strong sadness between heaven and earth, and somehow, the cause and effect connected with him, his eyes slammed Opening it, two lines of blood and tears flowed down its wrinkled cheeks.

"His Majesty!!!"

Suddenly, the old turtle looked up to the sky and let out a mournful cry.

It knows that this time, Lin Tian may really be about to fall, because even the world is mourning for him. This is a scene where he disappeared and never appeared before.

Chen Nuo, who wandered somewhere in the dark void, suddenly felt the sadness coming from all directions, and his face changed wildly. Although he didn't know who the world was mourning for, but from this In the sense of sadness, he can also guess who the connection is.


Without any background, it can be said that it is Lin Tian's side, the most ordinary one at present, Xiao Hei, who is burning blood crazily and rushing desperately, feels this sadness, and tears come down instantly.

In my mind, all these years with Lin Tian came to mind.

Although Lin Tian didn't talk much, every time, he pointed it seriously, even though in fact, it didn't help Lin Tian, ​​and Lin Tian never disliked it.

It's not like its kind, because its blood is weak, so it looks down on it, or even abandons it.

"Brother son!!!"

Xiao Hei's heart was filled with grief, he only felt that his eyes went dark, and he fell down from the sky.

Zhongzhou, a holy place for watching chess.

In a small courtyard, an old man and a young man, a man and a woman, are looking up at the sky.

The girl's eyes were full of tears. She turned her head and said to the old man behind her, "Grandpa, I seem to feel that Master..."

"Qingwu, don't talk nonsense!"

Before Luo Qingwu could finish her words, Luo Changdong interrupted her, "Your master is the strongest today, who in the world can hurt him? Don't think about it!"

Although Luo Changdong said so, the solemnity on his face was more serious than anyone else.

Obviously, he felt something too.

Almost anyone who has contact with Lin Tian can feel the difference in this sadness between heaven and earth.


 good night everyone~
(End of this chapter)

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