Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 536 Zhao Jiuzhou! ! !

Chapter 536 Zhao Jiuzhou! ! !
"Is another era coming to an end?"

Feeling the sadness all over the sky, Immortal Emperor Changsheng looked at a loss, he couldn't believe that a person like Lin Tian would die this day.

"It seems that this guy is finally at an end."

The supreme beings all over every corner of the world feel the sadness in the world. Some people are lucky, and some are Confucianism and Buddhism.

Of course, there are also people who are like Immortal Emperor Changsheng, sighing endlessly.

After all, Lin Tian has left too many impressions on them over the years. Now that such a character is about to pass away, it is inevitable that he will feel a little melancholy.

"It took the lives of a dozen or so supreme beings in exchange for your chance to perish completely. Here, let's keep it as your burial place. It's not an insult to your identity." The Lord of the Demon Abyss looked at the dying man. , Lin Tian, ​​who had half stepped into death, shook his head and wanted to leave.

Although Moyuan is his shelter, after repeated battles, it can be said that this area has been completely destroyed. It is not easy to restore it, so he simply chose to give up.

However, for the Lord of Demon Abyss, although the loss today is very large, Lin Tian may be left behind, this loss is nothing.

The most important thing is that he also got the secret about the underworld from Lin Tiankou.

When he finds the underworld, enters it, and peeps into the secret of longevity, what is a mere forbidden place?
The Lord of the Devil's Abyss swept around with his divine sense, collecting all the useful things in the Devil's Abyss, such as the existence of magic medicine, and prepared to take them away together.

"You are playing with fate and trying to change it, but fate will also plot against you. In the next life, please remember!"

"Oh, by the way, you have no next life now."

At this time, the Lord of Heaven still did not forget to sneer at Lin Tian who seemed to have lost consciousness. It seems that his resentment towards Lin Tian is also very deep.

"I think, if there is no next life, it should be you!"

But the moment the Lord of Heaven's voice fell, an extremely cold voice pierced from behind him like a sharp sword, which made the Lord of Heaven unable to bear the surprise.


The Lord of Heaven turned around in an instant, and subconsciously threw a palm behind him.

I saw the void shattered, and a big golden hand came across the sky, collided with it, and made a loud noise, and there was another wave of air in this pitch-black abyss.

This shocking change shocked the Lord of the Demon Abyss who was collecting all kinds of treasures in the Demon Abyss.

"Who?" He turned his head.

I saw a young man in white clothes covered in golden light striding out of the void, his eyes were cold and burning like torches, as soon as he appeared, the atmosphere in this space couldn't help but freeze.

"You are..." Seeing this person, the Lord of the Demon Abyss felt familiar for a while, and frowned involuntarily.

For a moment, a name flashed through his mind, which made him unable to help asking: "Are you Zhao Jiuzhou?"

"I didn't expect the majestic Demon Lord to still remember me. It's a great honor." The young man in white smiled slightly at the Lord of Demon Abyss, but his eyes were a bit cold. He was none other than the well-known God of Fortune, Zhao Jiuzhou !

He is also one of Lin Tian's formal disciples.

Seeing that he remembered correctly, the face of the Lord of Moyuan gradually turned cold. He looked at Zhao Jiuzhou and said: "Back then, you came to Moyuan to borrow medicine, and I didn't bother to talk to you, so I let you mess around here for a while. Don't you really think that you are qualified to fight against me?"

Speaking of this, a trace of disdain flashed undisguisedly in the eyes of the Lord of the Demon Abyss. He pointed to the outside and said, "Now, just tell me where you came from and where you are going, otherwise..."

The Lord of Moyuan paused, then gave Lin Tian a cold look, and continued: "You just stay and die with this guy!"

"It's okay to stay, but I don't know, what price are you going to pay to keep me?" Emperor Wu shrugged disapprovingly. Nine days is his main battlefield.

And for so many years, his cultivation has not fallen, and the other party wants to kill him, but it is not so easy.

"Today, we will eliminate harm for future generations!" At this time, another figure came out from the void, holding a stone book, his eyes were cold, and his whole body was full of fighting spirit.

This person is none other than the father of the son of Emperor Daolin, the Great Emperor Daolin, a human emperor who entered the realm of the Heavenly Emperor only half a step away from the Heavenly Spirit Realm. Dao Tianshu, after going to the nine heavens, his cultivation base has improved by leaps and bounds.

Now, he is already a fairy king who is proud of the world in the fairy world.

Compared with ordinary supreme beings, there is no weakness.

Although he is still not as good as the master of a place like the Lord of Moyuan, but like Emperor Wu, in this world, but their home field, the moment he appeared, the "Book of the Great Dao" in his hand was like the nine-day Dao Dao. , resonated.

Under such circumstances, he already has the strength of being unstoppable.

Moreover, when the Demon Abyss was shattered, the outside world was fatally oppressive to the masters of the Demon Abyss and the Lord of Heaven, such powerhouses from the last era.

They may not dare to let go of the shot.

Under such circumstances, Daolin and Emperor Wu were not afraid of them at all.

What's more, it's not just them who came this time.

"I used to see you moths hiding in the darkness and stealing the power of the Nine Heavens. I was very dissatisfied, but I didn't have the strength to eradicate you. Since the emperor took the lead today, we will naturally not be absent!"

At this time, several figures came across.

Like Emperor Wu and the others, they came from the ancient city guarding the deepest part of the starry sky, dividing the world in three directions. The strong men came from the monster race, and there were also strong men from other races.

Fearless of powerful enemies, they came here from afar just to respond to Emperor Wu's call.

There is no other reason, only because Lin Tian is the guardian of this world and the core figure of that ancient city. Without him, they would be just a layer of loose sand, unable to resist the attack of that world at all.

More importantly, more than half of them had received Lin Tian's favor back then.

Even if he didn't, he got help from Lin Tian indirectly.

Therefore, today Lin Tian was in trouble, and they had to come.

Even if, this time, they might not come back, they don't care.

After all, living too long is indeed boring.

If their own death can be exchanged for a more meaningful life, they don't mind at all, and they just die like this.

(End of this chapter)

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