Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 537 The Yellow Emperor and the God of Medicine

Chapter 537 The Yellow Emperor and the God of Medicine

In this world, it is precisely because of such a righteous person that there is no hope and light that does not fall into endless darkness.

If everyone exists like those forbidden places, just to protect themselves, disregarding the life and death of countless creatures, then without the destruction of the world, they can make this world fall into boundless darkness, which is worse than destruction.

No one wants to live that day.

"Yang Wudi, come and fight!!!" At this time, a loud shout sounded from the sky and the earth, a long spear pierced through the void, and plunged into the Demon Abyss, shaking the area for a while.

I saw a middle-aged man with a bronze complexion, thick eyebrows and big eyes descending slowly, like his long spear, standing straight on the Moyuan, staring coldly at the Lord of the Demon Abyss and the Lord of Heaven.

This person is none other than Yang Wudi.

As the guardian of the Human Emperor's lineage, although he did not reign in the Nine Heavens as the Emperor of Heaven, he had attained the Tao countless thousands of years before Emperor Wu. After so many years of accumulation, his strength has already surpassed himself.

Even Emperor Wu who was next to him was startled by that sharp breath.

This is definitely a supreme existence in the realm of the Immortal King.

And the moment he arrived, another old man came out from the void. He was wearing a yellow robe, his figure was hunched, and he walked slowly, as if he was about to die. He coughed twice from time to time. He kept his head down all the time, making it impossible to see his face clearly.

But as soon as he appeared, even the eyes of the Lord of Demon Abyss and the Lord of Heaven couldn't help but focus slightly.

This is the performance that Emperor Wu and the others have never had before.

Because in this old man, they all faintly felt a hint of danger.

It can be said that if anyone present has the ability to cause injuries and troubles to them, then this old man must bear the brunt.

"I don't know, is the old man late..." The old man seemed to have noticed that the eyes of the Lord of the Demon Abyss and the Lord of the Heavens were always on him, and he couldn't help but slowly raised his head. , showing a smile.

"It's him……"

In the distant northern plains, Immortal Emperor Changsheng couldn't help showing surprise on his face when he saw this old man. Others may not know this old man, but he is definitely not a stranger.

Because this one, like him, is a strong man from the ancient times.

Moreover, this one, he has a famous name in Taikoo.

Yellow Emperor!

That's right, it is the Yellow Emperor among the five ancient emperors.

One of the five strongest players in an era.

It is also among the five emperors of the ancient times, except for Lin Tian, ​​the only super old monster who has survived today, and is now a top giant in the fairy world above the nine heavens.

"I didn't expect that even he came today..." Looking at the Yellow Emperor, the shocked look in the eyes of Immortal Emperor Changsheng never expected that this person would come across the border. Coming down from the Immortal Realm is much more difficult than coming out of the Chaos Sea directly.

The most important thing is that, if he remembers correctly, this person seemed to have had some conflicts with Lin Tian back then, and had a big quarrel. It is not at this time to take the risk of rescuing Lin Tiancai.

As if feeling the doubts of Immortal Emperor Changsheng, Huangdi turned his face to the north, grinning his old yellow teeth and said: "Changsheng, you old boy, don't get me wrong, old man, I didn't come here today because of that bastard, but at the beginning, Above Nine Heavens, I owed a great favor, and now I am entrusted by it, so I have no choice but to come."

"Otherwise, I wish that bastard would die sooner. When the old man was respected in ancient times, he suppressed me a lot." Huangdi said angrily, looking very dissatisfied with Lin Tian.

This made everyone present speechless for a while.

However, they were even more curious about what kind of existence it was that made someone like Huang Di owe him a favor, and also had a close relationship with Lin Tian, ​​so he didn't hesitate to waste such a favor to save him.

"Are you missing me?"

At this moment, a somewhat obscene voice suddenly sounded, which surprised everyone.

They suddenly searched for their reputation and saw Lin Tian. At some point, there was an old man with white beard wearing a bamboo hat and carrying a medicine basket. Seeing everyone, this old man with white beard couldn't help but smile. , laughing very wretchedly.

And took out a mellow pill, and stuffed it into Lin Tian's mouth again with quick eyesight and hands.

One to repair the soul, one to stimulate life, and two pills in a row entered Lin Tian's body. The death energy lingering on his body immediately faded away, and a ray of vitality was spreading in his body.

"You bastard, I haven't seen you for so many years, and you cheated my two most precious pills as soon as I saw you. It really took eight lifetimes of bad luck for me to know a bastard like you." Looking unconscious Lin Tian, ​​the old man said cursingly, with a heartache on his face.

As for the two pills just now, if they were placed above the Nine Heavens, even the supreme giants at the top of the fairy world would come to fight for them, and they were beaten badly for this. After so many years, he is currently left I bought two of them, and it is conceivable that they are very precious.

But this time today, all of them were given to Lin Tian, ​​which made him very heartbroken.

I think Lin Tian is a scammer who kills thousands of knives.

But the faces of the Lord of Heaven and the Lord of Demon Abyss became extremely ugly in an instant. They finally knew what the Yellow Emperor was doing with those words. It was to attract their attention.

They didn't see the elixir that was fed into Lin Tian's mouth in front, but even if they didn't hold it in their hands to observe the elixir in the back, with their eyesight, they could tell that it was definitely not an ordinary elixir .

It is definitely an existence at the level of Dao.

Moreover, it is still used for life extension, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to pull Lin Tian back from the brink of death all at once.

"It seems that you should be the god of medicine... the greatest alchemist in this era." The Lord of the Heavens stared at the slovenly old man next to Lin Tian, ​​and said coldly.

"Don't, don't, I don't dare to be the greatest alchemist of this era, but the world does call me the God of Medicine." The God of Medicine waved his hand, his words were full of humility, but from his face, everyone What I saw was full of complacency, how could there be any sense of humility? !
Seeing the other party admitting their identities, the faces of the Lord of Moyuan and the Lord of Heaven became even more ugly. If someone else made a move, they might not be too worried. The other party would be able to rescue Lin Tian who was almost dead.

The god of medicine...

This is the most outstanding alchemist in this era.

It was he who created the way of refining medicine in this era. Although Lin Tian's guidance and help were included in it, Lin Tian was not an alchemist at the beginning, and what he gave was only a little bit of what he had in his previous era. That's all.

To be able to make it to this day, the strength of the God of Medicine must not be underestimated.

The Lord of Heaven and the Lord of Demon Abyss have no doubt that he has the strength to save Lin Tian.

After all, the medicine god himself has a half-step of the realm of the way of heaven, and coupled with his alchemy strength far surpassing his own cultivation, it is not impossible to refine even the elixir of the way of heaven.

It is very possible that the two pills that Lin Tian ate just now are the existence of this realm.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be so distressed.

Thinking of this, how ugly the expressions of the Lord of Heaven and the Lord of Demon Abyss must be. Today, if these people are allowed to save Lin Tian, ​​wouldn't everything they have done be in vain?

Especially the Lord of the Demon Abyss.

In order to let Lin Tian enter the trap, he cruelly smashed all his team members in, together with his own shelter. If Lin Tian came back to life, his loss would be too great.

The most important thing is that in the days to come, Lin Tian might still be hunted down endlessly.

This is the scariest place.

After all, the strength that Lin Tian showed is in front of his eyes today, even if they are such an existence comparable to the Dao of Heaven, they dare not be careless.

 Good night everyone~
(End of this chapter)

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