Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 554 I haven't seen you smile for a long time...

Chapter 554 I haven't seen you smile for a long time...

"If you want to kill me, of course you can, but this time, your opponent is not me." Chi Di shook his head and said.


Hearing this, the black-eyed king was startled.

Then he looked at Lin Tian suddenly.

Could it be that he could summon someone stronger than Chidi from his dark door?
Neither Lin Tian nor Chidi spoke.

Just looking at the dead strong men in hell, one after another, came back to life, and then walked out of that icy world, came to the outside world, stood beside them, and fought side by side with them.

After a while.

Lin Tian's figure became more and more illusory.

It looked like it was going to burn out completely.

The gate to hell was also shaking violently.

Chidi and the others were silent, and no one spoke. Before Lin Tian gave orders, or before the Black Eyed King made a move, they all tacitly did not attack first, as if they were waiting for something.

But at this time.

A white slender hand suddenly protruded out and rested on the gate of hell.

The trembling gate of hell immediately became quiet.

Seeing this, Lin Tian raised a smile again on his face, very bright, looking at the very familiar plain white long dress that had haunted him for so many years, Lin Tian smiled, and the tears flowed down.

"Oh...why do you do this?"

After a while, a faint voice floated out, carrying an unknown amount of helplessness.

Lin Tian didn't care, just laughed.

next moment.

An exquisite figure floated in front of Lin Tian.

Her beautiful side face showed a distressed look, and those white hands stroked Lin Tian's face, but at this time, Lin Tian's body had been completely burned, and now the rest, Already a soul.

And it's still an illusory soul that can no longer be illusory.

Seeing it, it will become transparent.

In this case, the woman's hand naturally stroked an empty space.

"elder brother……"

At this time, the woman finally couldn't help crying.

"Why do you do this? Why do you do this? You could have lived, why did you... oh..." The woman burst into tears, and every drop that fell on the ground could bloom a gorgeous and pure flower. lotus.

"Silly girl, my brother is incompetent..." Lin Tian wanted to reach out to wipe the tears off the woman's face, but he was in vain, which made Lin Tian feel helpless. He smiled and looked at the woman reluctantly. Said: "It's all my brother's uselessness to blame. At this time, I still need you to protect me..."

The woman didn't speak, just pursed her lips and shook her head vigorously.

"Come on, don't cry, brother hasn't seen you smile for a long time, come on, show me a smile." Lin Tian looked at the woman, changed the subject, and said jokingly, like a big brother next door, teasing own sister.

It didn't look like a dying person at all.

The woman took a deep breath, wiped away the tears on her face, and smiled at Lin Tian with red eyes.

Seeing this, Lin Tian smiled heartily again.

However, this smile is fleeting, and the moment it comes out again, it is blown away by the wind.

The woman smiled and cried.

"Ah—" For a moment, she raised her head to the sky and screamed in pain, and turned around full of anger.

Those beautiful red eyes fell firmly on the Black Eyed King.

A terrifying and weird aura gradually emerged from the woman, causing the heavens to tremble for it.

"You—damn it!" the woman stared at the King of Black Eyes, and said every word.

The Black Eyed King didn't speak, his face was already full of seriousness.

As the strongest person in the foreign land, the King of Black Eyes found that he didn't seem to have an advantage in front of this beautiful Nine Heavens woman in front of him, and even, faintly, there was a trace of fear born from his heart.

That feeling was like facing Lin Tian in his heyday.

This made the Black Eyed King very uneasy.

He didn't dare to be negligent, and hastily issued orders: "Give it to me, and wipe out this world!"


Under the order of the King of Black Eyes, the foreign creatures who were frightened by the appearance of the woman, the Red Emperor and others, screamed again, and rushed towards the woman, the Red Emperor and the others with excitement and excitement. .


Chidi didn't say anything, he drank a lot, and rushed towards the densely packed foreign army together with the countless nine-day creatures who were resurrected by Lin Tian. For a while, a big battle broke out.

The woman found the Black Eyed King involuntarily.

In those plain hands, the light of fate flowed, and they killed him immediately.

A battle of the century broke out on the spot in the chaotic sea of ​​chaos.

The nine heavens and ten earths, the starry sky, and even the fairy world were all shaken by this war. All kinds of fluctuations made the powerhouses on both sides of the world panic, especially Emperor Wu and others who were guarding the outside world were extremely nervous.

I am afraid that the strong foreign land will kill him in the next moment.

And they failed to stop it, failing Lin Tian's expectations.

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

Huangdi dragged his seriously injured body, and was building a formation with a pale face. Feeling the terrible breath in the chaotic sea, he was burning with anxiety, while Yaoshen was looking at the world in a daze.

Others may not feel it.

But he felt it.

Lin Tian...

left already……

Before even fully absorbing the effects of his elixir, he left this world and completely disappeared.

At this time, there was a wave of fluctuations from that side of the world.

There is no breath of Lin Tian.

It seems that it should be his backhand.

The old eyes of the God of Medicine gradually blurred, and the old tears flowed down uncontrollably. He suppressed the grief in his heart, turned his head, and tried his best to draw a formation, even pouring his own blood into it. Go in, look crazy, startled everyone.

Emperor Wu and the others were startled when they saw the strange state of the God of Medicine.

Immediately, he looked towards the Chaos Sea, as if he understood something, his eyes turned red with a swish.


Emperor Wu's voice trembled, he never expected that the man whom he admired all his life would just leave like this, disappearing forever in this world, and died under the helplessness of the overall situation.

This is something that Emperor Wu couldn't accept.

"Ahhh—you bastards, you really deserve to die!!!" Emperor Wu screamed like crazy, couldn't help but knelt down, tears streaming down his face, and the sadness in his heart permeated for nine days.

"Who has fallen again..."

Good fortune Wuzong, in the depths of the bamboo forest in the back mountain, Lin Muyu stood in front of the wooden house where Lin Tian often stayed, feeling the sadness between heaven and earth, slightly dazed, drops of water suddenly fell on her hands, head, and face superior.

"Is it raining?"

Lin Muyu raised her head blankly.

I saw the green bamboo above her head shaking slightly, making a whining sound, and water droplets kept falling from its branches, as if crying. This strange scene made Lin Muyu startled.

Then she sat down at the stone table at the door of the wooden house, propped her face in boredom, and murmured: "When will brother come back... and daddy... oh."

Having said that, Lin Muyu had a sad expression on his face.

 Come here, good night everyone~
(End of this chapter)

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