Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 555 Reversal of Fate

Chapter 555 Reversal of Fate (Final)
"Have you come this far yet?"

Immortal Emperor Changsheng looked into the distance, his eyes were full of unbearable, although he did not go to the Chaos Sea, but from the mournful roar of Emperor Wu, he also guessed the general situation of the matter. Can't live with those alien creatures.

As for Lin Tian, ​​he didn't know what method he used to block these alien creatures.

"Oh, I hope I can really block it..."

Immortal Emperor Changsheng sighed quietly, looking at the depths of the distant starry sky, his face was full of worry.

A corner of the sky.

A man in a black robe fled here in embarrassment. He felt the terrifying waves coming from afar, and couldn't help but turn his head. A trace of panic flashed in his blood-colored eyes.

"Is this the method of that lunatic? It's really terrifying... But it's a pity, time won't wait for him..." The Lord of the Demon Abyss muttered to himself, then his eyes flickered, and he didn't know what idea he thought of.

In the mighty sea of ​​death, the terrifying supreme existence was also attracted by the sudden outbreak of war in the chaos.

There was a strong man who couldn't help sighing: "Although Crazy Lin is strong, it's a pity that he is still alone..."

One person sighed, "Yeah, I'm so tired... If he didn't challenge the way of heaven back then, perhaps it would be much better now to challenge the way of heaven..." At the end, the man shook his head with a sigh.

The things Lin Tian did were things that they didn't even dare to think about.

This is what they admire.

All parties are sighing with emotion, observing the changes in the sea of ​​chaos.


In front of the sea of ​​chaos, Emperor Wu's eyes were filled with tears, and he used his blood essence to draw the last pattern, so that a barrier suddenly appeared in the starry sky linking the sea of ​​chaos and the nine heavens.

Terrible power is continuously drawn from the starry sky and poured into it.

A foreign creature whose strength is terrifying enough to rival the Nine Heavens Emperor suddenly barged in for some reason, but he had just stepped out of the Chaos Sea, his eyes were full of excitement, and before he had time to react, he was caught by this sudden rise. The raised barrier was cut in half.

This powerful alien creature was startled at first, and immediately turned into a puff of black smoke without daring to think about it, and wanted to escape.

But how could Emperor Wu and the others, who were already red-eyed, let him go?

All the grief and indignation in his heart were immediately vented on this lucky and unlucky alien creature.

Under the joint efforts of the Yellow Emperor, the God of Medicine, and the Emperor Wu, no matter how tenacious and strong the life of this foreign strong man was, he fell into this starry sky in an instant.

And at this time, the war of the century in the sea of ​​chaos is almost coming to an end.

The terrifying light of fate, while entwining the Black Eyed King, also ravaged the battlefield below. Countless alien creatures were annihilated in ashes under the halo of fate, which made the expressions of the powerful aliens change drastically.

It never occurred to him that the peerless woman summoned by Lin Tian would be so terrifying.

"I'm not reconciled!!!"

The black-eyed king has disheveled hair, and his eyes are full of madness. In order to attack the Nine Heavens again, he tried his best, even at any cost, even beheaded his brother. Now, he has already killed the Nine Heavens Barrier, and he is about to rule again Nine days later, he was stopped again.

How could he be willing, how could he be willing?

"Crazy Lin, are you going to have trouble with this king even after you die?" The Black Eyed King raised his head to the sky and screamed.

It's fine if he doesn't yell.

His roar immediately aroused the deepest thorn in the heart of the woman in front of him.

"You... dammit!"

The woman's vermilion lips parted slightly, and a cold voice slowly spewed out from her mouth. The terrifying and mysterious power of fate quickly condensed in her hands, and then turned into a long sword of light, which was very dazzling.


The woman's long hair fluttered, and the destiny in her hand was cut out impressively.

The terrifying power of fate instantly tore the world apart.

The faces of countless alien creatures in the field changed drastically.

Seeing the opportunity, Chidi swung his flaming great sword on the spot, and with lightning speed, took advantage of a foreign Xeon who was in a daze and claimed to be the Flying Sparrow King, and pierced it on the spot.

But he himself paid a high price for this.

The other party reacted, and quickly used the method of fighting for life to severely injure Chidi.

The other two also reacted one after another, got rid of their opponents, wanted to kill them, and rescued their companions from Chidi's hands.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Seeing this, the Red Emperor was not only not worried, but laughed out loud, he said proudly: "This seat is just a remnant of a remnant soul, even the guy who cherishes life the most, the Black Emperor, is willing to give up everything now. What am I afraid of?"

"What's the difference between living a moment longer and living a moment less?"

"Being able to bring a king from a foreign land to die, I am worthwhile to come to the world again, hahahaha..." Chidi's voice was so loud that it even spread to Chaos Overseas.

When the Yellow Emperor, who was guarding outside, heard this, his expression changed drastically.

"That guy?" Huang Di was shocked and excited.

But the next moment, he saw the sky full of fire, bursting from the sea of ​​chaos, like a bright firework, extremely beautiful, but the Yellow Emperor didn't have the heart to appreciate it, looking at the spark that illuminated the entire sea of ​​chaos.

The Yellow Emperor wept silently, and murmured: "If you really killed a foreign king, your wish has come true..."

At the moment when the Red Emperor traded his life for his life and killed a foreign king and a large number of foreign creatures, the high-altitude battlefield was also decided. The black-eyed king tried his best, but he was still no match for the woman in white skirt a sword.

The power of destiny is invisible and weird, and the Black Eyed King couldn't find a way to break it.

He was cut off half of his body by this sword.

The woman silently said to the black-eyed king, as long as there is one sword, and then another sword, the guy in front of him will die. There is no doubt about it. As long as the black-eyed king dies, even if there are two kings in the foreign land, if you want to invade Jiutian, It's not that easy anymore.

But just when everyone thought she was going to slash this sword, the woman hesitated.

She turned her head and glanced at the gate of hell behind her, her eyes gradually became firm.

"I'm sorry, brother, I'm going to disappoint you again, I hope you don't blame me..." The woman sighed quietly, then swept away coldly, and separated the creatures from the foreign land with a sword under the incomprehensible eyes of everyone.

In the chaotic sea, a bottomless ravine was left behind.

The terrifying power of fate eroded this place.

Let any living beings who fall here be tortured by fate in an instant.

"Retreat, this is not the place for you to come."

The woman looked at the terrified alien creatures and said suddenly.

The Black Eyed King and the others were stunned when they heard the words, and looked at the woman standing above the sky like a peerless fairy in disbelief, their faces were full of shock, and they never thought that she would let their group go just like this .

According to the current progress, shouldn't she be chasing after the victory?

After all, they occupy the top points.

If the woman in the white skirt who appeared mysteriously insisted on doing something, the King of Black Eyes was sure that he would pull her along and die together, but the price he would pay would be his own life.

In this way, the result will be completely different.

After all, after the fall of the Black-eyed King, their side of the foreign land wants to invade Jiutian again, without the accumulation of an era, I'm afraid they don't even think about it, and the Black-eyed King is not dead, as long as he regains his vitality, he will start again. opportunity to come.

But the woman in the white dress might not be around anymore.

After all, she was only resurrected for a short time, rather than returning again, so she couldn't stay in this world for too long.


A nine-day powerhouse who had been revived after the ancient battle couldn't help but ask.

The woman in the white dress shook her head, did not answer, just looked at the black-eyed king, and said lightly: "If you don't go, stay."

Hearing the words again, the Black Eyed King finally came to his senses.

Unwillingly, he glanced ahead at Jiutian who was close to Chi Chi, then gritted his teeth and said, "Let's go!"

Hearing the words, the alien creatures receded like a tide.

Come fast, go fast.

This world has once again regained clarity.

Without the vast, bottomless gully filled with all kinds of strange powers of destiny, and the dilapidated ancient city in the distance, this great battle would have never happened.


Nine Heavens Powerhouse asked again.

They looked at the receding alien creatures, with strong unwillingness in their eyes.

Obviously she was about to win, and she finally got a chance to severely damage the foreign land, but she gave up, and everyone couldn't figure it out.

"I also have selfishness..."

After a while, under the attention of everyone, the woman sighed quietly.

She raised her hand slowly, and at some point in the sky, it was snowing.

In the snowflakes, there are all kinds of fate.

This is the snowflake of fate.

A snowflake with a boy's bright smile on it quietly landed on the palm of the woman in white dress. Seeing the boy's smile reflected in the snowflake, the girl in white dress also laughed.

"Brother, let me be self-willed again..."

The woman smiled sweetly.

The terrible wheel of fortune suddenly turned.

Even the terrifying sea of ​​chaos, the birthplace of heaven, couldn't help trembling at this moment, almost torn apart, the sound of gears echoed between heaven and earth, and the terrifying power of heaven's punishment suddenly appeared in Zhou Tian.

But the woman in the white skirt was not afraid at all.

She looked back into hell, and whispered softly: "Fate... reversed..."

The sound fell.

Quietly, the color of the world changed.

The terrifying power of fate, like a gust of wind, swept in.

Just like Lin Tian's reversal of time and space.

The ultimate meaning of the way of destiny is the reversal of fate. It is a complete reversal of a person's fate. It is extremely terrifying. As for the price, the woman in the white dress doesn't care anymore.

Isn't it a complete death...

What does it matter?

The woman in the white skirt looked at the peaceful young man in white lying in the underworld, and a bright smile gradually appeared on her face.

"Goodbye, brother..." The woman in the white skirt smiled with tears, and looked at the peaceful young man in white with reluctance, gradually becoming illusory, and then completely disappeared in this world.

The nine-day powerhouses who had also been resurrected were silent when they saw this.

They finally understood why the woman in the white skirt stopped. It turned out that she wanted to use all her power to revive Lin Tian, ​​but she was obviously only halfway done.

Lin Tian's fate may have been reversed.

It may not survive, but it is hard to say.

After all, before Lin Tian, ​​what he did was to sacrifice. With himself, he called back their true spirits, which can be said to have disappeared completely, but the woman in the white dress used his fate to retrieve a ray of his remnant soul.

But in Huangquan, there has never been a dead person who can truly be reincarnated.

"My lords, we are already dead, and now we are just using our residual heat. Since that's the case, it's better to help him. If he doesn't die, this world will still be saved. Otherwise, next time, I'm afraid it will be difficult for someone to carry it up again." big flag."

"The dispute between the two domains and the turmoil in the ten regions all require a leader."

A strong man suddenly suggested.

Everyone present hesitated for a moment after hearing the words, and then nodded in unison.

Originally, they were called back by Lin Tian.

Now, using the last sliver of heat to help Lin Tian, ​​it can be regarded as karma.

"I hope you can wake up again after countless tens of thousands of years..." Everyone glanced at Lin Tian, ​​and all of them burned up, and then turned into pure soul power, pouring into the hell, pouring into the hell. in the weak soul.

At that moment, Huangquan water boiled.

The soul power of the young man in white is getting stronger and stronger.

After everyone's soul power poured into the body of the young man in white.

next moment.

From the tightly closed corners of the eyes of the young man in white, two crystal tears of soul slowly slipped down.

Immediately afterwards, his body sank slowly.

At this moment, the underworld shook.

Then the whole world quietly returned to calm, and there was no more sound...

(At this point, even if it’s over, the rest will be supplementary. As for when everyone asks me when the new book will be released, I’ll come back immediately after adjusting the status. name, thanks everyone!)

(End of this chapter)

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