Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 6 The Oath of Heaven

Chapter 6 The Oath of Heaven
"Okay, since you're so confident, then I won't make things difficult for you. As long as you lose, you can cripple your arms and kneel down to apologize to my grandson. How about that?"

The third elder looked at Lin Tian and smiled.

"Tian'er, don't get angry with this old guy, this bet is unfair to you!"

Before Lin Tian had time to speak, he was interrupted by Lin Longxiao. This bet was too harsh, and Lin Tian would almost certainly lose unless there was a miracle.

It's just... there are so many miracles in the world.

"Why, don't you dare?"

Seeing Lin Longxiao's stop, the third elder couldn't help but sneered twice, and said in a strange way: "Sure enough, trash is trash, and you will always only use your tongue."

"Hehe, Third Elder, don't provoke me. Since I made this bet, I will naturally not go back on it. How about it... If you don't believe it, we can make an oath of heaven."

Lin Tian said lightly, not listening to Lin Longxiao's words.

"Heaven's oath?"

The third elder's eyes flashed, and he nodded immediately: "Okay, then make an oath to heaven!"

Seeing that the two reached an agreement and signed a bet under a piece of parchment, Lin Longxiao was so anxious that he wanted to persuade Lin Tian to stop.

The oath of the Dao of Heaven is the most severe oath in the Nine Heavens and the Ten Realms. It is supervised by the Dao of Heaven in the dark. As long as any cultivator makes it, he cannot violate it.

Otherwise, it will lead to the backlash of heaven. This consequence is very serious, and basically no one is willing to bear it.

"My God, you have to think about it carefully."

Seeing that the two of them had dripped blood essence on the parchment and were about to fulfill their oath, Lin Longxiao said anxiously: "I know you want to prove yourself in a hurry, but we have plenty of time in the future, so we really don't need to compete with this old guy."

"Father, don't worry, I will win."

Lin Tian said awkwardly.

Although he accepted his current identity, some words were still a little convoluted when he said them.

"Are you really sure?"

"Really, I promise!"

Lin Tian said solemnly.

Seeing this, Lin Longxiao also knew that he couldn't persuade him, so he sighed quietly: "Well, since you choose to gamble, as a father, I will support you and trust you."

As he spoke, Lin Longxiao took out a purple grass plant from his bosom in front of the third elder. The whole body was transparent, and the inside could be seen from the outside, with faint brilliance flowing.

This grass is the second-grade elixir that Lin Hong once took—Purple Spirit Grass. It contains pure spiritual energy, which quickly replenishes spiritual energy and helps monks in the energy-gathering realm to cultivate.

"What a waste..."

The third elder looked at this purple spirit grass with a flash of fire in his eyes. If this purple spirit grass could be given to him, his grandson Lin Zhi's injury would not only recover quickly, but his cultivation might even improve further.

"It's such a waste to give such a precious elixir to Lin Tian..."

Both Lin Yuan and Lin Zhi were also full of jealousy, and couldn't help muttering in their hearts, thinking that Lin Tian didn't deserve to take this purple spirit grass at all.

It's a pity that this is something that Lin Longxiao found in the Yunyang Mountains on an adventure. It is his personal property, and he can give it to whoever he wants.

"Tian'er, take this purple spirit grass, you should be able to practice faster."

Lin Longxiao stuffed the purple spirit grass into Lin Tian's hand, and then said.

This purple spirit grass was originally intended to be taken by him for Lin Muyu, so that she could go to Yanyang Academy in the best condition to take the autumn exam.But this time Zhao Yu's arrival brought her to Yanyang College in advance, so Lin Longxiao kept this purple spirit grass for himself, preparing to use it for healing.

But now, seeing Lin Tian and the third elder betting against each other, even if he knew, taking out this purple spirit grass would not be of much use, or even a waste, Lin Longxiao still gave it to Lin Tian, ​​just to let him put a little more winning percentage.

Looking at the young purple spirit grass in his hand, Lin Tian only felt heavy. At this moment, this garbage elixir that he didn't even bother to look at before was even more precious than the so-called holy medicine.

Because it is not just a medicine, but also a love.

Lin Tian did not reject Lin Longxiao's kindness, silently put away the purple spirit grass, and then showed a very refreshing smile.

Without a firm guarantee and redundant explanations, one month later, he will use facts to prove that Lin Longxiao's investment is absolutely correct.

Qi Gathering Level [-] is just for Lin Tian, ​​​​it is not difficult at all, as long as he wants to, he can break through at any time.

It's just that the more people like Lin Tian, ​​the more he values ​​the early foundation.

He shattered the Dao of Heaven not only because he wanted to see what the hell was on the Dao that day, but also because he wanted to use the power of the Dao of Heaven to erase all the blemishes left by the wrong path before.

Therefore, Lin Tian is not in a hurry to practice.

Otherwise, he can really gather energy with one thought now, and even directly break through to the body refining state without any problem.

"are you done?"

The third elder stood by and urged impatiently.

"What's the rush? Hurrying to reincarnate?"

Lin Tian glanced at the third elder lightly, and then pressed his thumb on the drop of blood of the third elder on the parchment.

The third elder snorted coldly, and didn't care about Lin Tian, ​​the most urgent thing now is to complete the bet right away.

As long as the bet is completed, Lin Tian is not dead.

The third elder quickly pressed his hand on Lin Tian's blood essence, impatiently injecting spiritual energy into it, for fear that Lin Tian would suddenly regret it.

This is an ancient ritual, no one knows when it originated, and it is also a common method for low-level practitioners to make a bet on the way of heaven.

The moment the spiritual energy poured in, the parchment shone with a strange light.

Immediately afterwards, a complex pattern appeared on it, sucking in all the writing on the parchment, revealing a faint sense of coercion.

The essence and blood of the two were also attracted by it, turning into blood lines, and quickly rushed towards the light pattern.

Whether it’s fast or slow, the blood essence of Lin Tian and the third elder turned into two halos the size of thumbs, engraved with countless exquisite runes inside, like a small formation, and then turned into Two blood shadows flew into the eyebrows of Lin Tian and the third elder respectively.

At that moment, Lin Tian and the third elder felt in their hearts at the same time that there seemed to be an inexplicable connection between themselves and the world, and they could faintly feel a ray of unchallenged supreme heavenly power.

"The bet is complete, hahaha, Lin Tian, ​​cherish your last month..." The third elder saw that the parchment had lost its light and shattered into pieces between heaven and earth. There is no doubt that he will win.

"Jie Jie Jie, Lin Tian, ​​I didn't expect you to be so stupid that you really dare to take the oath of heaven to make this gamble. You are really a fool."

Lin Zhi also helped a guard to stand up, looked at Lin Tian with a grin and said, "Hmph, I'm looking forward to it. After a month, you will kneel in front of me and kowtow to make amends."

(End of this chapter)

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