Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 7 Swallowed the Seal of Heaven

Chapter 7 Swallowed the Seal of Heaven
"Don't be too happy, what if you lose?"

Lin Tiandu glanced at the proud Lin Zhi, and said lightly.

"Losing? Lin Tian, ​​I think you are really crazy!"

Lin Zhi was full of sarcasm, and said with a sneer: "I, Lin Zhi, will put my words here today. If you, Lin Tian, ​​can win, I will eat shit at the gate of Yanyang College in front of everyone."

Lin Tian pinched his nose and looked at Lin Zhi with disgust, "Your hobbies are really unique."


Lin Zhi didn't know why, but suddenly there was an urge to kill in his heart.

"Zhi'er, don't be as knowledgeable as this lunatic, he only has a better mouth, let's go."

The third elder glanced at Lin Tian coldly, and then said: "Anyway, the bet has been completed now, we just wait for him to make a fool of himself in a month."

Lin Zhi nodded when he heard the words, gave Lin Tian a bitter look, and then limped away with the support of the third elder.

"Lin Tian, ​​I'm looking forward to your performance in a month's time."

Lin Yuan took a deep look at Lin Tian, ​​then turned around and left quickly.

After the third elder and his party left, the bustling Dongyuan immediately became deserted.

Lin Longxiao patted Lin Tian on the shoulder, not knowing what to say, finally sighed, and said: "Tian'er, if you need help, just ask me, while I can still be the head of the family for a few days, I can help you figure it out."

"There's nothing that needs help right now."

Lin Tian shook his head, and then confessed: "However, I will go to the back mountain to retreat during this period, and I will probably not come out until before Qiu Wei. If you can't find me, don't worry."

"Are you going to the back mountain?"

Hearing Lin Tian's words, Lin Longxiao frowned, and immediately vetoed Lin Tian's decision, "No, it's too dangerous there, you can't go in with your current strength."

The mountain behind the Lin Mansion is not any other place, it is the Yunyang Mountains.

Although this place is only the outer edge of the monster forest, it is still extremely dangerous. There are many monsters moving in it, and even Lin Longxiao dare not rush in there.

"Father, don't worry, I will wander around the outskirts and find a quiet place to practice, and I will never go to the mountains. I am afraid that the Lin Mansion will not be quiet during this time..."

Lin Tian said helplessly.

Lin Longxiao also knew that the content of today's bet would definitely spread throughout the Lin family, and even the entire Yunyang City.

If he continues to stay in the Lin family, Lin Tian will definitely not be able to practice with peace of mind.

However, why did he not believe it in his heart, Lin Tian went to the Yunyang Mountains just to hide himself.

"Are you sure you won't go in?"

Lin Longxiao looked at Lin Tian suspiciously, not believing his assurance.

"I really don't want to go inside the Yunyang Mountains."

Lin Tian said helplessly, and silently added in his heart: "I just want to go to the monster forest inside..."

Seeing Lin Tian's reassurance, Lin Longxiao pondered for a moment before agreeing.

"You can go there, but you must pay attention to safety. Also, if you hold this sword for self-defense, you should have the power to protect yourself if you encounter any danger."

As Lin Longxiao said, he took out a sharp sword from the storage bag in his arms, the silver light was shining, although it was not a magical weapon, it was also very sharp, and it was a good sword.

Lin Tian was not hypocritical, knowing that if he didn't hold the sword, Lin Longxiao would never let it go, so he took it readily.

At this time, a servant came to Lin Longxiao's side and whispered something in his ear. Lin Longxiao's face changed slightly, then he looked at Lin Tian, ​​told him to pay attention to safety, and left in a hurry.

Looking at Lin Longxiao who was leaving, and looking at the long sword in his hand, Lin Tian smiled sassyly. There was nothing to clean up, and he walked directly towards the back door of the Lin Mansion.

When the guard at the back door saw Lin Tian, ​​a famous fool, coming, he didn't even bother to look at him, and let him go.

Half an hour later, Lin Tian came to a cliff.

Standing here, you can clearly see the looming, undulating, tall and steep Yunyang Mountains in the distance.After crossing the Yunyang Mountains, you will find the terrifying monster forest, which is also the destination of Lin Tian's trip.

He once left a mausoleum there, engraved with a supreme formation that even the emperor of heaven could not blast away to protect himself from sleeping, and let a Nine Nether Demon Dragon with the blood of a real dragon guard there.

It's just that I don't know what happened to me during these years of deep sleep. Not only did people appear outside and lost the protection of the big formation, but they were also picked up by Lin Longxiao.

"This dead dragon, don't be caught by me, or you will have to be skinned and stewed in the pot."

Lin Tian couldn't help gnashing his teeth and cursed.

Because he was inadvertently destroyed by Lin Longxiao on the way to sleep, his tens of thousands of years of self-cultivation were burned, and he was almost killed by the remaining power of heaven.

Thinking of Tiandao, Lin Tian thought of today, the imprint of Tiandao that Tiandao vowed to leave in his body.

"Heavenly, isn't it?"

Lin Tian sneered twice, an extremely pure spiritual power appeared in the depths of his dantian, and quickly rushed towards the imprint of the way of heaven imprinted in his body.

boom! ! !
The mark of heaven seemed to know that he had been provoked. He was very angry and trembled non-stop. The mark appeared between Lin Tian's brows. The light shone brightly. Suddenly, a terrifying breath erupted, as if about to explode. He wanted to kill Lin Tian. The sky directly exploded to death.


Seeing this, Lin Tian snorted coldly, and then slowly spit out: "Give me... off!"

As the voice fell, the terrifying imprint on Lin Tian's eyebrows, like a mirror, was directly shattered, destroyed, and there was no chance of resistance at all.

The power it lost was also sucked into Lin Tian's body in one gulp.

"Sure enough, it is the way of heaven, with pure power."

Lin Tian smashed his mouth, showing a satisfied smile.

Boom! ! !
In the clear sky, there was a sudden explosion.

Immediately afterwards, dark clouds covered Lin Tian's head, and a terrifying aura emerged from the black clouds, with faint lightning the size of a water tank flickering in the clouds.

"Is this someone crossing the Yunyang Mountains?"

"What a terrifying Lei Jie, I didn't expect that there would be such a character here in Yunyang City..."

People with a radius of thousands of miles in Yunyang City all saw the dark clouds that quickly gathered above Lin Tian's head, and they could feel the terrifying aura of destroying heaven and earth in it from a distance, and it became stronger and stronger.

The monsters in the Yunyang Mountains were even more frightened and fled around, neighing continuously. Even the monster forest thousands of miles away, there were disturbing roars, which were earth-shattering.

In just a few minutes, the entire sky was already dark, and it was extremely oppressive, and the breath became more and more terrifying. The thunder that resounded through the world seemed to really destroy the world.

In the nearby Yunyang City, everyone couldn't help but knelt down, even a strong man like Lin Longxiao was not spared, he collapsed on the ground, looking at the looming thunder dragon not far away, his heart was trembling extremely.

He couldn't imagine what kind of person it was that could attract such a terrifying catastrophe.

Could it be that a great emperor wants to testify here?

Not only Lin Longxiao, but countless people had this thought in their hearts, and they were terrified.

 Rolling around, showing cuteness and shamelessness, please collect it, please recommend it! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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