Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 612 Missed Opportunity

Chapter 612 Missed Opportunity
Seeing Lin Tian and Wu Sanhan walking to the Creation Peak, everyone behind them couldn't help being stunned, showing surprise.

"There are still people who want to break into the Creation Peak?"

Everyone was shocked and couldn't help discussing.

"Who are these two people? Have you met them?"

"I don't know, I don't have any impression. There should not be these two figures on the list of the Divine Talents of China."

Hearing everyone's discussion, the scar-faced man finally came back to his senses, and couldn't help but say, "These are two casual cultivators who are beyond their capabilities."

"When I came in before, I also wanted to go to the front and compete with Fang Shu, who was ranked No. 20 on the Shenzhou Tianjiao list. Now I am overwhelmed to challenge Good Fortune Peak. I really can't see the coffin without crying."

The burly man with the scarred face was full of sarcasm.

When everyone heard the words, they suddenly realized, and the gazes they looked at Lin Tian and Wu Sanhan also changed from shock to contempt.

It turned out that they were just two grandstanding clowns. Just now, they thought that some unknown person had come.

The noise near Good Fortune Peak also attracted the attention of the surroundings. Standing under a mountain peak, he was struggling with which mountain to choose.

When he saw the white-clothed figure in front of Good Fortune Peak, he couldn't help being stunned.

"Brother Fang, what's wrong?"

Qiu Moyu, who was dressed in a red robe, noticed the abnormality of Fang Shu beside him, and couldn't help following his gaze curiously, looking over.

When he saw Lin Tian in front of the Good Fortune Peak, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then said in astonishment: "Who are those two people? They actually want to break into the Good Fortune Peak?"

A strange look flashed in Fang Shu's eyes, and he said, "The man in white in front is the one I told you about earlier."

"It was him?"

A flash of surprise flashed in Qiu Moyu's eyes, and he couldn't help but said: "He really has the guts to challenge the Creation Peak. I don't know if he really has the ability or pretends to be."

"Who knows."

Fang Shu shook his head, his face was unnatural, he thought Lin Tian was ridiculous before, and he was mocking him for overreaching himself.

But now, Lin Tian actually chose Good Fortune Peak.

Regardless of whether he has this strength, this courage alone is not something that ordinary people can have.

After all, even the top Tianjiao in China, there are not many people who have the confidence to choose this mountain.

"I hope he's not grandstanding..."

Fang Shu shook his head, restrained his thoughts, cast his eyes on the mountain in front of him, took a deep breath, and stepped up the steps.

At the same time, Lin Tian in front of Good Fortune Peak also moved.

"Follow me."

He said something lightly, and then stepped directly towards the Good Fortune Peak. At that moment, the seemingly ordinary steps suddenly burst into bright golden light.

A terrible coercion suddenly came to his face.

Even Wu Sanhan, who was following Lin Tian, ​​felt the terrible oppressive force before stepping up the steps, and his face turned pale.

This kind of place, is it really possible for a monk like him who has just cultivated to the God Embryo Realm to set foot in it by virtue of good luck?

In the next moment, Lin Tian's expression remained unchanged, and facing the pressure coming towards him, he slowly uttered the word "open".

Wu Sanhan felt that all the coercion disappeared in an instant.

Lin Tian leisurely walked up it.

Wu Sanhan's astonishment returned to astonishment, but he didn't dare to delay, and hurriedly followed Lin Tian, ​​not leaving an inch.

I'm afraid that if I'm too slow, I'll be pushed out by the terrifying coercion around me, or even killed directly.

Step by step.

Just like climbing an ordinary mountain ladder, Lin Tian has walked up hundreds of steps in just a moment.

This scene immediately frightened everyone.

"Damn it, is the ladder of Good Fortune Peak broken?"

The big man with the scarred face couldn't help opening his mouth wide, with a look of shock on his face, he never thought that Lin Tian and others actually walked up.

And this walk is hundreds of steps, as if there is no obstacle at all, it is extremely easy.

This is a performance that even Tang Qiubai and others have never done before.

"Could it be, is there really something wrong with the ladder of Good Fortune Peak?" Someone couldn't help thinking.

Looking at Lin Tian and the others, walking higher and higher, finally someone couldn't help but go up and try it, it was the big man with the scar face.

He walked nervously in front of Good Fortune Peak, and took a step towards the stairs to climb the mountain.

"Hey, I really don't feel it!"

The big man with the scar face didn't feel any oppressive force, his expression suddenly brightened, and he stepped forward with the other foot eagerly.

At this moment, a terrible oppressive force erupted like a tsunami, and rushed towards the scar-faced man.

The expression of the scar-faced man who was originally beaming with joy and preparing to rush to the top of Fortune Peak changed drastically.

Before the spiritual power in his body had time to circulate, the terrible oppressive force directly hit him on the Creation Peak.

The man with the scarred face flew out immediately, and then fell to the ground, his face was bloody and bloody.

The severe pain made him moan uncontrollably.

The people who were originally thinking of luck, seeing this scene, couldn't help but gasped, looking at the two people on the Creation Peak, whose speed was getting faster and faster, their expressions were shocked.

The coercion of Creation Peak has not dissipated.

In other words, these two people really climbed up by virtue of their own abilities.

In the arena, countless monks who hadn't started climbing the mountain made a noise one after another, looking at Lin Tian and Wu Sanhan in the distance, their faces were full of disbelief.

"Who are those two people? They are so powerful, Deng Haohua is like walking on the ground, they must be extremely powerful people."

Everyone was shocked and couldn't help but speak.

The few casual cultivators who were with Wu Sanhan before also noticed the movement here, and couldn't help but follow the eyes of everyone, looking towards the Good Fortune Peak.

The next moment, several people suddenly opened their mouths wide, their faces were full of shock, and they couldn't help but swear: "Damn it? Did you really go up?"

Several people looked at each other, their faces couldn't hide the shock, and then they couldn't help showing remorse.

You know, Lin Tian had invited them to be together before, but they refused, thinking that Lin Tian was really beyond his control.

But now, the figure on Good Fortune Peak was like a slap in the face, slapping them hard on the face.

"It seems that we have lost sight of Mount Tai..." Everyone showed bitterness and regret in their hearts, feeling that today, they might have lost a chance to reach the sky in one step.

And this kind of opportunity is rare.

Once lost, it is definitely impossible to get it back.

Everyone was disappointed, and they couldn't help but envy Wu Sanhan who followed Lin Tian. I'm afraid this is what the legend says.

Or in other words, fools are blessed with fools.

(ps: Happy Mid-Autumn Festival~)

(End of this chapter)

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