Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 613 Chapter 613 I Don't Know My Brother's Name

Chapter 613 Chapter 610 Three I Don't Know My Brother's Name
"how can that be?"

Not far away, on a mountain next to Good Fortune Peak, Fang Shu also noticed something strange nearby, and couldn't help but look towards Good Fortune Peak.

I saw Lin Tian and Wu Sanhan walking higher and higher. In a short period of time, at least they have climbed more than 500 steps, and they have reached the halfway up the mountain, and they are still moving forward quickly.

Tang Qiubai and others, who were sweating profusely on the mountain and climbing hard, couldn't help but stop and take a breath when they climbed to more than 600 steps under pressure.

At the same time, they also looked around curiously, wanting to see how other people are doing now.

But it doesn't matter if you look at it, everyone is looking at him.

"what happened?"

Tang Qiubai and the others were startled, and looked back in puzzlement, only to see a handsome young man in white clothes, leading a muscular burly man, walking up the mountain quickly.

On the pressure-filled Fortune Peak, it's like walking on the ground.


With Tang Qiubai's disposition, seeing this scene, he couldn't help opening his mouth and swearing.

As a person who has climbed more than 600 steps, Tang Qiubai is very aware of how terrifying the pressure along the way is.

It can be said that without the strength of Nirvana, it would be difficult to reach the [-]th level.

Even for him, the top talent in China who is only one step away from a sage, feels exhausted when he climbs to more than 500 steps.

But right now, the young man in white walked up all the way without even taking a breath.

Even the big man behind him was the same.

Tang Qiubai and the others were astonished.

Before they came back to their senses, Lin Tian had already approached. Even the saint from Nanman couldn't help but stop. Lin Tian in front of him was in awe. He didn't know where this monster came from. .

"I said brother, how did you do it?"

Seeing Lin Tian approaching, Tang Qiubai came back to his senses and asked dumbfounded.

Lin Tian glanced at him and said lightly, "Is that how you did it?"

"Is that how you did it?"

Tang Qiubai was taken aback, his mind a little messed up, what the hell kind of answer is this?
"Don't know your brother's name?"

At this time, another person spoke. Like Tang Qiubai, he was also a top talent in China.

Lin Tian didn't bother to answer, ignored this person, took Wu Sanhan directly, and quickly climbed up.

This scene froze the face of the famous top Tianjiao in China, and a trace of anger flashed in his eyes.

As someone who is ranked in the top ten of the Divine Proud of China, he can't help but have astonishing talent, and his strength is also catching up with the older generation.

Where did he go, not admired?

It was the first time he had encountered something that was ignored like this.

Tang Qiubai couldn't help teasing when he saw this man's arrogance: "Gu Siyuan, aren't you usually very arrogant? Why, it turns out that you will be ignored one day."

The Shenzhou Tianjiao who was called "Gu Siyuan" by Tang Qiubai gave Tang Qiubai a hard look when he heard the words, and said in a stiff tone: "Tang Qiubai, you better manage yourself and talk about it."

"That person should be carrying a treasure that can resist the oppression here. I feel that when he walked by me, the pressure was obviously dissipated."

At this time, a taciturn young man suddenly said.

This man's name is Dao Wuhen, he came from the western desert, he is the only casual cultivator in the top ten of the Shenzhou Tianjiao list, and he specializes in the way of swords. This top talent from the Holy Land of Zhongzhou is even stronger.

Hearing his words, the saint from the southern barbarian tribe also nodded, and softly echoed: "I also feel it. This is definitely not something that ordinary people can do."

Hearing this, everyone looked at Lin Tian again, their gazes could not help but change.

"Never mind him, it's his business to have a baby with him, so what does it have to do with me?" Tang Qiubai was silent for a moment, then suddenly smiled.

Then, regardless of the others, he continued to lift his legs and walked towards the top of the mountain.

Dao Wuhen also continued to climb without saying a word.

"So it's just relying on the baby..." Gu Siyuan looked at Lin Tian and Wu Sanhan who were gradually going away, his eyes were slightly focused, a little gloomy, and then followed.

Lin Tian couldn't catch up, but he couldn't be slower than Tang Qiubai and the others.

Originally, for everyone, the secret ladder was a trial, an opportunity, and at the same time, a scene where they could see the abilities of the great talents in China.

But now, because of Lin Tian's appearance, whether it is Tang Qiubai, who has already been famous all over the world, or the older generation who have won opportunities, they can't help being overshadowed.

One peak and twelve mountains, almost everyone's eyes are on the figure in white who is about to reach the sky on Good Fortune Peak.

Nine hundred steps.

A thousand steps.

one thousand and One……

Seeing that they were getting closer and closer to the top of the mountain, everyone couldn't help but get excited.

In this life, will the first person who ascended to the good fortune be about to appear?
Wu Sanhan, who followed Lin Tian, ​​was even more excited. He never thought that he would one day be able to climb the Creation Peak.

Not to mention what will happen in the future, just climbing to the top of this mountain is enough for him to live his whole life.

Wu Sanhan was suddenly very fortunate that he believed in Lin Tian.

If he was like those people and left Lin Tian together after hearing Lin Tian's words, I am afraid that he would be gone under the glory of today's much-anticipated glory.

Those casual cultivators who parted ways with Lin Tian looked at the two figures gradually sinking into the clouds with complicated eyes, and their hearts were already so regretful that their intestines turned green.

The scar-faced man who spoke rudely and mocked Lin Tian before was even paler now.

What did he do just now?
He even mocked a strong man who had climbed the Good Fortune Peak.

This, isn't this courting death?
The scar-faced man was extremely terrified, and he no longer had any thoughts of fighting for opportunities. For a while, he only thought about how to get out of here.

No matter how strong Lin Tian is, he only knows that this kind of person who can climb the Good Fortune Peak is definitely not something that a small casual cultivator like him can offend.

Fang Shu looked at the two figures heading towards the peak of Creation Peak, and remembered Lin Tian's previous words, as well as his own words and attitude, his face couldn't help turning blue and turning pale.

If such a person is overconfident and ridiculous, then what is he?
Qiu Moyu, who was dressed in red, also stopped in horror, looking at Lin Tian and Wu Sanhan who were walking up the [-] steps step by step.

It never occurred to me that today, I was mistaken.

"These two people, what is the background?"

Some people couldn't help opening their mouths, murmured, and couldn't help asking questions that everyone wanted to know at this moment.

It's just a pity that no one can answer this question.

Because no one knows what Lin Tian is from, even the few casual cultivators who were with him before only know his name.

(End of this chapter)

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