Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 633 The Beginning of Chaos

Chapter 633 The Beginning of Chaos

"Is this the horror of a strong man in the Emperor Realm?" The strong man of the Futu Sword Sect felt cold all over his body. He couldn't help but glance at Tang Qiubai, and he was very lucky. Fortunately, he didn't participate in it, otherwise he might have died. .

Although his realm is a little higher than that of the sages of the Fang family, in fact, they are about the same.

Lin Tianneng could easily kill the sage of the Fang family, so it was no problem to kill him.

"He hasn't recovered to the cultivation base of Emperor Realm yet, but he hasn't made a full attack yet, otherwise it would be even more terrifying."

Tang Qiubai couldn't help but said.

Hearing this, the strong man of the Futu Sword Sect nodded, agreeing in his heart, if Lin Tian regained his power in the Emperor Realm, it would definitely be even more terrifying.

As for whether he has shot with all his strength now, the expert of the Futu Sword Sect also believes that he must not have tried his best.

After all, Lin Tian's strength should be at the level of the Holy Realm, and it is not necessary to use all his strength to deal with these ordinary Transcendent Realm sages in front of him.

Naturally, the Gu family and the strong men of the Blissful Heavenly Palace also saw this, and they were terrified in their hearts.

They resisted with all their strength, but the sword of the stars, like the might of the sky, couldn't resist at all, and they were cut down by the sword in the end.

The heads rolled down, blood staining the mountain red.

The starry sky dissipated, and the day came again, shining on this land again, and the sword light cut the place into a mess.

Smelling the smell of blood wafting from afar, everyone couldn't help but tremble, as still as a chilling cicada.

Looking into the distance, Lin Tian, ​​who was standing high above the sky, didn't even dare to take a breath.

Sure enough, the Emperor of Heaven is the Emperor of Heaven.

Even if he lost his previous cultivation, this aura still exists. With a snap of his fingers, several sages fell under the sword, but he didn't even raise his eyebrows.

Calmly scary.

Lin Tian didn't look at those people who were frightened by him. He stepped on the void, walked down step by step, and came to Wu Sanhan's side. With a wave of his hand, all the restraints on Wu Sanhan's body disappeared.

Then with a wave of his hand, the vast spiritual energy gathered in an instant, and then slowly poured into Wu Sanhan's body, repairing his damaged meridians and body.

After a while, Wu Sanhan finally regained his senses, looked at Lin Tian tremblingly and asked, "You, are you really, the Emperor of Heaven?"

Seeing Wu Sanhan's cautious appearance, Lin Tian nodded helplessly, and then said: "They all say that I am the reincarnation of the Emperor of Heaven, and I was also born, as if I have merged with the heaven and the earth, so if it is true, I should be the reincarnation of the Heavenly Emperor they said."

Hearing Lin Tian's confession, Wu Sanhan shuddered immediately, and then opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say, his expression was excited, and he couldn't help himself.

"Damn it, I actually met a Heavenly Emperor?"

After a long time, Wu Sanhan finally choked out a sentence. Judging from his expression, he seemed a little unbelievable.

Actually no wonder.

Heavenly Emperor, this word, no matter where it is, is basically out of reach for anyone.

For a casual cultivator like Wu Sanhan, it is difficult to deal with the word "Emperor" in his life.

But now, he actually met a heavenly emperor, and even called him brother and brother.

This made Wu Sanhan feel a little dreamy.

After all, you must know that just a moment ago, he was still worrying about life and death, worrying about Lin Tian, ​​but now, how long has it been?Lin Tian suddenly transformed into the reincarnation of the legendary Heavenly Emperor.

And those lofty and incomparable sages basically fell instantly in his hands, without leaving their souls.

All this happened so fast, it was like a dream, and it was normal to not believe it.

Seeing this scene, everyone felt a burst of envy and jealousy towards Wu Sanhan. This guy is really lucky, right?

At first, without knowing it, he followed Lin Tian's ancestors and ran up the Good Fortune Peak. Later, he saw that he was about to die here, but Lin Tian miraculously became the reincarnation of the Emperor of Heaven, and came back powerfully.

Now, not to mention being brothers with Lin Tian anymore, but the relationship is definitely not bad.

You know, that's the God of Heaven.

It goes without saying how many benefits there are to being friends with a heavenly emperor and having a good relationship.

Everyone's envious and jealous eyes turned red.

However, there are also some people who did not speak, but fell into silence. They saw more and farther than ordinary people.

It's good that Lin Tian is the reincarnation of the Emperor of Heaven. It's okay to call him Emperor of Heaven, but he is not the real Emperor of Heaven after all.

He doesn't have any aura of the Emperor Realm on his body, which is far worse than the real Emperor Realm powerhouse.

The strength is insufficient, but he has everything that the Emperor of Heaven has, such as the Emperor's Law, the Emperor's Art, and various taboo arts, and various things.

In short, the whole body is a treasure.

It is simply a mobile treasure trove.

Don't think that since he is the reincarnation of the Heavenly Emperor, no one would dare to make a decision. After all, in this world, people have always died for money, and birds have died for food.

As long as he has the strength, it will be a matter of time before he can make his mind on Lin Tian.

Not to mention, now Lin Tian has killed so many proud sons in Shenzhou, who want identity and identity, and background.

With the nature of the forces behind them, I'm afraid they will never let this matter go so easily.

After all, capturing Lin Tian not only means revenge, but also means huge gains.

And forces like Blissful Heaven Palace and the Gu family do have the strength to attack Lin Tian.

As for the final result, no one knows what the result will be, but if it is a head-on confrontation, everyone is more optimistic about the top forces in China, such as the Gu family and the Blissful Heavenly Palace.

After all, forces like Blissful Heaven Palace and the Gu family are now in full swing, and there is absolutely no shortage of powerful people in the holy realm, and there are even quasi-emperor figures who have almost proved the Tao, sitting in them.

If Lin Tian is a modern emperor figure, it is better to say, maybe there is some way to keep it.

After all, there will be no fewer followers of any strong man in the imperial realm, and they will never be weak.

But he is the Emperor of Heaven in the Nine Heavens Period, and even in the Nine Heavens Period, he is an extremely ancient existence.

Even if there was a powerful follower who followed by his side, after so many years, I am afraid that he has already fallen in the limit.

Therefore, for Lin Tian, ​​there is actually nothing to be too afraid of the Blissful Heaven Palace and the Gu family.

"The storm is coming..."

The strong man of the Futu Sword Sect looked at Lin Tian who was talking and laughing with Wu Sanhan in the distance, and couldn't help raising his head and sighing.

All this is the beginning of chaos.

After all, the chances of winning are big, but how could a being who was once a heavenly emperor be taken down so easily.

It's the same even if forces like Blissful Heavenly Palace and the Gu family take action.

Once they fight, this Shenzhou, if you want to be peaceful, it will definitely not be peaceful.

Perhaps this is the beginning of the battle for the throne...

Looking at the scene in front of them, many strong men couldn't help sighing in their hearts. In every era, there is such a long-lasting and chaotic strife.

The whole of Shenzhou, no, the whole of Kyushu, the forces of all parties, the great arrogance of heaven, will fight for the supreme emperor status.

This endless strife will not stop until someone proves the throne.

And from the moment the Soul Eater Heavenly Emperor sat down and fell, the next era has already begun.

It's just that they didn't expect that this chaotic era would come so quickly.

The appearance of Tianjiao and legendary characters one after another is the best proof of the coming of this great world.

 Good night everyone~
(End of this chapter)

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