Chapter 634 Bounty Order

Lin Tian didn't stay in the Creation Secret Realm for a long time. After rescuing Wu Sanhan, he took him away, but what happened here would not end because of his departure, but intensified.

Paradise of Paradise.

The lord of the palace, Gong Yuye, sat on a throne made of white jade, with a gloomy face. Just now, the sage sent out by the Paradise of Paradise to protect the palace Leyou also suddenly fell. It can be said that it has been nearly a hundred years since they Paradise of Paradise, a loss that has never been owned.

"Have you checked it out yet?"

Gong Yuye's voice was gloomy, looking at the person in charge standing below, she gritted her teeth and asked.

"Still investigating, but the news should come back soon." The elder of the Bliss Heaven Palace who was in charge of collecting all kinds of information lowered his head, not daring to look up at Gong Yuye who was in a rage, for fear of being implicated by his anger .

After all, it has been so long, and there is no news yet. Their intelligence department is indeed a bit negligent.

Just when Gong Yuye was about to get angry, a deacon of the Paradise Palace hurried in, sweating profusely cupped his hands and said: "Palace Master, Elder, there is news."

Hearing this, Gong Yuye suppressed her anger, frowned, and asked, "What's going on?"

Facing Gong Yuye's gaze, this Heavenly Palace deacon whose strength is at least in the Nirvana state felt a little hairy in his heart, lowered his head, and dared not look any further, and quickly replied: "Reporting to Palace Master, according to our disciples outside the Paradise of Paradise , according to the collected information, this matter is entirely due to the inheritance of the Heavenly Emperor in the Secret Realm of Creation."

"The one who took away the Heavenly Emperor's inheritance was the reincarnation of the Heavenly Emperor who came out of the Lin Family of the Two Emperors who made a lot of noise in the Eastern Wasteland some time ago. Lin Tian and the second son died in his hands, including Liu. The same is true for the elders, besides that, the third son of the Gu family, the son Changqing of Changqingshan, and the elder sons of the Fang family, all of them fell into the hands of the reincarnated emperor of heaven when they were fighting for the inheritance..."

The Tiangong deacon spoke slowly, telling all the things he knew.

After hearing this, Gong Yuye's eyes were cold and severe at first, then a little shocked, and finally became gloomy, with her head down, not knowing what she was thinking.

"It turned out to be the reincarnation of the Heavenly Emperor, Palace Master, this matter is a bit troublesome..."

After hearing the words, the Tiangong elder frowned and couldn't help saying.

If the person who did it was just an ordinary person or an ordinary force, no matter how strong or powerful this person is, they would definitely have to ask for an explanation from the Heavenly Emperor of Bliss, but this reincarnation of the Emperor of Heaven is different.

Not to mention how powerful he was in his previous life, in this life alone, the strength he displayed is already quite impressive, beheading several sages with his hand, this is at least the strength of the holy realm, coupled with his identity, even In the Holy Realm, I am afraid that there are not many people who can do anything to him.

The most important thing is that his potential can be seen.

As long as he doesn't die, he will almost certainly be a figure above the emperor's realm in the future.

Even if they made a move from Blissful Heavenly Palace, they were not 100% sure that they would be able to keep him.

But if you can't keep the person, once the hatred is forged, it will be a big trouble. The Kyushu is so big, if Lin Tian is hiding somewhere, it will be difficult for them to find him in the Blissful Heaven Palace. If they return to the realm of Bliss Heaven, it will be a disaster for them.

Maybe, the foundation of ten thousand years will be destroyed in one day.

The elder of Blissful Heaven Palace looked at Gong Yuye nervously. From his point of view, he really didn't want to see that Blissful Heavenly Palace went against such a person because of a dead Tianjiao and a sage. .

After all, this is too risky.

It's a pity that I don't want to return, but it is Gong Yuye who makes the final decision.

In the Paradise of Paradise, Gong Yuye holds absolute power, because he is not only the current owner of the Paradise of Paradise, but also a descendant of the Emperor of Paradise, with the blood of the Emperor flowing in his body, and his will represents the spirit of the Paradise of Paradise will.

As long as the ancestors of Bliss Heaven Palace didn't come out to object, they elders couldn't stop his decision at all, they could only advise him.

But at this moment, Gong Yuye was obviously angry, and no one dared to touch this bad luck.


After a while, Gong Yuye raised his head and spit out a word with murderous eyes, which made the elder and deacon of the Paradise of Paradise in the main hall tremble in his heart.


"Palace Master, that is the reincarnation of a Heavenly Emperor, you..." The elder of the Blissful Heaven Palace bit the bullet and walked out, but before he finished speaking, Gong Yuye interrupted him coldly, "The Heavenly Emperor So what about reincarnation? Even if it is the real Emperor of Heaven, I have never been afraid of the Heavenly Palace of Bliss!"

"Pass my order down, those who capture Lin Tian alive will be rewarded with five holy medicines and five holy weapons, those who kill Lin Tian will be rewarded with three holy medicines and three holy weapons, and those who provide information about Lin Tian will be rewarded with one plant of real treasure medicine! "

Gong Yuye couldn't help but give the order directly, the voice shook the heavens, the disciples and elders of Tiangong were all shocked, many people didn't know what happened, they only thought that their palace master was a bit too crazy.

Holy medicine and holy weapon, which one is not priceless?
But now, it was taken out as a reward.

What kind of person is that Lin Tian?

Only those elders who knew about it turned pale. Since ancient times, money has touched people's hearts. Once this reward is distributed, the whole of Shenzhou will probably go crazy because of it. Similarly, their Bliss Heavenly Palace will also form a big bond with Lin Tian Liang Zi.

Once this beam is formed, I am afraid that it will never die.

Gong Yuye's voice spread hundreds of miles away from the Paradise of Paradise, and the news inevitably spread throughout the western part of Central China. Everyone was shocked by Gong Yuye's handwriting, and likewise, they It was only then that he guessed who this Lin Tian was.

At the same time, news of the same explosion spread from northern Zhongzhou.

The Patriarch of the Gu family shouted that day that he wanted to take Lin Tian's head on his head to pay homage to his son's dead soul. The Emperor Gu's sword chanted, and the terrifying sword intent pierced through the sky. The entire northern part of Zhongzhou, and even the farther Beiyuan, could feel it.

They understood that this represented the determination of the Gu family.

After the Gu family expressed their opinion, Chang Qingshan, the uncrowned king of the south, also spoke out one after another. The ancestor of Chang Qingshan personally said that he wanted to kill Lin Tian and avenge his grandson. revenge.

There are also Beiyuan, Nanman, and Donghuang, and quite a few forces have opened their mouths one after another.

Without exception, none of these forces does not have a saint in charge.

And these forces, speaking out one after another on the same day, also made Shenzhou, which had been quiet for many years, instantly agitated like thunder on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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