Chapter 755 Dao Body
"The Emperor's Tomb?"

Hearing this name, Xiao Hei and the others couldn't help but tremble in their hearts. Although they didn't know what this place was, they knew that this place was definitely not simple just from the name and the weird aura here.

The tomb of the Emperor of Heaven, what kind of concept is this?
Xiao Hei didn't know why Lin Tian brought them here, but he knew that Lin Tian must have his own plan when he came here.

A group of people, all the way fast.

The mountains are getting deeper and deeper.

The surrounding trees also block out the sun.

The miasma became more and more dense.

As far as the line of sight is concerned, there is a piece of white light.

Even Xiao Hei couldn't see through.

The scope of spiritual exploration is also very limited.

"Does the young master want to use the special aura here to cover up his whereabouts?" Xiao Hei couldn't help but think in his heart, but he didn't know if this weird place could be blocked from its investigation, and the gods of people at the level of the Emperor of Heaven could be blocked. Read it, and stop it too.

Silent all the way.

In a blink of an eye, the trees were reduced.

A huge monument as black as ink stands in front of it.

There is an inexplicable aura on the huge monument, faintly disturbing the world here, as if suppressing everything.


Lin Tian's voice spit out lightly.

Xiao Hei stopped in front of the stele.

This is a wordless stone tablet, as smooth as jade, with nothing on it, but just standing here makes Xiao Hei and the others feel an indescribable pressure.

"Is this the Tiandi Tomb?"

Princess Tianhuang muttered to herself.

"Young master, is it true that a heavenly emperor is buried here?"

Xiao Hei asked curiously.

Lin Tian smiled, but did not speak.

Standing in front of the stele like this, watching quietly, I don't know if I am thinking or waiting for something.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Hei and the others didn't dare to disturb him.

Standing behind Lin Tian, ​​he looked around nervously, with a hint of worry in his eyes.

I don't know if those four Heavenly Emperor-level figures will rush over.

"I hope not..."

Wu Sanhan said silently in his heart.

It's just that his wish is good.

But the reality is often so unsatisfactory.

The next moment, everyone felt a few strong divine thoughts locking on to them, and before they could react, four figures with terrifying auras rushed over.

"Heavenly Emperor's Tomb? You even hid here. Could it be that you, the remnants of the gang, were able to save a life, but it's a pity that today is your death day."

The celestial strongman who asked about Xianzong sneered when he saw Lin Tian and the others, and then said.

He didn't know the origins of Lin Tian and others.

They are only regarded as the descendants of the nine-day powerhouse who ascended to the fairy world from the group of the emperor and empress.

Therefore, it is called remnants.

"is it?"

At this moment, Lin Tian turned his head abruptly, with a bright smile on his face.

Seeing this smile, Xiao Hei's heart skipped a beat.

Based on its understanding of Lin Tian, ​​it's okay for the son of his family not to smile, but when he smiles, especially a bright smile like this, it's time for him to do something.

The brighter his smile, the more ferocious his hands will be.

It's a pity that these people in front of them don't understand what kind of storm will be behind this smile. When they see Lin Tian smiling there, they frown slightly, feeling that their majesty is provoked by their eyes.

"Don't you know? Or are you going to fight off the four of us alone?" One of the strong immortals said with a cold snort, his eyes full of disdain.

Hearing this, Lin Tian shook his head, "It's not enough to repel you, just stay."

Speaking of this, Lin Tian raised his head, looked straight at the four immortals who were comparable to the emperor of heaven, and said seriously: "Stay here, the tomb of the emperor of heaven is your burial place, and it is not an insult to you identity of."

Hearing this, the four members of the Immortal Clan were all taken aback.

As if hearing some big joke, he looked at Lin Tian in disbelief.

This kid, could it be that his head is broken?
Lin Tian ignored their inconceivable gazes, and said to himself: "Nine days are buried here, countless sages, they have sprinkled their blood, thrown their heads, and forged ahead for the younger generation. It won't disperse."

"Now, to sacrifice them with your blood, it is not in vain for me to go here..." Lin Tian's voice was very soft, but he didn't know it, but it made people feel creepy.

The sound fell.

A terrible breath gradually recovered from the ground.

This breath was so strong that it made the world tremble.

The faces of the four immortals all changed drastically.

next moment.

I saw the earth tremble and the mountains sway, and the earth quickly collapsed.

With the stele as the axis, all directions are cracked.

Xiao Hei and the others jumped up hastily.

Straight into the air.

Only Lin Tian was still standing in front of the stele.

Not waiting for the immortals to figure out what happened, a blood-colored coffin that looked like a crystal coffin, made of unknown materials, flew out from the crack in the ground.

Everyone looked around, only to see a young man lying in it with a peaceful face.

As if asleep.

However, when they saw clearly the face of the young man, they couldn't help but widen their eyes, their faces were full of shock, it was extremely inconceivable, even Xiao Hei and Princess Tianhuang were also surprised.

Because this young man is none other than 'Lin Tian'.

In other words, it is a person who is exactly the same as Lin Tianchang.

Lin Tian stood in front of the blood coffin, looking at himself in the coffin, with a trace of nostalgia in his eyes, this was his first life in this era, and from this time on, he began to move towards the strongest direction Transformation, constant transformation.

Until now.

However, it is undeniable that his life is definitely the strongest life in this era.

Once overthrew the Protoss.

He also participated in the later battle with the foreign demons.

It is his strongest life revealed in this world.

It was the lord of the prehistoric years that had passed away for countless years, the prehistoric heaven, the first emperor of heaven, and the last emperor of heaven. After his transformation, he suppressed this Taoist body here.

Guard those dead souls.

Trying to one day, be able to bring them back to life.

It's just that so many years have passed.

Those heroic spirits have all collapsed.

Integrate with this piece of heaven and earth.

But he hasn't found a way to bring people back from the dead. Is it really just a legend?
Lin Tian raised his head, his eyes filled with unwillingness. As the master of reincarnation, he was unable to truly control reincarnation and understand the essence. This is undoubtedly the saddest thing.

The world seems to be affected by Lin Tian's mood.

There was a sense of sadness everywhere.

This made those Celestial Emperor-level powerhouses in trouble.

"This guy is a bit weird."

The four of them looked at each other, and a killing intent flashed in their eyes at the same time. Although they didn't talk to each other, they all made up their minds - to act first is the best!

(ps: There are some things at home recently, the update may not be very stable, and then the Immortal World chapter will start to end slowly, the rhythm will be very tight, everyone can keep it first.)
(End of this chapter)

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