Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 756 Who is making the move

Chapter 756 Who is making the move

Four Heavenly Emperor-level powerhouses shot at the same time, each using the power of Dao, trying to wipe out Lin Tian, ​​a possible "threat" on the spot.

The divine light descended from the sky and went vertically towards Lin Tianluo.

The piercing killing intent made Xiao Hei and the others not far away feel their scalps go numb and their hearts tremble.

And Lin Tian is still that Lin Tian.

He stood there expressionless, facing the blow that could level the place in an instant, his face didn't fluctuate at all. He raised his arm slightly, and the blood coffin behind him also began to float.

Then in an instant, he stood in front of him.

The four rays of divine light arrived in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, it landed on the blood coffin.

At that moment, the place where Lin Tian was located exploded like fireworks, the dazzling light made people unable to open their eyes. In less than half a second, the ground suddenly rushed up and was blown away by the terrible aftermath.

Xiao Hei didn't dare to stay longer for a moment, wrapped around Princess Tianhuang and Wu Sanhan, and quickly retreated.

But even so, he was still injured by the aftermath and spit out blood.

You know, this is just the aftermath.

He actually injured Xiao Hei, the quasi-emperor, like this.

It is conceivable how fearful these attacks should be.

Princess Tianhuang turned her head away, and didn't dare to look at it, for fear of turning her face away, she would see Lin Tian collapsed in the dazzling light, Wu Sanhan was trembling all over, and her legs and feet were numb.

He had never been so close to such a terrifying power.

Terrible, really terrible.

His heart was trembling.

I don't know what happened to Lin Tian who fell in the supernatural power center.

Wu Sanhan couldn't help but look.

But the dazzling light made him unable to open his eyes.

The gloomy forest has regained its long-lost tranquility, and only the terrifying divine light remains, lingering for a long time, shining on everything in the depths of this primitive forest.

The four people of the fairy clan did not make any moves after that.

They seem to be waiting for a result.

I don't know how long it took.

The divine light finally gradually dissipated.

I saw that where Lin Tian was standing before, there was only a big pit left, and there were many crystal red fragments in the pit, which could be vaguely seen, that was the material of Lin Tian's blood coffin.

But Lin Tian's figure disappeared.

Seeing this scene, the four strong immortals raised their brows.

Xiao Hei and the others were also startled, and a trace of worry flashed in their eyes.

"What about people?"

The strong man from Wen Xianzong frowned slightly.

The other three frowned and did not speak.

They also don't know where Lin Tian went.

Could it be that it was wiped out in the offensive just now?
Not right either.

Even if Lin Tian really fell, it would not be without any breath left.

"Are you looking for me?"

At this moment, Lin Tian's voice suddenly rang, and it came from behind the strong man who asked Xianzong. This made the strong man who asked Xianzong feel alarm bells ringing. Just move towards the back and kill.

Terrible divine light pierced through.

I saw the figure that suddenly appeared behind, slightly blurred, and dodged the blow in an instant.

Then he stood there blankly, looking at the four people in front of him.

"I'm here..."

At this time, another voice, like a ghost, sounded from behind the four of them, it was Lin Tian's voice, not someone else's, which made the four powerful immortals in front of them feel a chill.

Without hesitation, they turned back quickly.

At some point, a person exactly like Lin Tian stood behind.

If there is no accident, one of these two people is the figure in the blood coffin.

It's just that they can't tell who is the deity at all.

This made the four strong men from the immortal clan feel an ominous premonition in their hearts.

"After chasing me for so long, it's time for you to take a break and stay here." Lin Tian said again, as if he was warmly greeting the guests who came, but the weird tone made people feel like falling into an ice cellar .


The two 'Lin Tian' spoke at the same time.

The next moment, everyone felt that the surrounding space seemed to freeze, as if it had become a cage, enveloping them inside.

"Go away!"

The strong man from Wen Xianzong felt uneasy, roared, and tried to break the blockade, but this space was as solid as gold, even if he bombarded it with the strength of the Emperor of Heaven, it would not be shaken by half.

This scene changed the faces of several people.

A thought becomes a cage, and the space is sealed so firmly.

If one hadn't cultivated the way of space to the extreme, it would be absolutely impossible to do this.

Thinking of this, several people turned pale.

The way of space is originally the most difficult of the three thousand ways to cultivate. Although they can do it, they only use part of their strength. It is almost a dream to achieve this.

This level of strength is no longer the strength of the emperor's realm recognized by the Dao, and it can compete.

This is something that only the Immortal King can do.

"It's all here, what are you doing in such a hurry?"

The voice of Lin Tian in the sky sounded again, echoing around here, making one's scalp tingle.

I saw two identical figures, gradually walking towards each other, and then fused in the middle, turning into one, and the aura around them rushed towards Lin Tian like crazy.

This movement made the Celestial Emperors of the Immortal Clan look terrified.

Those auras blow like a strong wind.

The ancient trees in the forest swayed violently.

The whole world went dark.

The rich aura swept over like a storm, then hit Lin Tian, ​​and was swallowed by him.

The breath rose step by step.

The endless source of spiritual energy is still surging.

If Xiao Hei and the others could see it, they would find that the world they were in was darkened, and the aura in the air was extremely thin, and was forcibly drawn out by someone using an incomparably domineering method.

Not just this heaven.

The entire fairy world, 33 heavens, was shaking violently.

Countless strong men couldn't help opening their eyes.

"Who is shooting?"

Someone couldn't help but murmured, trembling.

Terrible, really terrible.

Such means, perhaps only the supreme immortal emperor-level figures are qualified to do it, right?

It's just that these existences are also making moves now?

Many giants in the fairy world woke up one after another with shock on their faces.

Not sure what happened.

Yazi and Yao Ziyue, who were engaged in a diplomatic battle in Taixuantian, also felt the movement from afar, especially the spiritual energy around them was continuously peeling off, which shocked them even more.

"Who is doing this?"

Even a strong man like Yao Ziyue couldn't help but turn pale, let alone the other people, those strong immortals who joined forces, at this moment, they didn't dare to move.

The same is true for the Heavenly Emperor powerhouse from Chaos Stone Kingdom.

They were all suppressed by the breath at the moment.

(End of this chapter)

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