Chapter 82
In just one day, the major sects mobilized countless strong men under the king from the surrounding areas, and the first batch of elite disciples who came to investigate also came here one after another.

A dense crowd of people gathered in front of the ruins.

Among them, many are casual cultivators who came here by Wenfeng himself.

The major sects did not prevent them from entering, but before entering, they had to choose a faction to join, and after they came out, they had to hand over part of their income before they could leave.

In this regard, although many people are dissatisfied, they dare not have any complaints.

After all, the kings and emperors outside have all recovered their cultivation.

In their realm, it is almost impossible to take the baby and slip away from under their noses.

Therefore, everyone resigned to their fate.

"This time, you go in and pay attention to this person. Once you find out, immediately desperately arrest him."

The middle-aged burly man, carrying an axe, used his spiritual power to draw a picture of Lin Tian, ​​and said sharply to the disciples of his sect, "This kid has a lot of treasures in him. Whoever can catch him, I can make the decision. Immediately let him be promoted to a core disciple, and you casual cultivators will do the same."

Hearing this, the casual cultivators in front of the middle-aged man couldn't help becoming excited.

This middle-aged man is also from a top sect in the Eastern Region of China. If they can enter it and become its core disciples, it will definitely be regarded as a carp jumping over the dragon's gate.

And Lin Tian is the key to their carp jumping over the dragon's gate.

Everyone clenched their fists and vowed to catch Lin Tian.

"Lin Tian, ​​isn't this Lin Tian?"

Suddenly, someone in the crowd couldn't help exclaiming, this is a casual cultivator from Yanyang City, who was lucky enough to meet Lin Tian in the big test of Qiu Wei.

He was very impressed with this young man who suddenly rose up and shocked the entire Yanyang County.

Therefore, even at this moment, even if the figure portrayed by the middle-aged man has only half a side profile, he still recognizes it at a glance.

"Lin Tian?"

Hearing this man's voice, everyone was stunned.

Except for a small number of people who came here, they came from other dynasties, and most of them were recruited from the Tianyun Dynasty.

Therefore, everyone is no stranger to this name.

Even the elders of many sects have heard of Lin Tian's name.

There is no way, who made Lin Tian's troubles in Yanyang City some time ago, it was too big.

The entire Tianyun Dynasty is full of uproar, even if they don't want to know, it is difficult.

Yue Qingying, who was standing on the side of Yingyue Tiangong, also looked for fame after hearing Lin Tian's name.

When she saw clearly that imaginary portrait, her pupils suddenly shrank.

Sure enough, it was really that guy...

"Why, Qingying, is this guy Lin Tian who wants you to be his maid?"

The strong man from Yingyue Tiangong noticed Yue Qingying's strange look and couldn't help asking.

Although Yue Qingying didn't want to admit it, she also knew that Yingyue Tiangong would be able to understand this kind of thing after a little investigation, so she didn't hide it, and nodded helplessly.


Seeing Yue Qingying's confession, the strong Yingyue Tiangong couldn't help snorting coldly, and then said: "What a little bastard, it's fine if you want my saint from Tiangong to give him a maid, but how dare you rob me in the ruins?" The treasure of the Heavenly Palace is an unforgivable crime!"

Speaking of this, the strong man was full of anger, "Give me an order to catch this person no matter what the cost. Anyone who dares to stop him will be killed without mercy!"

Yue Qingying was startled when she heard the words, and opened her mouth, trying to stop it.

It's a pity that the strong man from Yingyue Tiangong seemed to know what she wanted to say, turned around and left directly.

"By the way, Qingying, there are many dangers going here. As the future successor of Tiangong, you should not follow in. Wait outside and let others go."

After a while, the voice of the strong man came again.

Yue Qingying's face was a little pale, the last thing she wanted to see happened after all.

A similar scene is also taking place in Wuqing Pavilion not far away.

"No matter what, this man must die, do you hear me?"

The leader of the Wuqing Pavilion said with a murderous look.

What happened to Yanyang Academy made them lose face.

This time, just take this opportunity to get revenge.

At the same time, he is also famous as a teacher. If someone catches Lin Tian at that time, it will be convenient for them to rob him.

What Yingyue Tiangong said before basically meant the same thing.

However, the current Lin Tian has basically become a cornucopia in the eyes of the major sects, how could they give up because of Yingyue Tiangong and Wuqing Pavilion.

Everyone ordered to catch Lin Tian, ​​saying that Lin Tian robbed them of their treasures. Anyway, everyone is famous as a teacher. No matter whether it is reasonable or shameless, no one is afraid of anyone.

In short, the forces on the human race are basically ready to attack Lin Tian.

But those demon emperors kept silent this time in a surprisingly tacit understanding, as if they had no intention of arguing with them, they all looked at the phantom in the distance, looking at each other with weird eyes.

Obviously, they also recognized Lin Tian.

Although these demon emperors don't know how strong Lin Tian is, they do know that Lin Tian has a lot to do with this place.

After all, last time, they saw with their own eyes that Lin Tian controlled the energy in this grand canyon and attacked them.

And let a demon peng break through here.

You know, at that time, the chaotic energy in the Grand Canyon was very terrifying, and it could strangle an emperor in minutes.

But this person who was called Lin Tian by the human race was able to live in peace inside.

And, after he left, the energy here gradually began to stabilize and disappear.

The demon emperors don't think this is just a coincidence.

Therefore, even if they knew that Lin Tian had the alluring innate treasure in his hands, they didn't dare to take his idea lightly.

After all, if you have your life to grab, you have to have your life to use it.

Several demon emperors looked at each other, and began to quietly explain to the little demons under their respective banners that after letting them in, don't get involved in the affairs of the human race, just wait and see what happens, and just make a fortune in silence first.

After a quick explanation, the strong men of the human race and the monster race rushed to step into the magnificent ruins in front of them one after another.

The kings and emperors who came out gathered at the entrance of the ruins one after another, found a place to sit cross-legged, stared at the place in front of them, and prevented any flies from flying out of it.

As for other places, there are no guards at all.

Because they have tried everything once, there is only one entrance and exit in the entire imperial palace, which can be entered and exited.

In other places, it is completely locked down.

Even the emperor can't break in, not to mention, the people inside only have the strength of Qi Gathering Realm, and it's just a dream to break out.

The whole palace, after floating out of the ground, was covered with a layer of mist. From the outside, it looked like a fairy palace, faintly visible, ethereal and nothingness.

From the outside, it was impossible to see clearly what was going on inside.

It is precisely because of this that the emperors were unable to find Lin Tian quickly, so they had to send people in to search.

(End of this chapter)

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