Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 83 Is This His Family?

Chapter 83 Is This His Family?
Just when the entire imperial palace began to frantically search for Lin Tian, ​​Lin Tian came to the center of the palace, in front of the sleeping palace that was hammered and turned into stones by the stars from all over the sky.

This is the place where he used to sleep, surrounded by an ultimate killing array, even now, it has not dissipated.

Everyone knows that what they want may be here, but no one dares to approach it.

Because the people close to him have now turned into nothingness.

However, this does not hinder, some people are still thinking about this place.

Therefore, even though countless people have died here, there are still people staying here, wanting to try their luck.

If you find that someone can go in, you will immediately follow to gain the opportunity.

Just as everyone waited boredly while searching for the treasure here, suddenly, a white figure appeared in front of the bedroom.

"Another person who is not afraid of death and wants to win opportunities."

When everyone saw Lin Tian, ​​they couldn't help shaking their heads.

Although they knew that it was impossible for him to break in, everyone still stopped in their tracks, ready to take a look.

After all, what if a miracle happens?

"How much success do you think he has?"

In the crowd, someone looked at Lin Tian's back and asked aloud.

"So young, I don't think there is even half of it." Someone glanced at Lin Tianqing's handsome face, shook his head and said, thinking of him as some casual cultivator who sneaked in like them and wanted to hit the fairy fate .

"Half finished?"

Someone heard the words, sneered, and said disdainfully: "That's the emperor's palace. The barrier outside, if nothing unexpected, is definitely an existence of the emperor's formation level. Even the emperor can't break in. He just looks, even A little doll who doesn’t even have one, wants to go in? It’s just wishful thinking!”

Hearing this, everyone looked a little depressed, "That's right, this is the Emperor's Formation, so there shouldn't be so much luck to talk about."

At this moment, someone suddenly shouted: "Look, he's in, he's in!"

"Go in, go in, anyway, if you go in, you will die, what's so interesting about it."

Everyone disapproved and did not tilt their heads because of this.

But at this time, someone shouted again, his voice seemed to be stuck by something, and he shouted with difficulty: "He, he went in, he really went in!!!"

"What? In?"

Hearing the words, everyone turned pale with fright, couldn't help screaming, and turned their faces quickly, just in time to see Lin Tian's figure, completely integrated into the pale white barrier.




"Did you really go in?"

When countless people saw this scene, their eyeballs almost popped out, and their jaws dropped in shock.

Especially just now, the person who said Lin Tian was wishful thinking, his face was even more blushing at this moment.

"Don't be in a daze, what are you doing standing there, just follow in!"

I don't know who yelled, and immediately everyone came back to their senses and rushed towards Lin Tian's bedroom.




In an instant, the figures one after another were vaporized the moment they touched the barrier, and they didn't even have time to scream.

When the people in front saw this scene, they wanted to stop in panic, but they were instantly pushed in by the red-eyed people behind.

"Fuck, don't squeeze!!!"

Someone shouted in panic, wanting to escape, but in the end they were squeezed in by dense crowd.

When they found something unusual later, they stopped. At least half of the hundreds of people here were dead.

"Well, what's going on here?"

"Why can that guy get in, but we can't?"

"It's not fair, it's not fair!!!"

Countless people seemed to be crazy, their eyes were red, and they stood at the door of the palace with hideous faces, frantic, and their hearts were extremely jealous of Lin Tian who had gone in earlier.

At this time, someone who didn't know who it was suddenly said "ah" in a flustered voice, and hurriedly said, "By the way, did you see the purple gourd hanging around his waist just now?"

"Purple gourd?"

Before, the people who saw Lin Tian thought about it, and then said a little puzzled: "I see, what does this gourd have to do with it?"

"Think about it carefully, white clothes, boy, gourd." The man reminded.

"Fuck? It's him?"

"Damn, this one just now is the guy who snatched the innate treasure?"

Everyone came back to their senses suddenly, and couldn't help but swear, this shit, is he still letting people live?
It's fine if you take the innate treasure, but in the ruins, you've snatched a lot of rare treasures, and now you've successfully broken into the most mysterious place in the whole ruins.

Tsk tsk, this luck, this character, this imperial palace, could it be his family opened it?

Some people can't help but think.

Of course, everyone just thinks this way, and no one thinks it's true.

It didn't take long for those people who had just searched in from the outside to find this place gradually. When they learned that Lin Tian had entered this palace, their faces were also very exciting.

Because before they came, they had also heard about the dangers of this bedroom from the elders, but they did not expect that Lin Tian was able to break in.

"You, go in!"

The disciple of Wuqing Pavilion pointed to a casual cultivator and said indifferently.

Hearing the words, the casual cultivator shrank his head, not quite willing.

"If you don't go in, you will die. You choose." The disciple of Wuqing Pavilion said again.

Hearing this, the faces of all the casual cultivators changed. They did not expect that the disciples of the Wuqing Pavilion were so powerful and domineering.

The casual cultivator who was accused had an even more ugly face. He just heard that no one had entered this place except that Lin Tian.

This disciple of Wuqing Pavilion, let him break through, don't you want him to die?
"Go by yourself, I won't go anyway." The Sanxiu gritted his teeth and said, then turned his head and left.

After all, life is obviously more important than chance.

It's a pity that none of the disciples of the Wuqing Pavilion has a good fault. When they see someone disobeying the command, they immediately "shua" and slashed out with a sword.

The casual cultivator felt something and wanted to turn around and fight back, but his speed was much slower after all, and he was cut in half by the sword.

The rest, seeing this scene, had expressions of unbearable expression on their faces, and a feeling of sadness in their hearts.

Especially the casual cultivators at the Wuqing Pavilion felt very remorseful, why they joined here.

"You go."

After killing one person, the Wuqing Pavilion disciple pointed at another person.

Hearing this, the person's face turned pale.

"Go, there is a glimmer of life, if you don't go, you will die, you choose yourself!" the disciple of Wuqing Pavilion didn't even look at him, gently wiped the blood on the long sword, and said lightly.

The rest of the disciples stared at him indifferently.

The man looked at the casual cultivators around him, his eyes were full of pleading, and he wanted their help to intercede.

After all, although the Wuqing Pavilion's disciples are powerful, they are not many in number, only a dozen or so, while they have two or three hundred.

As long as these people are willing to intercede, he believes that even people from the Wuqing Pavilion will not dare to cause public wrath.

It's a pity that no one is willing to provoke the Wuqing Pavilion for him.

After all, if one is bad, all of them will die.

Therefore, instead of taking risks, it is better to let this person die alone.

Seeing that everyone lowered their heads and did not look at him, the casual cultivator flashed a trace of despair, and then, under the indifferent gaze of the disciples of Wuqing Pavilion, he took a deep breath and walked towards Lin Tian's bedroom tremblingly. past.

 Thank you for your rewards and support, um~ I won’t sleep tonight, I will stay up late to code, so that tomorrow’s update will be put together, let’s go! ! !

  There will be another chapter later, and now it is updated four times a day. The update of the new book issue is really not slow, old buddy.

(End of this chapter)

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