Chapter 87

Lin Tian was too lazy to talk to the young man in white, and called out again: "Gourd gourd, kill again!"

The Zijin gourd turned around the mouth of the gourd and aimed at the young man in white.

When the young man in white saw this, his expression changed drastically, he turned around and ran away without even thinking about it.


However, as soon as he turned around, the young man in white staggered under his feet, and fell on a dog eating shit.

Before the young man in white got up, a beam of chaotic light spit out from the mouth of the gourd and shot towards him.

The young man in white just turned his face to see this scene, and he was about to burst into tears.

"Do not!!!"

The terrified voice of the young man in white echoed between heaven and earth.

In an instant, he was beheaded on the spot by Zijin Gourd.

It was quiet all around.

Everyone was frightened and looked at Lin Tian dumbfounded.

Before they could react, Lin Tian waved his hand, and the gourd went to kill these people in front of him.



Every time the gourd spits out precious light, at least dozens of lives will be taken away.

In just a few moments, hundreds of people evaporated here.

Thousands of people were suddenly confused, and countless people who were saddled in their hearts shouted out in panic.

"The devil, this is the devil!!!"

The disciples from those sects didn't look much better either, their faces were pale, and they fled around in terror.

Because Lin Tian killed people, he preferred them.

And the rest, are incidental.

"Hurry up, go back and inform Zongmen, this kid has a big secret, let Zongmen avenge the dead brother!!!"

Some sect disciples roared hysterically, and then were taken away by a blow from the purple gold gourd, and disappeared in this world.

Seeing this scene, the disciples of other sects couldn't help shouting in horror: "Lin Tian, ​​do you know what you are doing? You are digging your own grave!!!"

"If you kill us all, our sect will never let you go!!!" Someone couldn't help shouting, wanting to use this to threaten Lin Tian.

Unfortunately, Lin Tian didn't care about this at all.

"Hehe, you've already killed me, so what else is there to be afraid of?"

Lin Tian smiled disapprovingly, and then said: "If your sect wants to kill me, let them come anyway."

After all, Lin Tian continued to work.

"Do not!!!"

The person who threatened Lin Tian before was instantly overwhelmed by the light of chaos.

Everyone could vaguely see the terrifying look of him struggling in the chaotic light, and his heart couldn't help but feel cold.

Then, everyone gathered their energy and ran towards the surroundings, never daring to look back.

They have also witnessed Lin Tian's methods. They are too ruthless, and they have no scruples. They don't take these sect disciples seriously at all.

As for these casual cultivators, they don't even care.

Therefore, running, there is still a glimmer of life.

If you don't run, it is definitely a dead end.

Lin Tian will definitely not show mercy.

The dozen or so people who stood up earlier, with cold feet, stood still and did not dare to move. Looking around, people who died tragically one after another were trembling all over, and their scalps were numb.

Fortunately, they returned in time.

Otherwise, I'm afraid it will end up like this, right?

Everyone looked at each other with lingering fear, very happy.

Some people saw that these people were all right, so they also stood over, thinking that they would fish in troubled waters.

However, Lin Tian's attack seemed to have eyes,

Even if they stood in front of the dozen or so people, Zijin Gourd's attack would not penetrate them like it did to others, and then fall on the people behind.

This makes people who want to opportunistically completely despair.

Had no choice but to flee desperately.

In just a short moment, more than half of the thousands of people present died, and the remaining hundred or so escaped far away.

However, there were still people who were beheaded remotely by Lin Tian controlling the purple gold gourd.

Looking at the formerly densely packed bedroom, now it is empty, only a dozen of them are left, one can imagine the feeling in the hearts of these dozen people.

Even if Lin Tian didn't attack them, some people fainted from fright.

After all, this scene is too scary.

Although there is no blood, but evaporating out of thin air like this makes it easier for everyone to feel hairy and infiltrating.

After Lin Tian dealt with these people, he directed the remaining dozen or so people to clean up the battlefield and search for all the things left by the dead people.

For elixir and the like, take it to the warming furnace.

For a sacred furnace like Wanxing, apart from the power of the stars in the sky, it is also possible to feed it with elixir.

It's just that it's a bit extravagant.

However, Lin Tian didn't care about these things.

If you can't bear children, you can't set yourself up with wolves.

Although everyone didn't know why Lin Tian threw all these medicinal materials into a stove, they didn't dare to ask more, and honestly collected them everywhere.

Thousands of people were scattered everywhere, and the things they left behind were not very easy to find. It took more than half an hour for more than a dozen people to sweep the densest area.

Elsewhere, it is more difficult to collect.

But Lin Tian was not in a hurry, he found a big rock that had collapsed and was pressing on the road, sat down on it, and waited quietly.

Throw things like elixir into the alchemy furnace.

As for things like spiritual weapons, let Zijin gourd decompose it, and swallow the essence extracted from the spiritual weapons, so as to restore itself.

At this time, what happened here was basically uploaded.

Those sect disciples who were leading the team in the ruins were shocked when they heard this, and they didn't dare to stay any longer, so they rushed towards the door with them.

However, when they came to the entrance of the ruins, they suddenly saw a figure in white sitting on a half-broken stone pillar at the entrance.

This person was none other than Lin Tian who felt that since he wanted to kill, he had to kill him, and then rushed to block the door.

Looking at him, everyone's hearts suddenly sank by half.

In front of the bedroom, the news of the annihilation of those people still shakes their minds.

Seeing everyone coming, Lin Tian turned his face, smiled at them, and asked happily: "Haven't you been looking for me? Now that I'm here, how are you happy? Surprised or not?"

When everyone heard Lin Tian's words, the corners of their mouths twitched.

happy?I am happy for you, uncle! ! !
We want to get out now! ! !

Everyone couldn't help roaring in their hearts, and their faces were a little hideous.

"Lin Tian, ​​keep a line in your life, so that we can meet each other in the future, don't let things go to waste." A disciple wearing a silver robe said with a gloomy expression and gritted his teeth.

Lin Tian nodded, pondered for a moment, and then said: "That's right, but I'm sorry, I don't want to see you in the future..."

After all, Lin Tian stood up slowly.

Seeing this, everyone immediately tensed up.

At this moment, no one dared to underestimate Lin Tian anymore.

"Lin Tian, ​​do you want to kill them all? I am a disciple of Yingyue Tiangong. As long as you let me go, I promise that I, Yingyue Tiangong, will never pursue what happened today, and even provide you with shelter. What do you think? ?”

Another young man in the white Taoist robe of Yingyue Tiangong discussed in a deep voice.

When Lin Tian heard the words, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes, and he said sarcastically: "Do you think I will believe this?"

 PS: The next chapter should be shot slowly, and it will be published in one breath, it is easy to make mistakes~
(End of this chapter)

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