Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 88 The elders are all dead

Chapter 88 The elders are all dead (fourth update, please recommend!)

Seeing that Lin Tian didn't believe it, the young man in white from Yingyue Tiangong froze, and then hurriedly said: "I can guarantee your safety with my personality."

"As long as you go to Yingyue Tiangong with me, other people will never dare to touch you."

Hearing this, the sarcasm on Lin Tian's face became more intense, he sneered and said: "Others dare not move, but what about you Yingyue Tiangong?"

"Could it be, can you guarantee that those old immortals in your Heavenly Palace won't have any other thoughts?"

"As for your guarantee of personality, what's the use?"

"Safe? It's safe to be under house arrest. As long as you don't die, you can be considered safe. If you say that, you should lie to a three-year-old child. I'm not interested."

Lin Tian curled his lips in disdain, threw the gourd, and was the first to kill the young man in white on the spot. He shot decisively. Before the people present could react, the disciple of Yingyue Tiangong died here.

"The entrance is right in front of you, there is still a glimmer of hope to rush out, if you don't go out, we will all die, why are you still standing there?"

A smart person knew that Lin Tian was determined to kill them, so he didn't hesitate, let out a loud roar, and then hid in the crowd, trying to take advantage of the number to kill them in troubled waters.

But, who is Lin Tian?

The equal formation of all beings is good for suppressing everyone here.

Even the emperor cannot use the power of the soul here.

But Lin Tian is different.

He is not only a setter, but also has a strong soul. It is a breeze to find someone here.

"Gourd gourd, please kill!"

Lin Tian said indifferently.

Immediately afterwards, Zijin Gourd spat out a black and white light, which instantly shot through the eyebrows of the person who made the sound.

The terrified people did not stop because of this, and rushed towards the exit less than 50 meters ahead.

Every step forward, their number will basically decrease by dozens.

In the end, some people couldn't bear this kind of scene, and they were frightened crazy, and ran towards Lin Tian hysterically.

"Devil, I will fight with you!!!"

This man came to Lin Tian with a ferocious face and red eyes.

Lin Tian didn't even look at him, just a movement of the gourd above his head took his life away.

Seeing Lin Tian indifferently harvesting these lives, everyone felt an indescribable chill in their hearts, and their legs were trembling.

However, although that person's attack failed, it also gave everyone a chance to compete for a breath.

This made everyone very excited.

"Quick, go and stop him!!!"

A sect disciple yelled ferociously at the casual cultivator next to him, "If you don't go, I will kill you after you get out."

The casual cultivator was not moved when he heard the words, and ran towards the exit that was right in front of him.

Hehe, they are all dead anyway, so it is better to go out first.

Going out might have a chance.

But in the face of Lin Tian, ​​it is basically certain death.

He's not stupid, he still can't do things like risking his own life to win others' lives.

This scene was staged in different places.

It's a pity that the results are without exception, and no one is willing to go there.

After this sprint, the number of people has been reduced to only a few hundred people left.

The sect disciples who were still alive suddenly panicked. If this continues, they will all die here.

"Junior brother, let the elders avenge me after I go out, cut this guy into pieces, and turn him into corpse oil to pay homage to me!!!"

A sect disciple finally made a choice, and growled with a ferocious expression.

Then turned around and killed Lin Tian.


The remaining, living disciple of the sect, seeing this scene, couldn't help but let out a mournful roar, feeling extremely remorseful in his heart, why should he be greedy for all of this.

However, he didn't dare to linger any more than he was sad, and wiped away his tears, he headed towards the exit.

With a short distance of 50 meters, in the hearts of everyone at this moment, it is like a dark road with no light, which is extremely long.

One sect disciple after another made a choice and rushed towards Lin Tian to buy time for the living.

As long as someone goes out, the kings and emperors outside will know what happened here.

At that time, their revenge will be avenged.


Zijin Gourd spat out a beam of chaotic light, and after completing a large-scale obliteration, the remaining people finally rushed out.

This made Lin Tian a little regretful that he could not completely keep these people.

In the distance, the people from the Yao clan who came over after hearing the wind happened to see this scene. Seeing that Lin Tian had killed so many people, they seemed to be a little bit unfulfilled, and couldn't help but look at each other in blank dismay.

At first, they didn't understand why their emperor didn't compete for the purple gold gourd, such an innate treasure.

Thinking about it now, all the monsters suddenly felt extremely rejoiced, and felt that their emperor's decision was extremely wise.


At this time, outside.

When everyone saw the mist at the entrance of the ruins, there was confusion, and the strong men from all directions stood up one after another, staring at the entrance intently.

Immediately afterwards, a dozen or so pale-faced people rushed out from inside in a panic.

This surprised everyone.

What's going on here?
Could it be that he was hunted down?

"What are you doing in such a panic? How's the situation inside?" the strong man from Yingyue Tiangong couldn't help but asked.

"Inside, inside..."

When everyone heard the mention of the ruins, their faces turned even paler. Recalling the scene just now, everyone's legs became weak and they kept trembling.

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

Seeing this, the strong man from Yingyue Tiangong shouted in displeasure.

The rest of the people also looked at these people very curiously, frowning slightly, not knowing what happened inside that made them so scared.

"All dead, elder, all dead..."

At this moment, a disciple who survived from Yingyue Tiangong came back to his senses, and said tremblingly with a weeping voice: "Senior brothers are all dead..."

Hearing this, everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then, people from other forces looked at Yingyue Tiangong, gloating and snickering.

It's fine if they're all dead, no one will snatch things from them if they're all dead.

"Tell me carefully, what is going on?"

The strong man from Yingyue Tiangong was anxious, and immediately rushed in front of this disciple, grabbed his shoulders, shook him vigorously, and asked with a gloomy expression.

Yue Qingying stood behind, hearing this, her pretty face was full of astonishment, and immediately, she seemed to think of something, and she suddenly had a bad premonition in her heart.

"Could it be..."

A bold guess surged in Yue Qingying's mind, which made her face a little pale.

Sure enough, the next moment, the disciple's words confirmed her premonition.

"He, they were all killed by that, that Lin Tian..." the disciple said as if crying.

"What? They were all killed by Lin Tian alone?"

Hearing this disciple's words, the elder of Yingyue Tiangong yelled in disbelief, his face was full of shock, he couldn't believe his ears.

 PS; now there are four changes every day, tentatively scheduled for [-]:[-] noon and [-]:[-] pm, if there is any change, I will let you know in advance.

  After staying up all night, I finally adjusted the update earlier, today’s update is here, and then I asked for a ticket, and the brother who has a ticket will reward me quickly, I am already hungry and thirsty.

(End of this chapter)

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