Devouring Sword God

Chapter 1002 Greed

Chapter 1002 Greed
Mietian secretly hides, Mietian reveals!

Such a change made everyone startled.

Originally, everyone thought that the immortal was Mie Tian.

No one would have thought that Mie Tian actually came from the Miexian sword that Zhenxian was here.

Not only the strong men present, but even the immortal who was stopped by Mie Tian, ​​his expression changed drastically the moment he saw Mie Tian, ​​and a monstrous anger appeared on his face.

"Mie Tian! Thousands of years have passed, and you are still there!"

The golden-robed immortal yelled at Mietian, "If it wasn't for you, my immortal clan's plan had been accomplished, how could this immortal be trapped here for thousands of years!"

"As long as I am here, I will suppress you for a day, and your plot will never come true."

Mie Tian raised his head, his deep eyes contained endless sharpness, and he spoke indifferently.

"With weak creatures like you, you dare to speak falsely to suppress this immortal!"

On the angry face of the golden-robed immortal, a savage look appeared, and with a wave of the golden robe, the sword energy around him was scattered away.

"Immortals are coming to the world!"

With a low shout, a golden light shone in the black storm of sword energy at that time, and then expanded infinitely.

An indescribable power filled the entire space the moment the golden-robed immortal opened his arms, almost wanting to replace all the black sword energy in the original space.

Seeing this scene, Mie Tian's expression remained unchanged, but he looked at Xue You beside Yi Xiaoyao.

"I thought that things have changed for thousands of years, but seeing you is still the same. I can rest assured as a father."

At this moment, the sharpness in his eyes had long since disappeared, replaced by a gentle smile.

Although Mie Tian was hailed as the strongest man by later generations, he was also a father.


Xue Youmei's eyes were filled with tears, and her face was full of sadness.

She has been asleep for thousands of years, and she has no feeling for the years. What happened thousands of years ago is like what happened just yesterday.

It is extremely difficult for any child to accept that he was a living father yesterday, but today he is a wisp of dead soul that has endured thousands of years of decay.

"You'er, although you have thousands of words to say as a father, there is no chance to speak out at this time."

Mie Tian also sighed, and spoke to Xue You with eyes showing reluctance.

Logically speaking, even though their father and daughter are separated by life and death, they can still talk about the millennium's thoughts together.

But Mie Xianjian was pulled out, this space was extremely dangerous, Mie Tian couldn't put Xue You in such danger.

"Father, it's all my fault for being ignorant, which caused the current catastrophe..."

Xue You cried in annoyance, if she had known this would happen, she would not have brought these guys in even if she died.

However, Mie Tian didn't mean to blame at all, and said with a light smile: "Silly boy, the matter will come to an end one day, not to mention that the matter is not your fault at all."

As he said that, the breath on his body became violent, and the sword energy in the space made the whole space show signs of tearing.

"Even if you get into trouble, my father will take care of everything for you!"

When he said these words, Mie Tian had already turned around and greeted the golden robed immortal.

At the same time, the surrounding space suddenly squirmed, and space vortices appeared.

"Leave this place to the father, you get out of here quickly!"

Mie Tian drank again, followed by a series of earth-shattering collisions with the Golden Robe Immortal.

Although it was just two soul-like spirit bodies, the fluctuation of their confrontation instantly made everyone feel as if they had been hit hard, and blood spurted wildly.

At this time, the many strong men who entered here no longer have any thoughts about Mietian Secret Treasure or Immortal Inheritance.

One after another figures immediately swarmed and fled towards the space vortex opened by Mie Tian. In a battle of this level, as long as they get a little bit involved, they will be lost forever. Without their lives, any good fortune is empty talk.

"You go too!"

Xue You said to the people around him, although he was also pale from the shock of the battle, but he didn't make any moves.

"how about you?"

Yun Mengling seemed to understand that she wanted to stay, and hurriedly asked.

"I have caused so much trouble for my father, I can't let those guys make the trouble even bigger!"

Xue You shook his head, looked forward, and said in a serious tone.

In her line of sight, the leaders of the seven ancient clans still did not leave.

These people, relying on their second calamity cultivation, endured the terrifying fluctuations around them, staring at the Immortal Extinguishing Sword still stuck on the golden skeleton with greedy eyes.

Although they were deceived by the golden-robed immortal and failed to obtain its inheritance, the Immortal Extinguishing Sword, which can kill immortals, still has a great temptation for them.

And seeing Mietian's soul coming out of Miexian Sword, maybe Mietian's inheritance may also be in this Miexian Sword.

Especially Jian Thirty, as a member of the Sword Clan, he has longed for the Mie Immortal Sword from the very beginning. Now that he realizes that the sword belongs to Mie Tian, ​​he even wants to take the opportunity to steal the Mie Immortal Sword.

Following Xue You's gaze, Yi Xiaoyao also saw the plan of these guys, and his eyes turned cold.

These guys, having made such a big mess, still want to snatch the treasure, it's really shameless.

This Immortal Extinguishing Sword, which still has a suppressive effect on the Golden Robe Immortal, must not be taken away by the Sword Clan!

"You go with everyone too, leave it to me here."

Yi Xiaoyao spoke to Xue You Shen Sheng, seeing the latter frown tightly, he continued: "Don't worry, I'll be fine, you go out and wait for me!"

He has the defense of Jia Yu Domineering Qi and Tuntian Battle Body. Although his whole body is numb from the waves of fluctuations, his condition is much better than that of Xue You and others.

Xue You hesitated to speak, she knew how powerful Yi Xiaoyao was now, and at this moment she also knew that staying didn't seem to be of much help, but would become a burden instead.

So under Yi Xiaoyao's resolute gaze, he had no choice but to nod, and directly pulled Yun Mengling and the others into the vortex of space.

In just a short moment, all the powerful people who came in in this grand canyon in the inner world of Kunyu have already left.

As for Tiankui and others who were greedy for Miexianjian, they didn't take action immediately, but hid in the distance and waited for an opportunity.

"You didn't even leave?"

At this moment, an enchanting figure came from a distance, looked at Yi Xiaoyao and asked with a surprised smile.

She is Queyi, the daughter of the Yaozu. From the very beginning, she seemed to be very interested in Yi Xiaoyao.

Yi Xiaoyao gave her a cold look, but ignored her.

"Don't worry, I'm not like those guys who want to covet that sword."

Queyi smiled softly without any annoyance, and then looked at the big battle above the void with a slight frown, showing a hint of worry in his eyes.

"I just want to see how it ends, and maybe I can help you."


(End of this chapter)

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