Devouring Sword God

Chapter 1003 Incarnation Formation Base

Chapter 1003 Incarnation Formation Base
Hearing what Sparrow Wing said, Yi Xiaoyao's eyes moved slightly.

"You want to help me?"

He looked at that seductive face, with a little doubt in his heart: "Why?"

"If the immortals here are really allowed to go out, then our demon race will also be greatly threatened. After all, whether it is for you humans or those immortals who are essentially human, the demon race is a foreign race."

Queyi frowned, looked at Yi Xiaoyao and said, "I can see that you want to prevent these people from taking that sword, so in a sense, you and I have the same purpose."

Hearing this, Yi Xiaoyao's originally indifferent attitude eased a lot.

But he still had some doubts: "What you said, those guys also understand that once this fairy is born, they will also be in great danger. Unfortunately, in the face of absolute temptation, they don't worry about it. Don't you want to get it? Mietian secret treasure?"

If it wasn't for the relationship between Mie Tian, ​​Yi Clan, and Xue You, perhaps Yi Xiaoyao would have fought for the Mie Immortal Sword like Tiankui and the others.

But Sparrow Wing obviously doesn't have these concerns, but being so rational is the biggest doubt.

"The Mietian Secret Treasure is very tempting to you humans, but it doesn't actually have much effect on our monster race."

Sparrow Wing smiled, and with one sentence, Yi Xiaoyao's doubts were resolved.

"not good!"

In vain, Yi Xiaoyao suddenly let out a secret cry, and looked up into the sky with a drastic change of expression.

There, the fight between Mie Tian and the Golden Robe Immortal had already reached an extremely intense level.

The reason why Yi Xiaoyao lost his composure so much was because Mie Tian was completely suppressed by the Golden Robe Immortal.

"White Tiger Immortal Way, Li Jin breaks the sky!"

A giant golden tiger with a terrifying momentum rushed out of the body of the golden-robed immortal, directly hitting Mie Tian, ​​who was surrounded by sword energy, and retreated violently.

Afterwards, the golden-robed immortal stood upright, looking proudly at Mie Tian, ​​and sneered.

"Hmph! Mietian, if you hadn't been lured here thousands of years ago and cut off my immortal power with a kun body, how could I have been suppressed by you for so many years? Now that my immortal power has recovered, don't think about trapping me again the second time!"


After blasting Mietian back, the golden-cloaked immortal began to attack the surrounding sword energy seals, trying to break out of the range covered by the sword energy and break open this space.

Seeing this scene, Mie Tian stopped suddenly, and stepped forward to stop him again.

He also understood that if he allowed the other party to escape from here, even he would not be able to trap him anymore.

"You haven't certified the immortal position, but you also want to fight with the immortal?"

The golden-robed immortal sneered, not paying attention to Mie Tian at all.

"That false fairy position, it doesn't matter if you don't get it! I was able to suppress you back then, and I can still do it now!"

Mie Tian spoke contemptuously, his tone full of disdain for this immortal.

Afterwards, he raised his hand and pointed at the Immortal Immortal Sword below, and the sword body immediately burst into black light.

swish swish swish...

A total of nine sword shadows shot out in an instant, arranged in nine directions, as if forming a large formation.

Seeing these nine sword shadows appearing around him, the golden-cloaked fairy's expression was finally moved.

"Is it the Immortal Extinguishing Sword Formation?"

Back then, he was beheaded by this Immortal Extinguishing Sword Formation, so he naturally knew the power of this Sword Formation.

Seeing this sword formation again at this moment, the golden robe fairy couldn't help but feel a little fear in his heart.

But he still snorted coldly: "You have not been certified to use this kind of fairy art, which caused your own death back then. Now if you use it again, your soul will fly away!"

"What to fear!"

Mie Tian looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, then his figure turned into a nine, and he shot towards the nine swords.

In the next moment, each of the nine Mietians held a sword, and the light of the sword was shining, and they actually started to use a mysterious sword art.

Accompanied by the flickering of the sword light, the huge sword formation also began to operate in an instant.

The immense sword power enveloped the golden robed immortal in the center.

The monstrous sword light filled the heavens and the earth, and under the power that could be said to destroy the heavens and the earth, the golden-cloaked immortal uttered pitiful screams and roars at that time.

"good chance!"

At this time, Tiankui and the others who had been waiting for the opportunity finally had their eyes lit up, and shot towards the Miexian Sword.

At this moment, Mie Tian was casting the sword array and had no time to be distracted, and the golden robed immortal was being trapped by the sword array, this was their chance to grab the sword.

"These beasts!"

Yi Xiaoyao also noticed this scene, and immediately roared, these guys don't care about how much disaster will be caused for the immediate benefit.

"Didn't you say you want to help me, follow me to stop them!"

Immediately, Yi Xiaoyao gave a low shout to Queyi, who also nodded, and followed Tiankui and others closely.

At this moment, the countless sword qi in Miexian Sword Formation suddenly became chaotic, as if they were no longer under Mietian's control.

Impressively, it was Tiankui and the others who had appeared under the Miexian Sword at this moment, and began to fight for the sword.

The formation of the Immortal Sword Formation was originally based on the Immortal Extinguishing Sword, which was equivalent to the eye of the formation.

Once the eye of the formation is disturbed, the entire formation will be affected or even destroyed!
In just a moment, the Miexian Sword was pulled out a few inches again, and it was already tilted.

"A bunch of bastards!"

Mie Tian's complexion changed drastically, and his gaze shot towards Tiankui and the others in vain, his eyes bursting with anger.

Then, he had no choice but to separate out a sword energy, and slashed towards the bottom.

This kind of sword energy, even the immortals are threatened by it, even if Tiankui and others have the cultivation base of the second calamity, they are absolutely unable to resist it.

Therefore, at the moment when they were about to completely pull out the Immortal Sword, the sword energy descended in an instant, directly cutting off their arms holding the Immortal Sword tightly!
Even at the moment when the sword energy burst, Tiankui and the others all spat out blood and fell to the ground with serious injuries.

"Damn Mietian!!"

Tiankui and the others roared angrily, wanting to get up and draw their swords again.

But suddenly, a figure stopped in front of them out of thin air, with cold eyes.

"Damn it's you!"

Que Yi, who arrived in time, glanced at Tiankui and the others with cold eyes and disdain, and said coldly: "If you don't leave, then I will have to kill you here!"

Normally, Queyi would not be so strong, but now that Tiankui and the others were injured, she is fully qualified to make such a threat.

At the same time, Yi Xiaoyao also arrived, but what he cared about first was not Tiankui and the others, but looked up to the sky with a changed expression.

There, the Golden Robe Immortal took advantage of Mie Tian's distraction to stop Tiankui and the others when Mie Immortal Sword Formation was out of control just now, and attacked one part of the sword formation crazily.

In the next moment, among the nine clones transformed by Mie Tian, ​​one of them was directly blasted to pieces and disappeared.

"Haha! Mietian, you are missing a foundation, let's see how you can use the Immortal Sword Formation!!"

The golden-cloaked immortal suddenly laughed sharply, and then turned into a golden glow, trying to escape from the formation towards the direction of the destroyed formation foundation.

Mie Tian's face twitched for a moment, but at this moment, his gaze froze, and he looked at the destroyed formation foundation in astonishment.

Because there, the Golden Robe Immortal did not escape as smoothly as imagined, but was forced back by a sharp sword glow!
"what happened!?"

The golden-robed immortal hastily stabilized his figure, and suddenly raised his head to look forward.

Afterwards, a violent anger surged in his pupils, and he roared violently: "This kid, how can he use the Immortal Extinguishing Sword Art to maintain the Immortal Extinguishing Sword Formation!!"

And in his golden pupils, the figure incarnated as the formation foundation, if it's not Yi Xiaoyao, who is it?

(End of this chapter)

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