Chapter 1004
One of the foundations of the Immortal Sword Formation was destroyed by the Golden Robe Immortal, but at some point, Yi Xiaoyao's figure appeared at the destroyed base of the formation.

The Mieshi Sword flashed in his hand, and the sword moves he used were exactly the same as Mietian at the other eight formation bases.

Under such sword light, the Immortal Extinguishing Sword Formation, which had been out of control, started to function again at this moment.

As Yi Xiaoyao slashed out with his sword, the entire Immortal Extinguishing Sword Formation resonated with it, and even forced the golden-cloaked immortal who was about to break through and escape with confidence to retreat violently.

Just as the Jinpao Immortal exclaimed, the sword move that Yi Xiaoyao is using right now is the Immortal Extinguishing Sword Art.

Of course, with Yi Xiaoyao's strength alone, it is impossible to force back the golden-cloaked immortal who is much stronger than him, even if he uses the Immortal Extinguishing Sword Art.

This is mainly because, at the same time as he slashed out with that sword, the Immortal Extinguishing Sword Formation that resumed its operation also showed its power at the same time.

Seeing the golden-robed fairy being successfully stopped by him, Yi Xiaoyao, who was tense all over, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

A smile finally appeared on his face.

Just now, Yi Xiaoyao, who rushed here, saw that the Immortal Extinguishing Sword Formation had been destroyed. In desperation, he wanted to make a timely remedy, so he immediately thought of this countermeasure.

As just happened, the remedy was very successful.

This may seem like a coincidence, but it is not.

Because Yi Xiaoyao had already noticed that the sword formula he was using was exactly the one he knew when Mie Tian had just completed the Miexian Sword Formation.

And the sword formation that traps the golden-robed immortal at this moment is maintained by the Miexian Sword Art.

That's why Yi Xiaoyao was able to perfectly replace the destroyed formation foundation with himself, and continue to maintain the sword formation with the Immortal Extinguishing Sword Art.

If you really want to talk about a coincidence, it must be that Yi Xiaoyao had already mastered the Immortal Extinguishing Sword Art long before this.

But it's more like, fate.

"Good boy, nice job!"

At the same time, Mie Tian, ​​who saw this scene, was also shocked.

But he didn't say much, but directly praised Yi Xiaoyao loudly.

"It seems that God won't let you go out!"

Immediately, Mie Tian lowered his head, looking at the golden-cloaked immortal who had been forced back to the center of the sword array, a smile finally appeared on Yinglang's face.


The golden-robed immortal let out a furious roar amidst the violent strangulation of the endless sword light of the Immortal Extinguishing Sword Formation.

Obviously, this sudden change also caught him off guard.

"Boy! If I leave here, I will kill you!!"

On the hideous face of the golden-robed immortal, his eyes of hatred looked at Yi Xiaoyao's direction from afar, threatening to gnash his teeth.

He managed to find an opportunity to escape from the sword formation that had suppressed him for thousands of years.

Unexpectedly, it was because of a little person whom he ignored that completely destroyed his hope.

How could the Golden Robe Immortal not hate Yi Xiaoyao?

Immediately, the golden light on his body was even more dazzling, and a golden-headed fairy tiger rushed out of the light, attacking Yi Xiaoyao angrily.

"This time, you won't have another chance to escape!"

Seeing this, Mie Tian just snorted coldly, and immediately waved his sleeve robe, and the sword art in the hands of the eight clones became more fierce.

The sword lights in the sword formation also became more powerful, and each sword light made the golden light on the golden robed immortal's body even darker.

However, in the entire sword array, the sword light produced by one place is obviously much weaker.

As a result, although the Immortal Extinguishing Sword Formation has resumed its operation, it is still a little unstable, and that place will also become a breakthrough for the sword formation.

And this weak point was exactly where Yi Xiaoyao was.

Realizing this, Mie Tian frowned slightly and looked over.

"Boy, since you have mastered the Immortal Extinguishing Sword Art, why only perform the first three moves?"

Immediately Mie Tianchao Yi Xiaoyao yelled: "If you don't perform the Nine Mie Immortal Styles with me, not only will you not be able to suppress this guy, but you will also be very dangerous!"

Just as he said, Yi Xiaoyao is in an extremely dangerous situation at this moment.

Because at this moment, under the strangulation of Jian Guang, the golden robed immortal was still attacking Chao Yi Xiaoyao.

Not only because of the opponent's hatred, but also because there is the weakness of the entire sword array.

Seeing the terrifying coercion brought by the Golden Robe Immortal, Yi Xiaoyao didn't have any confidence that he could withstand his blow and continue to maintain the formation.

But upon hearing Mie Tian's reminder, Yi Xiaoyao smiled helplessly.

"Senior, this junior only knows these three styles of sword art!"

He also didn't know until now that there are nine styles in the Immortal Extinguishing Sword Art.

Moreover, he is now able to perform the three forms, which is already the limit of what he can do after upgrading in the past three years.

If he continued to use the Immortal Extinguishing Sword Art, Yi Xiaoyao would definitely run out of blood and die.

"Oh, I see."

Mie Tian heard the words, and saw the subtle difference between Yi Xiaoyao's sword moves and his own, and instantly understood everything.

He has already seen that Yi Xiaoyao's Miexian Sword Art is the "weakened version" he adapted for Xueyou.

Because Xue You still couldn't master it at that time, he only adapted the first three styles.

After realizing this, Mie Tian naturally knew that this weakened version of Mie Xian Jian Jue needed to burn blood at the price, and it was impossible for Yi Xiaoyao to last.

But once Yi Xiaoyao lost, it would be futile to try to trap the Golden Robe Immortal.

In an instant, countless thoughts flashed through Mie Tian's mind.

Immediately, his eyes were fixed, as if he had made some decision, he spoke to Yi Xiaoyao in a deep voice.

"Boy, are you willing to become the heir of my Mietian!"

As soon as the sound came out, Yi Xiaoyao was stunned.


"I chose that kid!"

"Damn it, he became the final winner!"

Not only him, but those around Tiankui and others who were about to rush out of the space vortex to escape from this place, who were forced to retreat by the bird's wings, also turned their heads in shock and cursed inwardly with jealousy.

"The most powerful man in history, Mie Tian, ​​actually wants to accept Di Chu as his apprentice?"

Even Queyi looked over in astonishment, with a strange smile of envy in his eyes, and said, "This guy's luck must be too good."

Even these second catastrophe powerhouses would be envious of jealous things, and it was naturally impossible for Yi Xiaoyao to refuse.

"The junior is willing!"

Immediately, without even thinking about it, Yi Xiaoyao agreed directly the moment Mie Tian's voice just came out.

Mie Tian nodded, and then said: "Now, I will teach you the real method of Mie Xian Nine Forms!"

As soon as the words fell, one after another incomparably mysterious sword moves came from the mouths of his eight figures, reaching the ears of everyone present.

Mie Tian wasn't worried at all, other people who heard this sword move also learned it.

Because the Immortal Extinguishing Sword Art was extremely demanding, even Xue You, who was extremely talented, couldn't learn the moves he adapted for Xue You, let alone this group of people right now.

At the same time, this is also one of the reasons why Mie Tian took a fancy to and chose Yi Xiaoyao as his successor.

Because Yi Xiaoyao was able to master the Immortal Extinguishing Sword Jue adapted by him, there must be a great possibility that he could master the real Nine Immortal Extinguishing Techniques that he taught at this moment!

Of course, even so, it is almost impossible to learn such an advanced swordsmanship in such a short period of time.

Although Mie Tian himself was not very sure, but in the current situation, he could only have a glimmer of hope for Yi Xiaoyao.

And then, under his words of preaching and teaching by example, Yi Xiaoyao's performance directly turned his glimmer of hope into a surprise!

(End of this chapter)

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