Devouring Sword God

Chapter 1017 Don't even think about leaving alive

Chapter 1017 Don't even think about leaving alive
From Yi Xiaoyao's appearance to killing Tianyue, it took only a short time.

One must know that Tianyue possesses the cultivation base of the Heaven-reaching Realm, and as a young arrogant of the Celestial-Human Clan, his strength far exceeds that of the general Heaven-reaching Realm.

Not to mention, Yi Xiaoyao directly killed Tianyue in a second under the condition that Tiankui, the strong man of the second catastrophe, stopped him!
The atmosphere between heaven and earth suddenly became a little silent at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, there were some gasping sounds.

This level, even for some second catastrophe powerhouses, is probably a bit difficult to achieve, right?

Even those members of the major ancient clans who had been on the sidelines all showed shock at this moment.

At the same time, there was even a trace of greed hidden in the eyes of these ancient powerhouses.

Because they have also noticed that Yi Xiaoyao has become stronger than before, presumably because of the inheritance of Mietian, which makes them more eager to get the inheritance of Mietian.

"It looks like we just arrived."

At this time, Que Yi and other members of the monster clan were appearing in the mouth of Ju Kun.

Looking at the young figure that everyone was looking at, she sighed happily.

At the same time, Que Yi was still secretly startled, the crazy speed that Yi Xiaoyao erupted after hearing a shout just now, even if she was the best at speed, she couldn't catch up.

Immediately, the complexions of these monster clan members changed one after another.

Because they felt the murderous intent emanating from Yi Xiaoyao's body, the ferocity that appeared due to the rage, was even stronger than some ferocious beasts in their monster clan!

At this moment, Queyi and the others knew that their young friend had really gone into a rage.

Even though he knew that there was a huge gap between Yi Xiaoyao in front of him and the powerful Celestials who had Tiankui.

But for some reason, Que Yi and the others faintly felt that the people of the Heavenly Human Race seemed to be completely finished in the next few days...

And under the locking of countless gazes, Yi Xiaoyao, who killed Tianyue, glanced at the strong man of the Celestial Race in front of him with eyes filled with terrifying hostility.

Even the powerhouses of the Celestial Human Race couldn't help but feel a bit of chill with that look like an ancient fierce beast.

Immediately afterwards, Yi Xiaoyao turned around and looked at the red-eyed Yunmengling behind her, who looked like a flower that had been ruthlessly tortured, and a heartache and violent killing intent surged in her heart again.

"Sorry I'm late"

The bitter and hoarse voice came to Yunmengling's ears, making her firm body tremble uncontrollably.

Tears flowed from the already red eyes, and Lihua's rainy face was filled with the stability of finding her home.

Immediately afterwards, the emotions that had been suppressed in her heart finally broke out completely here, and she burst into tears like a child.

"I thought I'd never see you again"

"Everyone was injured by those guys in order to save me..."

Yun Mengling's crying made Yi Xiaoyao feel sad, and he embraced the trembling delicate body in his arms.

"How come, no matter how far away, as long as you need me, I will appear as soon as possible, and I will kill everyone who hurts you."

Yi Xiaoyao comforted the girl in his arms, listened to the confiding, and then looked at his companions around him.

Then, another rush of murderous intent erupted from his body.

Because at this moment, both of Zhan Yue's arms were severed, and Zhan Wushuang's chest had a horrible bloody mouth, and the rest of the people were all covered in blood.

And those strong men in the Sea of ​​Slaughter, nearly half of them have been reduced to corpses and fell to the ground.

"Little brother Xiaoyao, we are useless, let those guys hurt little girl Mengling"

Zhan Bao shook the blood on his face, and, like everyone else, he smiled wryly at Yi Xiaoyao.

However, in their eyes, they didn't blame Yi Xiaoyao for arriving at this time, but because of Yi Xiaoyao's appearance, there was renewed hope.

Even those strong people who suffered heavy casualties in the Slaughtering Sea regained their momentum because they saw Yi Xiaoyao's powerful strength that killed Tianyue just now.

They knew that only Yi Xiaoyao could save them now!

"Please my emperor! Kill the Celestials and Humans!"

"Please my emperor! Save me from Killing Sea!"

"Please my emperor! Stand against the sky and stand on your own!"

The voice was full of hatred for the Celestial Human Race, full of desire for life, full of roars of resistance to power, and resounded through the world at this moment.

Such a scene caused the expressions of the surrounding ancient clansmen to change somewhat.

"Self-reliant against the sky, is this trying to break free from the rule of the Celestial Race and stand on your own?"

"These guys seem to have been driven to a desperate situation by the Celestial Race, do you want to revolt?"

"It's just that, even if the emperor they pinned their hopes on appears, I'm afraid they still can't change anything..."

The powerhouses of the major ancient clans then started talking and laughing.

Although Yi Xiaoyao's way of appearance just now really surprised them, but if Yi Xiaoyao can compete with the current group of Celestials and Humans, and even get rid of the Celestials' rule and start an uprising, no one will believe it.

At this time, amidst the earth-shattering sound, Yi Xiaoyao sent Yunmengling in his arms to Xueyou and the others, and smiled faintly at them.

Afterwards, he slowly lowered his head, looking at those strong men in the Slaughtering Sea, a chilling smile was faintly outlined on their handsome faces.

"I am the emperor of this killing sea. This place is not ruled by the Celestials and Humans."

His voice was not loud, but it spread slowly like this, and then the whole world fell silent in vain at this moment.

"In my territory, hurt my companions, kill my subordinates, no matter what ancient clan you are, don't even think about leaving alive!"

Accompanied by the sound containing endless killing intent, a monstrous ferocity, like a sleeping Shura, awakened in this blood-stained sea void.

Yi Xiaoyao's words were not only a warning to the Celestial Human Race, but also to all the ancient races present.

Those ancient strong men who were chatting and laughing all frowned because of this sentence.

And those Celestial-Human powerhouses who were already in anger because of Tianyue's killing were completely furious.

"Dare to kill my Celestial-Human Clan, dare to despise my clan Tianwei Emperor, you are so brave!"

Tiankui stared at Yi Xiaoyao fiercely, and shouted angrily: "Today, I not only want to take your life and take your inheritance, but also make this sea of ​​killing cease to exist!!"

Suddenly, an unprecedented violent aura erupted from Tiankui, crushing towards Yi Xiaoyao.

Obviously, he had reservations before, but this time, he was completely angry.


(End of this chapter)

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