Devouring Sword God

Chapter 1018 Mutation Thunder Tribulation

Chapter 1018 Mutation Thunder Tribulation
Between the heaven and the earth filled with the smell of blood, the atmosphere became a little quiet at this moment.

And the source of this silence comes from the strong coercion emanating from the strong men of the Celestial Race headed by Tiankui.

Under this coercion, the Slaughtering Sea powerhouses who were shouting at first felt a little hard to breathe, and even lost the confidence to continue shouting.

Involuntarily, they all looked palely in the direction of the real target of this coercion, Yi Xiaoyao.

Yi Xiaoyao's domineering words just now are indeed very inspiring, but can he really do what he said, leaving no one behind?

At this moment, in the face of the enraged Celestials and Humans and the violent aura crushed by Heavenly Cry, the violent aura in Yi Xiaoyao's body did not diminish at all.

"So what if you killed your Celestials? It's not the first time you killed them."

A faint sneer came from Yi Xiaoyao's mouth, and while he responded to the cry of heaven, his cold eyes scanned the group of strong celestial beings.

"Not only that, but I will kill all of you next!"

Yi Xiaoyao's words made Tiankui narrow his eyes slightly, and the chill in his eyes became more intense.

"What are you? How dare you utter such wild words when you are about to die!"

After Tiankui, those powerful men who had wounded Zhan Wushuang and the others all smiled coldly because of Yi Xiaoyao's words.

The next moment, they directly erupted with a powerful breath and shot out.

The strong men of the Heavenly Human Race, who had seen Yi Xiaoyao's strength when he killed Tianyue, did not dare to underestimate them, so they immediately dispatched four people.

The four figures were in a double-teaming trend, carrying a violent offensive, and their momentum was terrifying.

Seeing the Celestials attacking, Zhan Bao and others gathered around Yi Xiaoyao. Although he was seriously injured, they still inspired an unyielding fighting spirit.

However, Yi Xiaoyao raised his hand to stop the people around him, protecting them behind him.

"Thank you for your hard work in the previous battle, the next thing is up to me."

The soft voice came to the ears of Zhan Bao and the others, making them slightly stunned, looking at the back in front of them.

For some reason, at this moment, they just felt inexplicably at ease with this figure in front of them.

"Little brother Xiaoyao, don't worry, we can fight again!"

Zhan Bao looked at Yi Xiaoyao with worried eyes, and resolutely spoke, and the rest of the people also nodded.

"I know that everyone is not a coward who is afraid to fight, but, from now on, I am enough alone, and everyone does not need to fight anymore."

Yi Xiaoyao tilted his head slightly, and returned a reassuring smile to the worried eyes behind him.

Just when Zhan Yue wanted to continue speaking, Yun Mengling nodded to Yi Xiaoyao ahead of time and said, "Brother Xiaoyao, be careful."


Yi Xiaoyao nodded, then turned his head to look at the four figures who were shooting towards him.

As soon as his figure moved, he turned into an afterimage and disappeared directly in place.

"Little sister Mengling, how can you let little brother Xiaoyao face the Celestials alone?"

Seeing Yi Xiaoyao disappear before their eyes, Zhan Bao and the others all changed their complexions, and exclaimed to Yun Mengling incomprehensibly.

"Because he said, no matter what, I have to trust him unconditionally."

Yun Mengling whispered softly, but a faint smile appeared on that tired face.

Although she knew how dangerous the situation in front of them was for them, she was even more aware that the Yi Xiaoyao she knew well would never do anything without the slightest assurance.

For example, at this moment, since Yi Xiaoyao said that he alone is enough, he has his reasons.

"Don't worry, Brother Xiaoyao will be fine."

As if feeling the worry of the companions beside her, Yun Mengling comforted her again, her tone full of confidence.

In this way, although Zhan Bao and the others still couldn't dispel their worries, they had no choice but to look forward suspiciously, ready to help Yi Xiaoyao at any time.

Ahead, the four powerhouses of the Celestial-Human Clan descended through the air.

When they saw the afterimage that was approaching, the sneer on their faces became even worse, and their respective figures changed their formation again.

"If you dare to fight four of us alone, let's see what gave you such ridiculous confidence!"

Four powerful attacks, surrounded and approached by these four people, roared out like four silver dragons, directly sealing off all the escape routes of Yi Xiaoyao in the afterimage.

Four Heaven-reaching Realm powerhouses, moreover from the Celestial-Human Clan, the head of the Seven Clans in ancient times, joined forces to encircle and suppress a person who could judge life and death with one thought.

Such a situation, in the eyes of almost everyone present, did not have any suspense.

Even if the person who can cut life and death with one thought is Yi Xiaoyao who can kill Tianyue in an instant, he still cannot escape death.

Therefore, after seeing this scene, Tiankui smiled coldly, and spoke lightly to the remaining strong men behind him.

"You guys, go and destroy the emperor's party, and wipe out the existence of Killing Sea!"

But as soon as he said this order, his expression suddenly changed.

Even those strong men behind Tiankui forgot to accept the order, and a look of surprise appeared in their eyes, and they looked forward.

That was the place where Yi Xiaoyao was besieged by the four Celestials.

And the reason they were so astonished was because Yi Xiaoyao, who seemed to them to be in a desperate situation, exuded an aura that made all of them feel palpitations.

"My confidence is your despair!"

Facing the four Heaven-reaching Realm powerhouses who surrounded him from all sides, Yi Xiaoyao showed a hint of madness on his face.

"Since you want to know so much, let you see clearly before you die!"

Hearing this, the four Celestial-Human powerhouses also showed shock, because they also felt the breath of shock.

Before Yi Xiaoyao's words fell, the entire void above became dark in an instant.

The sound of rumbling thunder resounded in everyone's ears and shook everyone's hearts.

"This is... the Heavenly Thunder Tribulation!!"

Immediately, someone reacted, and looked at the endless black clouds above the sky and let out a sound of exclamation.

Not only that, they were surprised to find that there was no dazzling thunder flashing in the impression of the thunderclouds covering the sky.

Instead, there are black lightning bolts like black dragons, exuding an incomparably terrifying aura, surging and converging crazily.

"It turned out to be a mutant thunder calamity!"

"What kind of Mutated Thunder Tribulation is this? Why have I never heard of it?"

"The most important thing is that the powerful aura of this thunder calamity is actually not much weaker than the second sky-reaching thunder calamity I experienced back then!"

Feeling the terrifying aura of the black lightning, everyone in the entire space let out a riotous exclamation.

Even the experts of the second calamity among the seven ancient clans couldn't help but look horrified.


(End of this chapter)

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