Chapter 1038
"What! Dragon Ape?"

After Sparrow Wing transmitted Bi Jing's secret language, the latter's complexion changed, and then he exclaimed: "How can there be monsters in this vein?"

Obviously, Que Yi told Bi Jing the information he learned from Yi Xiaoyao. As for using the secret language to transmit the sound, he probably thought of whether it would cause a battle for the throne, and he was not sure about the pros and cons for the Yaozu.

"You said that your close relative is from the Dragon Ape lineage?"

Immediately afterwards, Bi Jing stared at Yi Xiaoyao with a strange gaze and asked, while carefully looking at Yun Mengling beside him.

Yi Xiaoyao knew what he was thinking, and said with a smile: "It's not what seniors thought, we are not descendants of the monster clan, but we just lived with that monster clan partner since childhood, no blood relationship but better than relatives."

"So, there really are Dragon Apes in this world?"

Seeing that Yi Xiaoyao didn't seem to be lying, Bi Jing's eyes suddenly became surprised, as if thinking of something again, the surprise turned into surprise.

"Then why didn't you bring it?"

Bi Jing continued to ask, his tone revealed strong doubts, and said: "Don't blame me for being suspicious. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I'm afraid no one in the monster clan would believe your words."

Yi Xiaoyao nodded secretly. It seems that the people of Xiao Hei's lineage really suffered some kind of cruel extermination, and it was the kind that had no chance of surviving.

"Because of some troubles, my close relative was unable to go to the Yaozu and needed the help of the Yaozu. That's why I wanted to meet the Yaohuang. Only in this way can I tell the truth from what I said and help him."

However, he didn't tell the specific situation of Xiao Hei. Before he was sure about the attitude of the demon clan, even if he saw the demon emperor, he would be on guard.

Immediately, Bi Jing narrowed his eyes slightly, and the previous expression on his face also instantly subsided.

"Boss, just help him, and invite Lord Demon Emperor. After all, if this matter is true, it will be of great importance to my demon clan."

Seeing that Bi Jing had regained that indifferent expression, Que Yi hurriedly tried to persuade him.

"It's not that I don't want to help him, but that I can't do anything."

Bi Jing waved his Akabane robe, went to the high seat and sat down.

Sparrow Wing was puzzled: "Why?"

"Could it be that senior, as the head of the demon house, is it difficult to meet the demon emperor?"

Yun Mengling also frowned slightly.

Bi Jing glanced at Yunmengling, and then said to Queyi: "After you left, Lord Yaohuang will go into seclusion."


Yi Xiaoyao and Yun Mengling looked at each other, their eyes were full of speechlessness.

Why did you close down at this time?

"When will Lord Demon Emperor leave the customs?"

Queyi asked, although she knew that a strong person at this level must have some insight after retreating, it may take a few years at least, or a hundred years at most.

"How do I know?"

Bi Jing shook his head.

And at this moment, outside the palace, there was a roar that shook the sky.

"Human boy, I want to see how long you will hide in Suzaku Palace!"

The sound came into the hall, the air was trembling, it was Qing Jiao's voice.

Hearing this, not only Yi Xiaoyao, but even Bi Jing frowned again.

At the same time, he looked at Yi Xiaoyao and the two, and added to Queyi's question: "At least, you can't wait for the day when Lord Demon Emperor leaves the customs."

Queyi understood Bi Jing's meaning, and said with an ugly expression: "That Qingjiao is a lunatic, you cut off his body and hurt his face, he will never let you go, I'm afraid even the boss can only temporarily Slow him down, maybe he runs out of patience and rushes in."

Yi Xiaoyao also secretly felt a little aggrieved, this villain was too arrogant, he wanted to snatch his treasures when they met, he didn't speak much, and even wanted to take his life, he had never met such a madman.

At this moment, Yi Xiaoyao wished he could rush out and chop that bug into one hundred and eight pieces.

But he still resisted the urge, after all, this is the Yaozu, if he really cut off Qingjiao, it would be tantamount to breaking his face with the Yaozu.

Not to mention, that Qingjiao is indeed powerful, ranking at the peak of the second calamity, and may even reach the third calamity, even if Yi Xiaoyao uses all means, he may not be his opponent.

Therefore, after hearing Qingjiao's yelling, in this dilemma, Yi Xiaoyao wanted to see the Demon Emperor even more urgently.

"Is senior really unwilling to help me?"

Yi Xiaoyao asked Bi Jing in a deep voice, with a solemn tone: "This matter is related to the royal line of the monster clan!"

If Bi Jing refuses, then he doesn't have to bother to meet her.

After all, if the monster clan doesn't even care about members of the royal bloodline, and wants them to regard Xiao Hei as emperor, that's even more impossible.

But Bi Jing didn't answer immediately, but sat there with a deep frown and said nothing.

Presumably, he also thought of the importance of the dragon and ape lineage to the demon clan, and was considering whether to invite the demon emperor to leave the customs in advance.

After a while, he finally raised his head, as if he had made up his mind, but his brows were still furrowed.

"It's not impossible, but if you want to interrupt Lord Demon Emperor's retreat, you need the four chiefs to ask for it together. If I agree alone, it will have no effect."

Bi Jing looked at Yi Xiaoyao and said.

In this way, Yi Xiaoyao and others understood why Bi Jing frowned.

It's okay for the other two chiefs to talk, but Qingjiao's side, even if they know about Dragon Ape, it's obviously impossible to help Yi Xiaoyao.

"This is going to be difficult. Qingjiao will be fine if he doesn't kill the younger brother. How is it possible to ask him to help the younger brother?"

Sparrow Wing said with a helpless wry smile.

Several people suddenly fell into silence, all of them were very distressed.

"Human kid, I'll wait outside for you to come out!"

"It's really ridiculous, you dare to kill the Celestial Race, but you dare not fight me?"

"Human boy, don't shrink back to survive! Come out and fight with me!"

And during this process, Qingjiao's voice outside still continued, one after another, as if to spread throughout the entire monster clan.

"If you beat me, I will be a slave! Don't you dare to come out?"

Finally, after another taunting voice transmission, Yi Xiaoyao stood up and walked out of the hall.

"Brother Xiaoyao!"

"Little brother, what are you going to do?"

Yun Mengling and Que Yi's complexion changed, Qian Qian asked.

Bi Jing also moved his eyes slightly: "You want to fight? Want to defeat Qingjiao and ask him to help you find Lord Demon Emperor?"

They also heard Qing Jiao's words just now, Yi Xiaoyao is victorious, and Qing Jiao is willing to be a slave.

But any fool could understand that it was Qing Jiao who deliberately provoked Yi Xiaoyao to go out, and it was Qing Jiao's absolute confidence in his own strength.

"Otherwise, what else can I do?"

Yi Xiaoyao nodded without denying it, now the only way is to defeat Qingjiao, although he is not sure.

"You are not his opponent, not to mention, even if you beat him, he will not listen to you."

Bi Jing didn't stop him, but just reminded him lightly: "Because he never thought of losing at all."

"I never thought of losing."

Yi Xiaoyao smiled indifferently: "I just thought that if I win, he won't be able to backtrack."


(End of this chapter)

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