Devouring Sword God

Chapter 1039 Big Hunt

Chapter 1039 Big Hunt

As Yi Xiaoyao said, he turned around and was about to go out to fight.

He had no other choice, he had to do this for Xiao Hei, otherwise even if Qingjiao would not break into Suzaku Palace, it would take at least several years for the Demon Emperor to leave the customs, he couldn't afford to wait.

If he dies in battle, at least Yunmengling will not be in too much danger. If he can be born in his own body by then, he will definitely overthrow the Yaozu.

Of course, Yi Xiaoyao said that he didn't think about defeat, so the figure walking out of the palace is very chic, fearless.

However, Bi Jing had considered that if Yi Xiaoyao was killed, the information about the Dragon Ape's bloodline would be cut off.

Therefore, with a flash of his figure, he stopped in front of the palace gate.

"Give me the whereabouts of Dragon Ape."

Bi Jing stopped Yi Xiaoyao, not because he cared about whether Yi Xiaoyao won or lost, but because he cared about the royal blood.

Yi Xiaoyao paused, smiled and said, "I will only tell the Yaohuang about this matter."

On the premise of rescuing Xiao Hei, he must first understand the Yaozu's attitude, otherwise even if Bi Jing had a way to rescue Xiao Hei, he would not say it.

If they found Xiao Hei just to silence them and threaten the throne, it would be too late for Yi Xiaoyao to regret it.

After being rejected, Bi Jing frowned tightly, but it was not unexpected.

The figure blocking the door did not move away, but a look of determination appeared in his eyes.

"The four capitals have the ultimate killer moves, and the four major killer moves can compete against the strong of the third catastrophe."

Bi Jing spoke indifferently, not believing that Yi Xiaoyao could defeat Qingjiao at all, and said: "If you used all your strength to injure Qingjiao before, then don't go to die."

When Yi Xiaoyao heard the words, his complexion changed slightly.

Because before he injured Qingjiao, he used the Burning Soul Forbidden Art, even if he didn't use his full strength, it was almost the same.

In addition to what Bi Jing said, Qingjiao still had super powerful moves that he did not use.

That is a killer move that can counter the third catastrophe, even if it is used alone, I am afraid he still cannot counter it.

Knowing this clearly, even if Bi Jing didn't stop him, Yi Xiaoyao would not fight impulsively again.

He is not so stupid as to die in vain.

But Yi Xiaoyao also saw that Bi Jing stopped him because he wanted to help him.

"I tried to persuade Qingjiao."

Sure enough, after Bi Jing finished speaking, he turned around and walked out of the palace.

Yi Xiaoyao's eyes moved slightly, and he followed.

Outside Suzaku Palace, there were quite a few people from the Monster Race looking in a certain direction, discussing a lot there.

And in that direction, a huge cyan dragon was entrenched, shouting loudly, it was Qingjiao.

His voice, not only in Suzaku City, probably has already spread to most of the demon clan.

Seeing Bi Jing, Yi Xiaoyao and others flying over, Qing Jiao stopped drinking, twisted his body, Huo De rushed over, staring at Yi Xiaoyao, murderous intent flooded out like a tide.

But all the killing intent and aura couldn't pass through Bi Jing's body, and was scattered by a burst of flames.

"Bi Jing, this human kid, it's not worth you stopping me many times!"

Qing Jiao spoke to Bi Jing in a deep voice, with an imposing manner.

Bi Jing said coldly: "He is kind to my Yaozu. If you kill him for your own selfish desire, what should the tribe think of you?"

"I have already given him a chance. Even if he is kind to the Yaozu and dares to ride on my head, I will kill him!"

Qing Jiao's killing intent is still firm and cannot be dissuaded.

After hearing this, Queyi gritted his teeth secretly. This guy, if he doesn't give him the inheritance of destroying the sky, he will take his life, so is it a chance?

Bi Jing didn't continue to reason with the unreasonable Qingjiao, but with a high voice, he told the people of the monster clan above Suzaku City that Yi Xiaoyao knew the whereabouts of Long Yuan.

Then, he looked at Qingjiao coldly, and continued to ask loudly: "Qingjiao, if you kill him, you will lose the whereabouts of my Yaozu emperor's vein legacy, so what should you do to all the people of the Yaozu and the Yaozu?" Clan ancestors explain?"

As soon as this remark came out, those monster figures were in an uproar.

Even Qing Jiao, who had always been strong, changed his complexion, and at the same time his tone froze, and he was speechless for a long time.

He knew that Bi Jing deliberately let everyone know to put pressure on him.

Although Qing Jiao is violent, he also knows that with Bi Jing around, it's hard to say whether he can kill Yi Xiaoyao.

Even if he killed him, he couldn't afford to lose the big hat of the emperor's legacy orb.

At that time, even if the Demon Emperor doesn't punish him, he will be criticized by countless members of the Demon Race.

"The emperor's veins still exist, is this really true?"

Qing Jiao narrowed his eyes and looked at Bi Jingdao.

"If he tells half a lie, I'll kill him for you."

Bi Jing glanced at Yi Xiaoyao and said.

"Well, I'll save him."

Qing Jiao suppressed the anger in his heart, stared at Yi Xiaoyao and said: "But it is absolutely impossible for me to let him go!"

"What are you going to do?"

Bi Jing frowned slightly, he knew that it was not easy to make Qing Jiao give in.

Moreover, the other party wanted to seize Yi Xiaoyao's inheritance of destroying the sky, and was humiliated by Yi Xiaoyao, so it was impossible to give up easily.

Qing Jiao chuckled, looking at Yi Xiaoyao with cold eyes all the time.

"I don't want to bully the weak with the strong. It just so happens that the day of the big hunting is about to come, so why not take this opportunity and let me have a fair fight with you."

He spoke to Yi Xiaoyao, and his words could not be refused: "If you win, let go of today's matter, if you lose, hand over the Tiantian inheritance."

Hearing this, Bi Jing and Que Yi's expressions changed slightly, obviously knowing that the fairness Qing Jiao said does not exist.

Just when Que Yi was about to speak to Yi Xiaoyao, asking him not to agree, he heard Yi Xiaoyao's faint voice of response.

"Okay, I will compare with you, just want to see the customs of your monster race."

Yi Xiaoyao has no fear in his eyes, and he doesn't know Qingjiao's impurity, but at this point, he can only follow the trend.

Only in this way can he have a chance to let Qingjiao, Bi Jing and others invite the Demon Emperor together.

"Okay! Then I will accept your inheritance of Mietian without hesitation!"

Qingjiao turned into a green-robed human body, and grinned at Yi Xiaoyao.

Then, he looked at Bi Jing and said, "Brother Bi, let the people in Suzaku Palace tell you that they are going to start the big hunt ahead of time. I can't wait to exchange the Heaven-Mie Tian inheritance for the blood of the real dragon!"

Thinking of the blood essence of the real dragon, Qing Jiao couldn't help showing excitement on his face, he laughed and left.

"He went to inform the two chiefs, Baisha and Xuanjia. It seems that the big hunt is really going to start in advance."

Sparrow Wing Liu frowned and said to Bi Jing, but the latter didn't speak.

"What is a big hunt?"

Yun Mengling couldn't help asking Queyi, seeing Qingjiao like this, she had a bad premonition in her heart.

Yi Xiaoyao also looked at it, since it is the custom of the monster clan, the whole monster clan must participate, so Qingjiao must not play some dirty tricks in front of all the monster clan members.

Queyi sighed softly, since Yi Xiaoyao had already agreed, it would be useless to say more at this time.

"Although you will not have a head-to-head confrontation with Qingjiao in the big hunt, but you are participating as a foreigner, and your opponent is the leader of the demon clan, so it is impossible to win."


(End of this chapter)

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