Devouring Sword God

Chapter 1049 Repairing the Seal

Chapter 1049 Repairing the Seal
The Forbidden Mountain of Death of the Monster Race is located in the center of the Great Rift Valley. The incomparably deep dark red makes it impossible to see any scene on the mountain, let alone know what exists in this forbidden mountain full of mystery and terror. What.

This mountain, which looks like a mountain, is actually just the appearance of an independent space.

Therefore, after Yi Xiaoyao and Yun Mengling entered it, they disappeared, as if being swallowed by the mountain.

"Grandpa, is it true that anyone who enters this forbidden mountain must die?"

A girl from the Monster Race asked the old man beside her with a pure look in her eyes.

Because she saw that Yi Xiaoyao was desperate to save her beloved woman, she had a good impression of Yi Xiaoyao. She also hoped to meet such a man one day, and at the same time, she didn't want Yi Xiaoyao who gave her such beautiful fantasies to be just like this died.

"According to the records in my monster clan's history book, for thousands of years, there have been several monster clan superpowers who entered this forbidden mountain in order to break through their own shackles, hoping to seek good luck."

"But the fate of these superpowers is without exception. No one came out of the forbidden mountain alive."

The old man looked at the forbidden mountain and murmured, and added: "You know, those super strong men are all much stronger than the four chiefs!"

Hearing these words, the spirit of the monster girl's eyes darkened slightly.

At the same time, her eyes looking at the Forbidden Mountain, like all other members of the Monster Race, showed a deep sense of fear.


And in this forbidden mountain that terrifies the people of the monster race, a dark red blood resentment is like a mist, filling the entire space.

The sky was blood red, as if it had been washed with blood.

The vigorous branches of ancient trees stretch out in all directions like horned dragons, each old tree towers into the sky like a hill, and the old vines with the thickness of water tanks are like coiling snakes, each of which can encircle a mountain, Strong and powerful.

If you don't know the details and see the lush vegetation and vitality here, you will definitely think it is a piece of pure land.

However, if you look closely, you will soon find anomalies.

Because these seemingly flourishing vegetation, like the blood-stained earth below, presents a strange dark red color.

In the huge world, you can't hear any birds or beasts, and you can't see any traces of ants and insects. It's so quiet that it's almost dead silent!

A slight sound of trampling dead branches broke the chilling silence.

A black figure that was incompatible with this world appeared out of thin air in this dark red space.

"This is...the Forbidden Mountain of Death of the Monster Race?"

Yi Xiaoyao, who had just rushed into the gap in the space, looked around in amazement.

He was standing on the trunk of a giant tree at this time, and the dead branch that he stepped on turned into a wisp of blood resentment in an instant and drifted away.

"Even the trees are bred by blood resentment?"

Yi Xiaoyao was startled secretly, and couldn't help looking at the ancient tree he was standing on, and then his pupils shrank slightly.

Because the trunk of this ancient tree is covered with incomparably mysterious lines, like a naturally formed seal.

He could even imagine what terrible things would burst out if he split the tree and broke the seal pattern on it.

Weird and dangerous!
This was the first reaction in Yi Xiaoyao's mind at this time.

Then, he suddenly remembered his purpose of entering here.

"Oops! Linger!"

Yi Xiaoyao's complexion changed and he cried out inwardly that he was afraid that Yun Mengling would encounter some dangerous encounter when he entered this strange and unknown space.

After all, he also knows the terrifying reputation of this Forbidden Mountain of Death.

"Brother Xiaoyao, is that you?"

At this time, a very weak voice came faintly from below.

Hearing this sound, Yi Xiaoyao's expression brightened immediately, and he wanted to fly towards the direction of the sound as soon as he moved.

But the next moment, his foot that had just left the tree trunk was unstable and fell straight down.

"The spiritual power in my body...has disappeared!"

Yi Xiaoyao was shocked, but fortunately, he had Jia Yu's domineering energy, and his physical strength was not weaker than what his spiritual cultivation could bring out.

His right hand was instantly covered with a layer of black gold, and he firmly grasped the tree trunk.

For some reason, even though the spiritual strength disappeared inexplicably, the domineering energy still existed.

But Yi Xiaoyao didn't have the heart to think about it. Like a vigorous ape, he jumped and waved among the old trees with his arms outstretched, and soon landed on a boulder.

I saw Yunmengling lying on the boulder, her snow-white dress was already stained red due to serious injuries, and the blood seeped into the ground below, making the already dark red ground even more strange.

"Brother Xiaoyao, you actually..."

Seeing Yi Xiaoyao really appearing in front of her eyes, Yun Mengling's eyes turned red.

How could she not understand what it meant for Yi Xiaoyao to appear here.

"Ling'er, it's good that you're fine!"

Yi Xiaoyao hastily stepped forward to hug Yun Mengling, and at this moment his tight heart relaxed a little.

However, he could feel that Yunmengling was seriously injured at this moment.

"Ling'er, what's wrong with you!"

"Brother Xiaoyao! This is on you..."

When the two of them saw each other for the first time, they immediately exclaimed in unison.

Because in their respective eyes, each other's whole body was covered with dark red veins, just like the pattern seal on the ancient tree that Yi Xiaoyao had seen before!
The next moment, the two of them instantly understood what was going on, and looked at each other in astonishment.

"Could it be that these lines are the reason for the disappearance of my cultivation? Or, my cultivation has been sealed!"

Yi Xiaoyao exclaimed, and Yun Mengling also said, "I can't use any power of cultivation either. But I can't feel the power of the seal at all."

"This place is really weird! No wonder it is called the forbidden place of death by the monster race!"

Yi Xiaoyao frowned deeply. People who entered here, no matter how strong they were, were sealed and their cultivation was just mortals.

And those savage beasts were all born here, and if they met them here, it would be a disaster.

Presumably, this is one of the reasons why this place is called the forbidden area of ​​death.

But right now Yi Xiaoyao, even though he had deduced the information, still frowned.

Because Yunmengling was attacked by wild beasts and red scales, her injuries had already reached an astonishing level.

Even if he hadn't encountered those terrifying savage beasts, he would surely die if he couldn't heal his injuries with his cultivation.

Thinking of this, Yi Xiaoyao hugged Yunmengling in his arms, looked up at the gap in the space where he just entered, and wanted to take Yunmengling away from here.

But he was shocked to find that the cracks that existed in the void just now had all disappeared without a trace!


(End of this chapter)

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