Devouring Sword God

Chapter 1050 The Creation of the Mountain Top

Chapter 1050 The Creation of the Mountain Top
In the Forbidden Mountain of Death, Yi Xiaoyao's face was full of anger. How could he not know that the cracks in the space he came in disappeared, and the green horns outside must have sealed those gaps in the space.

"Brother Xiaoyao, you shouldn't have come in..."

In Yi Xiaoyao's arms, Yun Mengling's pale face was extremely weak, and even those bright eyes had lost their brilliance.

Seeing such a scene, Yi Xiaoyao's heart ached to the point of bleeding.

There was also an anger that could not be vented, accumulating in his heart.

If it wasn't for Qingjiao and his son, how could Yunmengling be so seriously injured, and how could they be in this situation?
But Yi Xiaoyao still forced a smile and said: "Ling'er, don't worry, I will take you out!"

"It's useless, brother Xiaoyao, I'm afraid Ling'er can't walk with you."

Yun Mengling shook her head lightly, the corners of her moist eyes were filled with bitterness.

She is too aware of her current situation, the serious injury, because there is no recovery and suppression of her cultivation, it is like a black hole swallowing and spreading in her body.

"I can't hold on for long, brother Xiaoyao, let me go."

Yun Mengling's breathing became a little weak, and her voice became weaker and weaker: "Although Ling'er has no chance to see it, I believe that brother Xiaoyao will definitely become the strongest in the world."

At this time, she was like the most beautiful flower in the world, slowly withering in Yi Xiaoyao's arms full of reluctance.

"Do not!!!"

Yi Xiaoyao let out a low growl from his throat, interrupting Yun Mengling's words.

He wholeheartedly wants to become the strongest man in the world, in order to get rid of all shackles and protect everyone around him.

But if Yunmengling, who is the most important to him, is gone, what's the point of becoming the strongest in the world?
"If you die, I will not live alone!"

Yi Xiaoyao shouted to Yun Mengling who was getting weaker and weaker like an order: "So, hold on!"

After speaking, he held Yunmengling in his arms, and rushed towards the bloody mist in front of him.

Even if there is no hope in front of him, Yi Xiaoyao still has to find hope, even if he searchs through this forbidden mountain of death full of mysteries.

"Brother Xiaoyao!"

Seeing Yi Xiaoyao losing his mind, Yun Mengling's eyes were both moved and anxious.

How could she not know how dangerous it is for Yi Xiaoyao to carry her burden in such a place where she doesn't know what will happen in the next moment.

Yun Mengling would rather die than drag Yi Xiaoyao down, her injuries erupted in such a rush that she immediately vomited a mouthful of blood.

"Ling'er, hold on for a while, as long as you find a way to seal your cultivation and mine, you'll be fine!"

Yi Xiaoyao felt the heat wet his arms, and his steps became more rapid. He must find out the reason for the strangeness of this space.

He had observed before that the ground under his feet was not flat, but slightly sloped.

Through this point, coupled with the name Forbidden Mountain of Death, he can imagine that he is on top of a huge mountain at this time.

So Yi Xiaoyao was not advancing aimlessly, but was following the terrain and approaching the top of the mountain.

During such a wild run, Yunmengling's blood flowed down Yi Xiaoyao's arm, dripped on the dark red ground under his feet, and swayed among the surrounding ancient trees.

But he didn't notice at all that the ground absorbed the blood and began to swell slightly, and the veins on the ancient trees were also quietly wriggling due to the blood.

There was a bang, and an ancient tree stained with blood suddenly burst into an extremely thick blood mist, and a huge beast rushed out of it.

Above the ground, in those places that had been soaked in blood, a buried hand bone broke through the ground in vain, and a humanoid skeleton was drilled out.

Yi Xiaoyao suddenly jumped back and looked at it intently.

Whether it is a wild beast or a human skeleton, they all exude a powerful aura, and they have the strength of the first calamity!


Yi Xiaoyao looked at the two monsters blocking in front of him, let out a roar, and the imperial arrogance radiated out, instantly shaking the two monsters away.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of ancient trees bursting and the ground being torn apart, and a large number of wild beasts and human skeletons, as well as wild beasts with huge auras, followed the aura of the two of them and rushed towards them.

These things have extremely low spiritual intelligence, and they are not afraid of Yi Xiaoyao's domineering emperor, but when they get close to Yi Xiaoyao, they are all crushed by the domineering creatures of the emperor, and they are all shocked back.

Yi Xiaoyao didn't have the slightest intention to worry about these things. Looking at Yunmengling who was gradually closing his eyes, his legs were covered with black gold light, like a meteorite, smashing everything in front of him and heading straight to the top of the mountain.

This place is called the Forbidden Mountain of Death by the Yaozu, and the truth of the reason has gradually been revealed at this moment.

If it were someone else, in such a place where one could seal one's cultivation, one would probably have turned into a corpse long ago if one encountered so many terrifying monsters.

Judging from the history of the monster clan, even the powerful monster clan of the third catastrophe would die if they entered here.

Yi Xiaoyao was able to survive in such a dangerous environment, not because he was stronger than the third catastrophe, but because even if he lost his cultivation, all kinds of arrogance could still give him a strong fighting power.

The most important thing is that Emperor Domineering has a natural advantage when facing those monsters, otherwise he would not be as relaxed as he is now.

But then, as Yi Xiaoyao got closer and closer to the top of the mountain, he gradually discovered that his domineering domineering advantage was not working.

The further back, the barbaric beasts and skeletons gushing out became stronger and stronger, and even the domineering aura of the emperor gradually lost its original effect on them.

"Oops, if this continues, I won't be able to reach the top of the mountain at all!"

After a skeleton ignored the domineering aura of the emperor and blasted Yi Xiaoyao out of a huge pit, Yi Xiaoyao retreated violently while secretly screaming in his heart that something was wrong.

He looked at the skeleton, and only now began to look at it seriously.

These bones are obviously left behind by human beings after death. It seems that this forbidden mountain of death is not only buried with countless ancestors of the monster race, but also a large number of strong human beings died here.

It is not difficult to imagine that thousands of years ago, on this forbidden mountain, there was a terrifying battle between humans and demons.

In that battle, countless monster and human superpowers were buried here. After thousands of years, and due to some special reasons, the bones of these monster and human superpowers turned into these savage beasts and skeletons in front of them. .

"This skeleton, although its spiritual intelligence is low, my imperial arrogance can't affect it too much. It seems that it must have been a giant of human beings during its lifetime!"

Yi Xiaoyao was shocked in his heart, and his face became more and more ugly. Apart from the skeleton in front of him, there were many desolate beasts that were not affected by the emperor's arrogance, and were approaching him.

These monsters that have been dead for thousands of years are so powerful that they are extremely terrifying. They are much stronger than the monsters at the bottom of the mountain before, and they are even more terrifying than the second robbery beasts he hunted outside.

From this, it can be seen that behind these increasingly powerful monsters, there must be some kind of good luck on the top of the mountain that can be seen.

These monsters seem to be guarding that kind of good fortune, and they seem to be born because of this good fortune.

And because of this, Yi Xiaoyao became more and more convinced that if good fortune really existed on the top of the mountain, there must be a way to save Yunmengling.


(End of this chapter)

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