Devouring Sword God

Chapter 1051 Dragon Ape Skeleton

Chapter 1051 Dragon Ape Skeleton
After running wildly all the way, Yi Xiaoyao was already very close to the top of the Forbidden Death Mountain.

But at this time, he was blocked by a group of monsters who were extremely terrifying and did not even fear his imperial domineering aura.

Although, even though Yi Xiaoyao's various domineering auras can give him impressive combat power, without the ability of the Zhuman Bow to purify the blood and resentment, it is impossible to kill these almost indestructible monsters, let alone climb to the top of the mountain up.

On the contrary, under the siege of these monsters, Yi Xiaoyao's life was already in jeopardy.

"Could it be that Ling'er and I are really going to die here?"

Yi Xiaoyao looked at Yun Mengling who was dying in his arms and passed out in the bumps, and couldn't help but sighed wryly.

Those savage beasts and skeletons paid no heed to his reluctance, and charged towards him with furious roars.

Yi Xiaoyao's domineering mind had already been opened, a thin red line appeared between his brows, and he had caught the heavy attack that was about to come to him in advance, but he couldn't avoid it due to the difference in strength, so he could only punch forward in front of him in advance .

There was a loud explosion with violent space vibrations. Even with Jia Yu's domineering power and defense, he was still so shocked that blood gushed wildly, and even the black gold light on the entire right arm was directly scattered and disappeared.

Backing back again and again, Yi Xiaoyao forcibly stabilized his figure, holding Yunmengling's left arm even harder, for fear that the person in his arms would be hurt in the slightest.

But when he saw the group of monsters around him coming again, a touch of despair finally appeared in his eyes.

Death is forbidden to the mountain, and anyone who enters will die.

It seems that they are no exception.

Yi Xiaoyao hugged Yunmengling and smiled miserably. Their blood filled the air and merged with the bloody mist that already existed, filling the picture with a touch of sadness.

But at this moment, he discovered that in the direction of the top of the mountain, there were huge skeletons, which broke through the blood fog in vain and landed in front of him.

These skeletons are different from those human skeletons drilled out of the ground. They are all tall, and judging from the outline of the skeleton, they seem to have transformed after the death of an ancient giant.

However, after these giant skeletons appeared, they did not attack Yi Xiaoyao, but dispersed in an instant, rushing towards the group of monsters rushing around.

boom boom boom boom...

Under a series of earth-shattering roars, the skeletons of these giants showed an incomparably terrifying combat power, and even blasted the group of monsters that attacked Yi Xiaoyao to flee in all directions!

You know, those monsters, placed outside, can be compared to the terrifying existence of the leader of the monster clan!

But at this time, in just a short moment, he was beaten helplessly by the group of giant skeletons that appeared out of thin air!

This is enough to show that the skeletons of these giants are terrifying.

"They...were not human beings!"

Yi Xiaoyao was also shocked by the strength of these giant skeletons. While staring at them, he suddenly discovered something and secretly exclaimed.

As he saw, the skeletons of these giants were not transformed by human beings at all.

On the head of each skeleton, there are actually two dragon horn-like things, and the movements shown when attacking are full of beast characteristics.

They are not the bones of giants, but the bones of giant apes!

"Dragon Ape!"

Yi Xiaoyao finally came to his senses. He stared at the dragon horns on top of the skeletons of these great apes, and these two words instantly appeared in his mind.

"That's right, in front of them must be the extinct emperor's veins of the monster race, Dragon Ape!"

Yi Xiaoyao was certain in his heart that although Xiao Hei, who was also a dragon ape, did not have dragon horns on his head, which was quite different from the skeletons of this group of giant apes, he just intuitively concluded that these skeletons of giant apes must be Xiao Hei. Black people.

And just as he was terrified in this process, the group of dragon ape skeletons had already cleaned up all the monsters around them, turned to Yi Xiaoyao again, and moved closer one after another.

"What a powerful race, even after thousands of years of death, the bones left behind still have such terrifying fighting power!"

Yi Xiaoyao couldn't help but marvel, and at the same time raised his eyebrows when he saw the other party walking towards him.

Although he didn't know why this group of dragon and ape skeletons were different from other monsters, not only did they not attack him, but they came out to save him at this critical moment.

But judging from their aura, it seems that the group of Dragon Ape skeletons did not have any malice towards him.

"Could it be that they still have extremely high spiritual intelligence?"

Yi Xiaoyao watched the skeletons of dragon monkeys approaching. Although he was a little nervous, he didn't back down.

And even if he wanted to retreat, he couldn't retreat at all.

"Thank you seniors for your help..."

Yi Xiaoyao cupped his fists and thanked the dragon monkey skeletons approaching, but the next moment, his words suddenly stopped.

It was only then that he discovered that the skeletons of the dragon apes also had no spiritual intelligence.

Facing Yi Xiaoyao's thanks, they didn't react at all, just like a group of puppets, they directly stretched out their huge bone hands without any emotion, and grabbed Yi Xiaoyao and the other two.

Yi Xiaoyao didn't resist. First of all, he had no ability to resist against this group of dragon and ape skeletons. Secondly, since these skeletons saved him, they probably wouldn't hurt him.

And for some reason, Yi Xiaoyao had a natural liking for this group of skeletons that had been dead for thousands of years, unlike other monsters.

Not because he was rescued by the other party, but because of Xiao Hei.

It's not like Yi Xiaoyao didn't think that the group of dragon and monkey skeletons might have something to do with Xiao Hei to save him.

And then, the behavior of one of the dragon ape skeletons after capturing Yi Xiaoyao made Yi Xiaoyao's guess more profound.

I saw the Dragon Ape Skeleton took Yi Xiaoyao and the two of them, shuttled away at an extremely fast speed in this forbidden mountain of death, and the direction they were heading was the top of the mountain that Yi Xiaoyao had longed to go to!
It seems that they have some purpose in taking Yi Xiaoyao to the top of the mountain.

Seeing this scene, Yi Xiaoyao was even more ecstatic in his heart, no matter whether the purpose of these dragon ape skeletons is good or bad, and he doesn't care how he will leave here next.

At least, saving Yunmengling's life is more hopeful.

"What is there on the top of this forbidden mountain of death?"

Yi Xiaoyao held Yunmengling tightly under the fingers of the dragon ape skeleton, and looked at the approaching mountaintop and muttered to himself, his eyes sparkling.

It seemed that there was a layer of secret hidden for thousands of years, waiting for the two of them to uncover it.

With such thoughts and expectations, after experiencing a space flickering, Yi Xiaoyao and the two were finally led by the group of dragon ape skeletons to the top of the mountain.


(End of this chapter)

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