Chapter 1052
The Forbidden Mountain of Death of the Yaozu has existed in the world for thousands of years, but no one can explore its secrets, and no one knows what actually exists in it.

And now, at the most mysterious peak of this ancient towering mountain, there are two more foreign guests.

They may be the only people who have set foot on the top of this mountain alive after thousands of years.


After Yi Xiaoyao stopped at the skeleton of the dragon ape, he looked at the surrounding environment curiously, with a look of astonishment on his face.

Obviously, they did not expect that the top of the Forbidden Mountain of Death would look like this.

On the top of the mountain, those ancient trees are more luxuriant, but in the central area, there is only a huge lake of blood.

In front of Yi Xiaoyao, there was a road leading to the center of the Blood Lake, where there was a platform like an altar.

On the platform, there is a blood-colored coffin, which makes the top of the mountain look very strange.

"Is this just someone's cemetery?"

Yi Xiaoyao looked at the coffin, frowning slightly.

If there are only these words on the top of the mountain, how can he save Yunmengling?
Although he also knew that the coffin was definitely not simple, but there was more anxiety in his heart.

"You brought me here, what do you want me to do?"

Yi Xiaoyao thought for a while, and asked the group of dragon and monkey skeletons.

And his question didn't get any answer.

After the group of dragon ape skeletons stopped, they put Yi Xiaoyao down in their hands, and immediately bowed down to the blood-colored coffin in the center of the blood lake, and then they all jumped into the blood lake, never There was no movement at all.

Yi Xiaoyao looked at the rippling lake of blood, while his heart was full of doubts, he couldn't help but look very strange.

In the end, his eyes fell on the center of the blood lake, and his pupils lit up slightly.

Because there was actually a strange small tree on the bloody coffin, with a dark red crystal fruit hanging on it.

"Could it be some rare treasure from heaven and earth?"

Yi Xiaoyao murmured secretly, if so, maybe Yun Mengling's injury could be saved.

With this in mind, he immediately moved his feet and walked towards the bloody coffin along the path under his feet.

The lake water on both sides is full of bloody breath, making the whole space on the top of the mountain filled with a bloody smell.

And as Yi Xiaoyao approached the blood-colored coffin, there was a wonderful fragrance that pierced through the smell of blood, blowing towards his face.

This fragrance is exactly what the fruit exudes.

And just by smelling the smell, Yi Xiaoyao felt that the disappearing cultivation in his body had a hint of being about to recover.

Even Yunmengling, who had fallen into a coma, had her eyelashes trembling slightly because of this fragrance, as if she was about to wake up at any moment.

This involuntarily made Yi Xiaoyao look ecstatic, and his steps became faster, and he swept to the front of the coffin in an instant.

Taking a closer look, he realized that the small tree bearing this strange fruit was impressively rooted in the blood-colored coffin.

The slender but vigorous tree roots were deeply embedded in the coffin, as if the tree and the coffin were one.

However, this strange scene did not attract Yi Xiaoyao's attention. On the contrary, his eyes, which were staring at the dark red fruit, became a little shocked.

This fruit is so crystal clear that it can even be seen clearly that there are countless incomparably mysterious lines in it.

And these lines are very similar to the lines on him and Yun Mengling that sealed their cultivation.

The only difference is that the veins in the dark red fruit are many times more complicated, as if they are pregnant with some kind of heaven and earth avenue.

What surprised Yi Xiaoyao even more was that this mysterious fruit seemed to resonate with a certain power in his body, but it was as elusive as a flower in a mirror and a moon in water.

"I don't know if this fruit can help Ling'er recover from his injuries."

Yi Xiaoyao suppressed the surprise, noticed that Yunmengling in his arms was about to wake up, and immediately stretched out his hand to pick the dark red fruit.

Before that, he had to make sure that this fruit would not harm Yunmengling.

The moment Yi Xiaoyao's fingers touched the fruit, he was pleasantly surprised to see that the dark red lines on his fingers were showing signs of fading.

But when he let go of his fingers, the fading lines reappeared.

But even so, for Yi Xiaoyao, it was already the biggest piece of good news.

"This fruit is really useful for the seal here!"

He couldn't help exclaiming, and immediately picked the fruit impatiently. The fruit made the lines on his palm disappear instantly.

I don't know if it was because of the power contained in the fruit, or because of Yi Xiaoyao's exclamation, Yun Mengling, who was sleeping in his arms, finally opened those dim eyes at this moment.

"Ling'er, you woke up just in time!"

Yi Xiaoyao held the fruit in his hand in front of Yunmengling, grinned and said, "It's saved!"

Although he doesn't know the origin of this fruit, he can be sure that this fruit is definitely a treasure.

Moreover, Yunmengling's current situation can no longer be delayed, as long as there is any hope found, Yi Xiaoyao will give it a try.

"Brother Xiaoyao, what is this?"

Yunmengling opened his mouth weakly, his eyes lighted up slightly as he looked at the fruit, obviously feeling the wonderful power in it.

Yi Xiaoyao handed the fruit to her mouth and said, "This fruit has the ability to dispel the seal, eat it quickly!"

When Yun Mengling heard this, her eyes became brighter, she opened her mouth obediently, and let Yi Xiaoyao feed her the fruit.

She knew that Yi Xiaoyao also needed this fruit to break the seal, but she didn't give in, because she knew it was meaningless to do so, and she also wanted to stay alive and be with Yi Xiaoyao.

At the moment Yunmengling ate the fruit, a kind of incomparably mysterious heaven and earth fluctuation spread from her body in vain.

There was even a frightening force that directly shook Yi Xiaoyao who was holding Yunmengling away.

At this moment, Yunmengling was surrounded by a mass of dark red light, floating above the bloody coffin.

The veins that covered her body before, not only did not disappear, but became denser!

"This breath of power..."

Yi Xiaoyao was pushed back again and again by that force, he forcibly stabilized his figure, looked at Yunmengling floating in the light ball, his eyes were full of deep horror.

Therefore, the moment Yunmengling ate the fruit, he finally fully understood what the resonance between himself and the fruit was.

"That fruit was sealed with a soul of heaven and earth!"

Yi Xiaoyao exclaimed: "No, more precisely, this fruit contains the inheritance of a super strong man, and the inheritance contains the soul of heaven and earth!"


(End of this chapter)

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