Devouring Sword God

Chapter 1054: The Ancient Demon Queen

Chapter 1054: The Ancient Demon Queen
The blood-colored coffin exudes a strong breath of time. When Yi Xiaoyao and Yun Mengling slowly pushed away the coffin lid, the strange tree on the coffin lid that bears the inheritance fruit quickly withered down.


After the sound of two coffins rubbing against each other, the lid of the coffin was opened, and the space inside the museum, which had been covered by dust for thousands of years, appeared in front of Yi Xiaoyao and the two of them.

"This is……"

Yi Xiaoyao looked into the hall, frowning slightly.

Because in this ancient coffin, there is only a dark red dress, even after thousands of years, it still exudes a faint fragrance.

Obviously, it was left by a woman.

However, apart from this dress, there is nothing else in the museum, let alone treasures, not even bones.

"Brother Xiaoyao, look!"

Just when Yi Xiaoyao felt strange, Yun Mengling suddenly exclaimed, pointing to the front with eyes full of surprise.

Yi Xiaoyao looked at her pointing, it turned out to be the withered strange tree, at this time it actually emitted a little bit of starlight, and gradually formed a human-shaped silhouette.

This human figure has not yet condensed its appearance, it can be concluded that it must be a peerless beauty.

Reminiscent of the dress in the coffin, it is not difficult to guess that this peerless beauty is very likely to be the owner of the coffin.

"The junior pays respects to the senior, and asks the senior to forgive the junior for opening the coffin without permission and disturbing the senior."

Yi Xiaoyao's eyes moved, and he immediately cupped his fists and bowed to the increasingly solid figure, and apologized.

This person was buried in the most mysterious area of ​​the Forbidden Mountain of Death. He was obviously a superpower in ancient times, so Yi Xiaoyao naturally had to treat him respectfully.

Yun Mengling also bowed and saluted, she knew that the inheritance she got must be left behind by this figure.

When the two raised their heads again, the figure in front of them had completely solidified.

Sure enough, she was a stunningly beautiful and peerless beauty. Although she was only in the form of a remnant spirit, she still exuded an extremely powerful aura.

And the kind of temperament that comes with her is more like a high-ranking queen.

"My boy. Is he still alive?"

The stunning figure didn't care what Yi Xiaoyao said, and when he spoke softly, his voice was melodious, with a kind of mistyness that had been isolated for thousands of years, making people feel like they had traveled through endless time and space.

But her words made Yunmengling and Yi Xiaoyao startled and looked at each other.

The eyes of the two of them were filled with a deep sense of surprise and astonishment, as if they had the same thought.

How clever they are, how can they not guess who the child this stunning figure is referring to is referring to.

It's just that they can't say anything until they get more confirmation.

"Could it be that senior is."

Yi Xiaoyao concealed his surprise, and looked at the stunning figure with some hesitation.

The eyes of that stunning figure were ethereal, as if he could see through Yi Xiaoyao's mind at a glance.

"I feel my child's breath from your body, which is a kind of soul bond."

Her eyes, which contained endless years but still tenderness, quietly looked at the two in front of her, exuding an aura of affinity, which made the two feel inexplicably quiet.

Hearing this sentence, Yi Xiaoyao finally confirmed what he just thought.

"So senior is Xiao Hei's mother?"

Yun Mengling was also enlightened, and exclaimed in amazement and surprise.

Because she and Yi Xiaoyao have always retained the soul contract signed with Xiao Hei.

Based on this alone, combined with what the stunning figure said, it is enough to confirm that the child in the other party's mouth is undoubtedly Xiao Hei!

Moreover, Yi Xiaoyao had guessed before that the existence in the coffin probably had some connection with Xiao Hei.

It's just that she didn't expect that the other party was Xiao Hei's mother!
Buried in this ancient the ancient demon queen from thousands of years ago!
"Little black?"

When the ancient demon queen heard this name, her eyes froze for a moment, and her beautiful face was also slightly strange.

Seeing her expression, Yi Xiaoyao and the two felt tense, how could they not understand what the other was thinking.

Xiao Hei is the majestic prince of the demon clan. To choose such an extremely sloppy name is to belittle the imperial blood of the demon clan, and even insult the entire demon clan.

"I'm sorry, senior. We really didn't think carefully about choosing a name for Xiao Hei..."

Yi Xiaoyao said nervously, Yun Mengling pursed her lips and lowered her head like a child who did something wrong.

"It was my fault that I was forced to give birth to that child and let him come to this world ahead of time. I didn't even have time to give him a name in a hurry."

The ancient demon queen shook her head, she didn't mean to blame Yi Xiaoyao and the two, but showed a gratified smile instead.

"What's more, the name Xiao Hei is also very good. It seems that you are very close to my child."

When she said this, the eyes of the ancient demon queen were slightly blurred, as if she was imagining Xiao Hei's appearance.

"Xiao Hei has been with us since he was a child, he is our partner, and even the closest person!"

Yunmengling's beautiful eyes lit up, and she said with a beautiful smile.

As for Yi Xiaoyao, he thought of something, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Senior, regarding Xiao Hei, we need your help!"

This is what he was thinking at the moment, if Xiao Hei's mother could lift Xiao Hei's seal, then they would no longer have to worry about meeting the Demon Emperor!

"My boy, what happened to him?"

When the ancient demon queen heard the words, her complexion changed slightly, and she asked with a trace of worry that could not be concealed.

Immediately afterwards, Yi Xiaoyao roughly explained what happened to Xiao Hei.

"That child, actually swallowed the real devil's energy?"

Hearing the words, the ancient demon queen first changed her expression, then frowned slightly and said: "It seems that the dragon veins in his body have suppressed the real devil's energy, but his dragon veins have been sealed by me, so they can't really fight against the real devil. Qi."

"The seal in Xiao Hei's body was actually left by you, senior?"

Yi Xiaoyao was slightly startled, he didn't expect that his erroneous hit turned out to be right on the wrong side.

"That's right. When I gave birth to that child, I couldn't care less about his safety. I could only seal the dragon veins in his body and turn him into an ordinary monster. Only in this way can he survive safely."

The ancient demon queen sighed and nodded.

Immediately afterwards, she looked at Yi Xiaoyao and the two of them, and said expectantly, "Can I... take a look at your memories?"

Yi Xiaoyao and Yun Mengling were slightly taken aback, and couldn't help but look at each other.

Under normal circumstances, such a request is obviously extremely excessive, and no one would allow others to spy on their own memory.

But they understood that Xiao Hei's mother just wanted to take a look at her child through their memories, so as to determine some details that could not be described in words.

Moreover, Yi Xiaoyao and the two also understood very well how sad it is for a mother to have no choice but to not see her child for thousands of years.


(End of this chapter)

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