Chapter 1055
Facing the ancient demon queen's request, Yi Xiaoyao and Yun Mengling were silent for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

"Senior, look at my memory."

Yun Mengling stepped forward, after all, she obtained the inheritance of the ancient demon queen, and it was all for Xiao Hei, so this request is nothing.

The Ancient Demon Empress smiled gratefully, floated up to Yunmengling, raised her phantom palm and pressed Yunmengling's forehead.

Yun Mengling allowed the opponent's consciousness to enter her soul, and opened her memory to the opponent.

The ancient demon queen closed her eyes lightly. In Yunmengling's memory, she saw all kinds of pictures of Yi Xiaoyao and the two finding Xiaohei in the ancient tomb of the great demon and caring for him. A gratifying smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

However, Yi Xiaoyao saw a trace of hidden bitterness and helplessness from the corner of her smiling mouth.

A moment later, the ancient demon queen withdrew her palm, opened her eyes again and looked at the two people in front of her.

After reading the memory, the eyes she looked at Yi Xiaoyao and the two became softer.

"Thank you, it seems that I made the right choice to save you."

The ancient demon queen smiled lightly, and she looked at Yunmengling again and said, "I condensed the fruit of inheritance, which was originally reserved for my children. Since you got it, it may be destined by heaven."

"So it was you, senior, who saved us?"

Yi Xiaoyao and the two were shocked when they heard the words, and then remembered that the other party said at the beginning that they felt Xiao Hei's breath in their bodies, and suddenly realized.

Apparently, the reason why those dragon and ape bones saved them was precisely because of the instructions of the ancient demon queen.

The reason why the Ancient Demon Empress did this was because she felt the bond created by the soul contract between them and Xiao Hei.

That soul contract, with their current abilities, could have been easily undone a long time ago, but they did not do so.

However, they never thought that this non-binding soul contract would actually save their lives today.

"My child, I owe him too much. Now that he is trapped by the aura of a true demon, I will definitely rescue him, unseal his dragon veins, and return him the appearance of a demon emperor."

The Ancient Demon Empress opened her mouth guiltily, but immediately sighed: "It's just that the me I am today has been dead for thousands of years, and I can't leave here, so I can only ask you again."

Feeling each other's eyes, Yi Xiaoyao felt a little heavy in their hearts.

Sure enough, the deceased is gone, and the ancient demon queen in front of her is just a lingering thought, between her and Xiao Hei's mother and child, there can only be a separation between heaven and man forever.

"What do we need to do, please give instructions from the seniors."

Yi Xiaoyao asked in a deep voice, no matter what he did, he would do his best.

"Since you have obtained my inheritance and inherited my sealed soul, you are naturally needed to lift Xiao Hei's seal."

The ancient demon queen said softly, and then looked at Yunmengling who had obtained the sealed soul.

"That's right, I have the soul of the seal, which can seal everything and undo all seals."

Yunmengling's eyes lit up, she only thought of this now.

"It's not that simple. Xiao Hei is the prince of Dragon Ape. He inherited his father's purest dragon veins. Dragon veins contain endless power. The dragon seal that hides it is naturally not an ordinary seal. You just got the soul of the seal. It is impossible to break that seal."

The ancient demon queen shook her head, and said again: "This mountain is a huge seal, when you can undo the seal of this mountain and re-seal the things sealed in the mountain in your name, then you can Unlock the seal of the dragon."

When Yi Xiaoyao heard the words, they immediately smiled helplessly.

That's right, how could they easily break the seal of the ancient demon queen?

Just like this forbidden mountain of death, it is impossible for them to leave, let alone unseal the entire mountain.

"There is indeed an extremely huge seal on this mountain. In this seal, I feel like a lonely boat in the sea, and I don't have the ability to shake the sea at all."

Yun Mengling frowned, the words of the ancient demon empress made her feel a lot of pressure, even to the point of despair.

"What kind of existence is sealed in this mountain?"

Yi Xiaoyao was concerned about another message in the words of the ancient demon queen just now, it seems that the existence of this forbidden mountain of death is to seal something extremely terrifying.

Faced with the distress and doubts of the two, the ancient demon queen always had a calm expression.

"Maybe after reading this, you will understand how to do it, and know some secrets that have been covered up by history."

As she spoke, she raised her hand and waved towards the surrounding blood lake, and then, like a mirror, an extremely shocking picture was reflected in the blood lake.

It was a terrifying battle. Countless powerful monsters and countless human beings fought in the dark.

Among them, a black giant ape with dragon horns on its head and a golden dragon wrapped around it stood side by side with two majestic humans.

The black giant ape is quite similar to Xiao Hei except for the dragon horn.

Don't need to think too much, he must be the ancient demon emperor, Xiao Hei's father.

Among the two people next to the Ancient Demon Emperor, there was a man, which Yi Xiaoyao recognized immediately.

It's amazing!
The other man next to Mie Tian also caught Yi Xiaoyao's attention, because this man has three kinds of arrogance wrapped around him, including the arrogance of the emperor!

Yi Xiaoyao, who had seen the ancestral hall of the Yi clan, suddenly had a name in his mind.

The emperor of the Yi clan, Yi Wutian!

The three figures seemed to stand upright, and although they didn't speak any words to each other, Yi Xiaoyao could clearly know that the three of them had a tacit understanding of brothers and sisters.

"I didn't expect that the ancient demon emperor and senior Mietian, as well as the emperor of my Yi clan, would be like brothers!"

Seeing this, Yi Xiaoyao couldn't help but wonder secretly.

He is very clear about the relationship between Mie Tian and the Yi Clan, but this is the first time he knows the relationship between the Ancient Demon Emperor and the Yi Clan.

And behind these three most dazzling figures, there are one after another extremely powerful figures. Among them, behind the Demon Emperor, there are countless powerful figures from the Demon Race.

Opposite them, there is a figure in gold robes and silver robes, which is the Celestial Human Race.

In addition to the Celestial Race, there are countless powerful people. Among them, it is not difficult to see that among the seven ancient clans today, the six ancient clans located in the Tianyu are all in the same camp.

For the two camps, it seems that the Celestials and Humans have an absolute advantage, but after the roar of Mietian and the three of them, the two sides fought, and the Celestials and Humans quickly collapsed.

No one can imagine how terrifying the fighting power of the Mietian trio is, and there is only one person on the side of the Celestial Human Race, who can barely resist their offensive.

But when the situation in the Mietian camp was in good shape, three golden lights descended from the sky above the Celestial-Human camp, and they were three immortals!

Under the leadership of these three immortals, the Tianren faction was directly smashed and scattered.

Among them, an immortal chased after the ancient demon emperor and fought on the holy mountain of the demon clan!

During the terrifying battle, countless strong men from both sides fell, blood stained the void red, and the sacred mountain of the monster race was filled with corpses.

In the end, the ancient demon emperor severely wounded the immortal and blasted him into the holy mountain.

At this time, the ancient demon queen used herself as a guide, and countless strong men from the demon race voluntarily sacrificed blood, turning the entire holy mountain into a seal, and sealing the dying immortal in the holy mountain.

As for the ancient demon emperor, he was also severely injured by the immortal, but what happened to him is unknown.

Because the picture presented in the blood lake came to an abrupt end after the ancient demon emperor sealed the holy mountain.


(End of this chapter)

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