Devouring Sword God

Chapter 1070 One way to catch up

Chapter 1070 Chasing All the Way

After the dwarf fought with Yi Xiaoyao, the more he fought, the more frightened he became.

"This guy has not only awakened the Fire Soul of Heaven and Earth, but also possesses many kinds of domineering energy. Who is he?"

The dwarf secretly guessed in his heart, but he couldn't find the corresponding character in his mind at all.

From the strength characteristics of the cultivation base that can fight the second calamity in the first calamity, as well as the control of various domineering auras, he did think that the person he was fighting with in front of him was the Emperor Che that their Celestial Human Race was chasing and killing.

However, this idea was directly denied by him.

Because it's not just this dwarf, in everyone's impression, that Emperor Chu has no soul, let alone the extremely difficult second awakening in front of him.

Moreover, the extremely special spiritual power and sword tactics used by the clone of Emperor Chu at the beginning made it impossible for people to recognize it as the same person as Yi Xiaoyao in front of him.

At the same time, Yi Xiaoyao also deliberately took advantage of this point, not only covering up his face with the body of flames, but also never using the imperial arrogance from the beginning to the end.

The other types of arrogance are fine. If the emperor's arrogance is exposed, I am afraid that no matter how stupid the other party is, they will recognize him.

After all, to the extent of the rarity of the emperor's domineering, perhaps only Yi Xiaoyao has awakened in these thousands of years.

However, if Yi Xiaoyao wanted to kill the dwarf who was entangled with him, he had to use the imperial arrogance.

Therefore, after considering all aspects for a while, he resolutely gave up continuing to fight the dwarf, his body melted into the flames, and turned into a ray of flames soaring into the sky.

After the dwarf was driven back by Yi Xiaoyao, seeing Yi Xiaoyao walking away without a fight, he immediately forcibly stopped his figure, and also turned into a phantom to chase after him.

"Disturbing my Celestials and wanting to escape? It's just a daydream!"

Before he finished speaking, he caught up with Yi Xiaoyao in an instant and launched another attack, trying to shoot him down.

"Little short leg, what's the use of your speed no matter how fast you are? It's hard for me to kill you, but if I want to leave, what can you do to me?"

Yi Xiaoyao had been prepared for a long time, a sneer came out from the flames, when the opponent's attack was approaching, he caught the domineering spirit in his eyes instantly, and punched him back with a backhand.

But he also knew that with the opponent's speed, it was almost impossible for him to get rid of it.

"If you want to chase, just go after it!"

Then, Yi Xiaoyao stopped slightly in the void, looked at the figure that the dwarf was chasing after violently retreating, and grinned indifferently.

After finishing speaking, he turned in the direction of his figure and shot towards a certain void.

In the next scene, the dwarf was chasing up to Yi Xiaoyao again and again, but was pushed back by Yi Xiaoyao again and again.

The two of them were entangled like this, while rushing towards a certain area, leaving bursts of astonishing roars in the void they passed.

The size of this Heavenly Territory is simply not comparable to that of the land of Kyushu.

In the cities below, all of them raised their heads to wait and see because of the movement in the sky above.

"Isn't that Master Tiansu of the Celestial Race?"

"Master Tiansu seems to be chasing and killing the man in the flames. In these years, there are still people who dare to provoke the Celestials?"

"It's just that, Master Tiansu is the No. 20 powerhouse in the Tiangang General Ranking, and he will be bombarded by the person in the flames without any power to fight back. Who is the person in the flames?"

"Such a strong man should not be an unknown person. Why have I never seen or even heard his name?"

Shouts of exclamation and discussions stirred up the cities, and everyone was extremely curious about the identity of Yi Xiaoyao who was entangled with Tiansu all the way.

Above the void, Tiansu was still chasing Yi Xiaoyao.

With his cultivation level, he was naturally able to catch the endless voices below, and even more aggrieved in these discussions.

How could he have imagined that someone in this world really dared to go to the Celestial-Human Race to make a big fuss, so that he didn't take precautions in time, and Yi Xiaoyao who appeared from nowhere destroyed three teleportation halls in a row, hundreds of teleportation halls... The formation was destroyed once.

What Tiansu didn't expect was that after this person made a fuss, he had nothing to do with it.

Even, this made him feel the speed that he was proud of for the first time in his life, which was useless at all.

Now he only longed to have a stronger attack power, to be able to fight against Yi Xiaoyao's powerful and domineering fist, and knock down Yi Xiaoyao.

However, although Tiansu was pushed back all the way by Yi Xiaoyao, he had no intention of giving up at all.

Tianyi Mansion is an important teleportation site for the Celestial Clan, and it is his duty to guard the Teleportation Hall in Tianyi Mansion.

If he let Yi Xiaoyao go, not to mention that he would lose face, even he would not be able to explain to the clan.

Although Tiansu couldn't do anything to Yi Xiaoyao at this moment, he thought that as long as he continued to pursue and procrastinated, the Celestial Human Race would soon receive news to come to support, and Yi Xiaoyao would not be able to escape by then.

"Right now, news about you and me has already spread. Although I can't help you, there are countless strong people in our Celestial Race, and it is easy to kill you. Even if you flee to the territory of the Spirit Race, no one can save your life!"

After the two chased for thousands of miles, Tiansu saw the area Yi Xiaoyao was going to, his complexion changed slightly and he let out a loud shout.

Only now did he finally understand why Yi Xiaoyao had been moving forward with a purpose all this way. It turned out that he wanted to enter the territory of the spirit clan so that he would feel fearful.

But for this, Tiansu just sneered in his heart.

Although, as a Celestial-Human Clan, he is indeed restricted from entering other ancient clans, as long as he doesn't do anything out of line and doesn't stir up disputes between the two clans, there won't be any problems.

As Tiansu saw, Yi Xiaoyao at this time was indeed heading towards the Spirit Race area.

However, his purpose is not as simple as Tiansu thought.

"Words have spread, haven't they?"

Hearing Tiansu's voice behind him, Yi Xiaoyao's eyes moved slightly, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

It's not just Tiansu's plan to spread the news here, but it's also Yi Xiaoyao's goal.

Otherwise, he wouldn't let Tiansu chase him like this.

At the same time, Yi Xiaoyao heard other information from Tiansu's words.

Involuntarily, he stared straight at the area in front of him, and couldn't help chuckling.

"It seems that I did not go in the wrong direction. This is indeed the territory of the Spirit Race."

Yi Xiaoyao murmured that as early as the time of Yaozu, he had already learned from Queyi about the location distribution of the major ancient clans in Tianyu. It is not difficult.

The next moment, his speed increased suddenly, and he shot directly towards the sky-reaching giant peak that was the highest in the Spirit Race territory in front of him.

Next, even if there are other strong men from the Celestial Race, Yi Xiaoyao is completely confident that he can safely escape from the hands of those strong men from the Celestial Race.


(End of this chapter)

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