Devouring Sword God

Chapter 1071 Goodbye Lingzhan

Chapter 1071 Goodbye Lingzhan
To the north of Tianyu.

This is a vast expanse of land. On the land, mountain ranges stretch like giant dragons, ancient forests stand up, and ancient giant trees stand like small peaks. The opened branches and leaves covered an area of ​​nearly a thousand feet in radius, and a thick barren air surged between the heaven and the earth.

This vast land is called the spiritual realm.

Speaking of which, these are one of the few places in Tianyu that have been passed down from ancient times without much change.

Therefore, this land of ancient inheritance is full of all kinds of natural treasures, but not many people dare to come here to hunt for treasures, because this is the territory of the spirit race!

As one of the only seven ancient clans remaining in the world today, the status of the Spirit Race in the Tianyu is obviously at the top of the pyramid.

People who dare to make mistakes within the scope of their territory may not be able to find many people in the entire sky.

Even if the Celestial Race dominates the world, they have to be wary of the Spirit Race.

An ear-piercing sound of piercing through the air, accompanied by a dazzling fire, shot into this territory belonging to the Spirit Race from the very distant void like a fire meteor.

Needless to say, the figure in the fire is Yi Xiaoyao who came all the way.

And behind him, Tiansu's speed was even faster, overtaking Yi Xiaoyao directly and appearing in front of him.

But this time, Tiansu didn't attack and intercept Yi Xiaoyao as before, obviously because he didn't want to cause unnecessary misunderstanding in other clan's domain.

"I advise you to be obedient and catch it with nothing. Don't think that you can get the protection of the spirit clan when you come to the spirit realm!"

Tiansu shouted to Yi Xiaoyao in a deep voice: "Those who disturb my Celestial Clan, even the Spirit Clan, would not dare to cover you up!"

Hearing Tiansu's words, Yi Xiaoyao showed no worry on his face, but just smiled at him playfully.

"I asked you to follow me all the way, so naturally I don't mind if you come with me as a guest in the Spirit Race."

As he said that, he ignored Tiansu who was standing in front of him at all, and passed the opponent directly with a movement, heading towards the giant mountain that was getting closer and closer to the sky.

Tiansu's face became more and more gloomy, but he didn't say anything more, just followed Yi Xiaoyao closely.

As Yi Xiaoyao flew fast, as the giant peak in front of him grew bigger and bigger, he discovered that there were still nine towering mountains around the giant peak.

Every giant mountain has the range of hundreds of cities.

On the giant mountain, there are many palaces, among which the figures flow.

Obviously, as an ancient race that existed in ancient times, this spiritual race has experienced thousands of years of inheritance, and now it has grown to an extremely large state.

The fire light transformed by Yi Xiaoyao drew an arc in the void and fell directly towards one of the ancient mountains.

Seeing this, Tiansu snorted coldly, and landed on the ancient mountain one step ahead of schedule.

"Who is coming?"

In front of the huge and ancient mountain gate, a group of guards stepped forward to stop the two of them. Although they felt the strong aura of the two of them, they still interrogated them very seriously.

"Don't you even know me?"

Tiansu landed ahead of Yi Xiaoyao, and spoke indifferently to the group of spirit guards.

The group of guards took a closer look, and then their expressions changed, revealing a respectful expression.

"It turned out to be Senior Tiansu, but before that, there was no news from the Celestials that they wanted to visit my Spiritual Clan."

Although they were a lot more polite, they still didn't mean to step aside, which was enough to show the spirit clan's confidence in facing the Celestial Race.

Before Tiansu could open his mouth, Yi Xiaoyao followed suit.

"Who are you? How dare you trespass on the Spirit Race!"

The Spirit Race guards asked again, this time, their tone was not so polite.

Because Yi Xiaoyao didn't show his true face when he came to their spirit clan's territory, this is disrespect to the spirit clan.

"Humph! This person is a traitor who made a big fuss about our Celestial Clan. I came here to hunt down and apprehend this person. Please report quickly. If the Spirit Race can help me take this person down, my Celestial Clan will definitely have him." Thanks a lot!"

Tiansu immediately let out a cold snort, and said to the spirit guards.

As he said that, he snorted coldly at Yi Xiaoyao: "Rebel, I can't hold you alone, but with the help of the spirit clan, let's see how you can escape!"

From Tiansu's point of view, Yi Xiaoyao's coming to the Spirit Race is simply seeking his own death.

The expressions of the spirit guards suddenly changed, and they were about to go in to report, but they were stopped by Yi Xiaoyao.

"Wait a minute, when I'm sorry to trouble you all, please say hello to Brother Lingzhan, and say that his old friend is here."

Yi Xiaoyao let out a faint chuckle in the flames.

This voice not only made several spirit guards stare, but even Tiansu's expression changed.

"You met Lord Lingzhan?"

The guards of the Spirit Race spoke in surprise, doubting Yi Xiaoyao's words.

Because their friends of the Spirit Race are absolutely impossible to be stupid enough to fight against the Celestial Race.

"You just pass on the message."

Yi Xiaoyao spoke indifferently and said no more.

Several spirit guards looked at each other, then turned around one after another, and hurried towards the mountain gate.

Only Yi Xiaoyao and Tiansu were left, standing outside the mountain gate and facing each other silently.

However, the two who chased and fought all the way before were quite peaceful at the moment.

After all, it is not a wise choice to fight in front of the Lingzu mountain gate.

"Although Lingzhan is one of the eight spirits of the Spirit Race, even if you know him, he can't make the Spirit Race and my Heavenly Human Race fight against each other for you!"

Tiansu sneered at Yi Xiaoyao, although he was somewhat suspicious of Yi Xiaoyao's relationship with the Spirit Race, but he was sure that Yi Xiaoyao would die next time.

Yi Xiaoyao didn't pay attention to Tiansu, just stood there and waited quietly.

And Yi Xiaoyao also knew something about the eight spirits of the spirit clan mentioned by Tiansu.

The eight spirits are a status symbol in the spirit clan, similar to the Tiangang generals of the Celestial Race and the Yaosu of the Yaozu.

However, there will be 36 in Tiangang, 28 in Yaosu, and only eight in Linghou among the Lingzu.

Therefore, although Lingzhan and Tiansu have the same status, the Lingzhan's attention to Lingzhan is much higher than the Tiansu's attention to Tiansu.

So based on this point alone, Yi Xiaoyao has enough confidence to let the spirit clan protect him for the time being.

It wasn't long before the spirit guards left, and soon came a few powerful figures flying over from the mountain gate.

It seems that because of Yi Xiaoyao and Tiansu, the several figures who came with the spirit guards at this moment all exude the aura of the second calamity.

One of them was Ling Zhan who had fought with Yi Xiaoyao for the Mietian Secret Treasure in the Sea of ​​Slaughter.

"I'd like to see who it is who dares to claim to be my old friend and provoke my spirit race and celestial race!"

As soon as Ling Zhan appeared, he locked his eyes on Yi Xiaoyao who was in the flames, and shouted coldly.

After hearing the guard's report before, he had already concluded that it was sowing discord.

At this moment, after seeing Yi Xiaoyao, he found that he really didn't have any impression, so he became more certain about this idea.

When Yi Xiaoyao saw Ling Zhan's attitude, he didn't care, he just let out a chuckle and a word full of playfulness.

"Ling Zhan, it's only been a year, don't you remember me?"

With the sound of these words, the flames around Yi Xiaoyao gradually dissipated, revealing his true face.

"Could it be that you also forgot what you owed me before?"


(End of this chapter)

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