Devouring Sword God

Chapter 1085 One-man battle 1

Chapter 1085

Yi Xiaoyao's sentence of "disrupted seniority" earlier made everyone understand that the master uncle they were congratulating turned out to be Yi Xiaoyao who appeared at this time!

Perhaps, just his words are not enough to convince everyone of this fact immediately.

However, when they saw the real dragon breath that Yi Xiaoyao erupted directly at this moment, they had to believe it even if they didn't believe it.


"The person who awakened the blood of the ancient true dragon is actually this Emperor Chu?"

"He is just a foreigner, how is this possible!!"

After a brief silence, exclamations erupted from the various mountain gates.

At the same time, Lingzhan and the other eight spirits also stared at Yi Xiaoyao with disbelief, and their mood swings were even more violent than the others.

Because the moment they knew that the blood of the ancient real dragon was obtained by Yi Xiaoyao, the eight of them immediately had an idea that they must get the blood of the ancient real dragon!
"It turned out to be you!"

Ling Zhan couldn't control his expression at all, all kinds of extreme emotions gathered together, which even made his face a bit hideous.

At the same time, seeing that Yi Xiaoyao had directly expressed their thoughts, the eight spirit waiters stopped hiding anything. They looked at each other and narrowed their eyes slightly.

"Di Chu! You have no true spirit blood, let alone true dragon blood. How did you get this ancient true dragon blood!"

The Huzhu Linghou changed his face instantly, and shouted in a cold voice.

The rest of the spirits also flickered, surrounding Yi Xiaoyao, staring at them.

"Oh, it's really faster to turn your face than to turn a book."

Seeing this, Yi Xiaoyao was not surprised at all, and the dragon power on his body was even worse, and he was not in the slightest against the eight spirits alone.

"Since the blood of the ancient real dragon has been obtained by me, it is naturally mine, so why do I need to explain anything to you?"

He continued to sneer, then looked at Ling Zhan, grinned and said, "And don't forget, your life is still in my hands!"

Hearing this, Ling Zhan's expression changed slightly.

But the next moment, he returned to his usual expression, with a touch of determination in his eyes.

If it was before, Ling Zhan would naturally not want to exchange his life for Yi Xiaoyao's.

But it's different now, Yi Xiaoyao's life is worth much more than his life!
"Hmph! If you win the blood of the ancient real dragon in your body and let my spirit race rise again, my mere life is nothing!"

Ling Zhan replied with a heavy hum, his tone full of righteousness.

In the big mountain gates below, all the people of the Spirit Race were moved and showed grief and indignation when they heard this statement.

"What are you talking about snatching? This emperor does not have any true spirit blood at all. Now that he has obtained the ancient true dragon blood, he must have stolen it from my spirit clan!"

Another spirit marquis shouted coldly: "Right now, we're just taking back things that belonged to the Spirit Race!"

This sentence, also righteous words, made the people of the spirit race below shout out, determined to take back the things that belonged to the spirit race.

Although the other spirits didn't say much, they all burst out with powerful breaths and were ready to strike at any time.

They already had a common idea in their hearts, that is, even if Ling Zhan was killed by Yi Xiaoyao with the soul contract today, Yi Xiaoyao could not be allowed to leave the spirit clan.

The blood of the ancient true dragon must be acquired by the spirit clan!
"It seems that it is really going to be robbed."

Yi Xiaoyao looked at the eight souls who surrounded him, and laughed, "It's just that Jiang Qiang said so confidently, is this the spirit clan's tolerance?"

Ling Zhan and the others didn't feel ashamed at all, they still stared at him coldly.

"Di Che, I advise you not to be ignorant of current affairs. If you obediently hand over the blood of the ancient real dragon, we will only let you go."

As they said that, the eight of them came together with the pressure of their breath, threatening and shouting: "Otherwise, you don't even want to leave the Spirit Race alive today!"

The eight souls are all strong men of the second calamity, and some of them have even reached the peak of the second calamity, and they are the four chiefs of the ancient true spirit blood, who are not in the slightest.

Under the oppression of such a strong aura, Yi Xiaoyao's clothes were rattling.

But there was no trace of fear in his eyes. Instead, the corner of his mouth curled up in a cold arc the moment the other party's voice fell.

"If you want to grab it, you have to show some strength, right?"

Yi Xiaoyao looked at the eight people around him, and said with a faint smile as before.

As soon as these words came out, Ling Zhan and the others looked furious. The eight of them were already despicable when they dealt with a young man who was the first calamity in the sky, but they were still underestimated.

"Good courage!"

Immediately, the eight people shouted in unison: "Since this is the case, then we will forcefully extract this ancient true dragon blood from your body!"

As soon as the words fell, the eight Linghou finally took action.

The true spirits urged them to move together, and the phantoms of the eight true spirits rose up from behind them, all attacking Yi Xiaoyao.

That momentum shook the heavens and the earth, and the entire void changed color.

Sensing this terrifying attack, Yi Xiaoyao's smile finally subsided, and at the same time there was a dignified look in his eyes, two dragons flickered.

"True spirit guide! Dragon descends!"

With a low shout, Yi Xiaoyao instantly activated Zhen Lingyin, and the green and golden dragon shadow behind him suddenly soared into the sky.

The next moment, Long Ying swooped down directly and sank into his body, causing his body to tremble suddenly.

A layer of green-gold dragon scales appeared instantly on Yi Xiaoyao's body, and the phantom of the dragon's claws on his arms was extremely solid.

"I just want to see if your True Spirit Yin is stronger, or my True Spirit Yin is stronger!"

As soon as the words fell, Yi Xiaoyao punched Ling Zhan who was the first to rush forward.

Ling Zhan seemed to have felt the horror of Yi Xiaoyao's punch as an example, and quickly turned attack into defense. The phantom of the black water turtle stood in front of him, and the turtle shell was like a giant shield that could not be broken.

And when the phantom of the dragon claw on Yi Xiaoyao's fist touched the phantom of the tortoise shell, Jia Yu's domineering energy instantly attached to it, making the dragon claw, which was originally green and gold, also glow with black gold , the strength is multiplied.

boom! !

A loud noise shook the sky, and the phantom turtle shell in front of Lingzhan was directly smashed to pieces by the dragon's claws!
"how is this possible!!"

Ling Zhan's figure suddenly retreated violently, and he exclaimed in shock.

Although he had long expected that the blood of the ancient true dragon was not simple, he never thought that Yi Xiaoyao would be able to exert such terrifying power when awakened.

You know, his black water turtle true spirit power is best at defense!
However, this kind of defense was defeated by Yi Xiaoyao's move!
Seeing Ling Zhan's expression, Yi Xiaoyao just smiled coldly.

Although he was also very astonished at his current improvement in strength, it gave him even more confidence.

What's the harm in fighting eight with one person?


(End of this chapter)

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