Chapter 1086
The black water mysterious turtle's defense was defeated with one move, and Ling Zhan was driven back. Such a scene shocked everyone present.

Now Yi Xiaoyao's name is well known to the world, and everyone knows that he is extremely brave, but they did not expect that he is so powerful.

Even the soul of the second catastrophe is not his one-stroke enemy.

At the same time, the attack of the other seven spirits had arrived.

As their complexions changed suddenly, the attack that hit Yi Xiaoyao also increased in power at this moment, and the bombardment came out without stopping.

No matter how strong Yi Xiaoyao is, even if Yi Xiaoyao is not dead, he may be seriously injured in the joint attack of the seven second catastrophe powerhouses.

Seeing this scene, Lingzhan forcibly stopped his figure, and turned to use the power of the true spirit to induce the power of the true spirit again. The black water turtle giant figure gathered with the other seven true spirit giant figures with great anger, He bumped into Yi Xiaoyao.

Boom! !
The sky trembled, and the giant shadows of the eight true spirits descended into the world like divine beasts.

The eight souls of the spirit clan have all awakened the blood of the ancient true spirits, and the power of the true spirits they mobilized is almost the peak of the spirit clan.

Therefore, when all the people of the Spirit Race saw this scene, they were full of admiration and surrender in their hearts.

I saw these eight giant shadows of true spirits each spit out rainbow light, rushing out eight terrifying beams of light, submerging Yi Xiaoyao in an instant.

And Yi Xiaoyao's body, under the intersection of these rainbow lights, seemed to be vulnerable, and was directly collapsed into a large piece of flames that burst open.

However, Ling Zhan and the others were not surprised by this, but Qi Qi shouted in shock after seeing the large burst of flames.

"not good!"

"Go back!"

"It's the second awakening of the Fire Soul of Heaven and Earth!"

With their status and strength, they can naturally see the mystery contained in these flames at a glance.

However, it was too late to discover at this time.

The next moment, the flames that exploded from the rainbow light of the eight true spirits instantly rose against the wind and turned into an endless sea of ​​flames.

A dragon's roar came out from the sea of ​​flames, shaking all directions.

A huge dragon, condensed in the sea of ​​flames, instantly appeared!

This giant dragon breathed out a silver flame, which was the domineering flame of the technique, and its power was infinite.

The original blue-gold dragon scales on his body were also surrounded by endless armor and domineering, shining with black-gold awns, as if they were indestructible.

There was another dragon roar, and the black gold giant dragon swept out from the flames, exhaling furious flames, the dragon's body shook, its tail swept across, and its claws tore apart!
And under such dragon power, the shadows of the eight true spirits were all crushed by the giant dragon.

The eight souls all threw their bodies into the air and retreated violently!


The people of the Spiritual Race below were all in an uproar at this moment.

They stared at the giant black gold dragon above the void in astonishment, and inexplicably felt reverence in their hearts.

They were all thinking, this should be the power of a true spirit that the spirit race should have!

"With such strength, you also want to steal my things?"

Above the sky, the sea of ​​flames dissipated, the giant dragon disappeared, and Yi Xiaoyao's figure reappeared, scanning the eight spirits fiercely.

The eight souls backed away violently, forcibly stabilized their figures, and when they looked at Yi Xiaoyao again, their eyes were full of horror.

"Is this the power of the ancient true dragon's blood?"

They were horrified, although they had long learned from the ancient books of the Spirit Race that the legendary ancient true dragon blood was even comparable to the ancient blood of other true spirits.

But they never thought about the power of the ancient true dragon blood.

But today, they finally experienced it personally.

However, the more terrifying the power of this bloodline, the more they will not give up. This kind of terrifying bloodline power must remain among the Spirit Race.

So at the next moment, the eight spirit marquis gritted their teeth, each of them did not hide anything, and burst out their full strength.

Giant shadows of true spirits reappeared in the void, roaring out as they surrounded Yi Xiaoyao again.


Seeing this, Yi Xiaoyao just let out a cold snort.

He raised his right arm, and the shadow of the real dragon behind him continued to pour towards his arm, and the dragon's head above his fist swallowed flames.

And at the moment when the eight people around were approaching, Yi Xiaoyao's entire right arm was instantly blackened by Jiayu's domineering aura, and the shadow of the real dragon on it was solidified like a black gold sculpture, and the flames spit out by the dragon's head were also caused by the technique. Dao's aggressiveness turned into silver.

Although Domineering Eyes is capturing the movements of these eight people, calculating their flaws.

When the flaws of the eight of them appeared at the same time, it was also the moment when their attacks broke out.

At this moment, Yi Xiaoyao narrowed his eyes suddenly, finally swung his right arm, and punched downward violently.

The black gold dragon, riding the silver flame, suddenly collided with the eight people's combined blow.

Everything collapsed, not only the eight true spirits, but also the shadow of the real dragon that Yi Xiaoyao blasted, all collapsed and disappeared at this moment.

As for the eight spirits, blood was overflowing from the corners of their mouths at this moment, and their figures retreated from Yi Xiaoyao's surroundings.

As for Yi Xiaoyao, he was also shocked by the powerful counter-shock force and took a few steps back, his blood surged up and his face flushed.

However, in these few fights, it is already clear at a glance who is strong and who is weak.

Yi Xiaoyao soothed the blood in his body, glanced at the shocked crowd of spirit clan below, and finally his eyes fell on the eight souls.

These eight spirits are really powerful, and one or two of them are even comparable to Qingjiao's Second Tribulation Peak.

Although Yi Xiaoyao is not afraid now, it is still unrealistic to completely defeat them.

What's more, what he really cares about is not these eight spirits, but those old monsters who have not yet appeared.

For some reason, these old monsters of the Spirit Race have not made a move until now.

But what Yi Xiaoyao wants to do is not to meet those old monsters, but to leave here as soon as possible before these old monsters appear.

Therefore, he looked directly at Ling Zhan, and said, "Ling Zhan, for the sake of entering Tongling Mountain this time, I will spare your life."

Yi Xiaoyao's words were deliberately shouted out with spiritual power, the purpose was to tell those old monsters of the Spirit Race that he did not kill them all, nor did he intend to be an enemy of the Spirit Race.

In the end, he put away his breath and grinned slightly.

"Since you are unable to keep me, then I will leave."

As soon as the words fell, Yi Xiaoyao's figure flashed, and he shot towards the outside of the Lingzu mountain gate.

As for Ling Zhan and the others, they all looked unwillingly at Yi Xiaoyao who was going away.

A Linghou wanted to continue chasing, but was stopped by others.

"It's embarrassing enough, don't chase after it!"

Several Linghou spoke with ugly expressions, and one of them looked at the direction where Yi Xiaoyao was leaving, his eyes moved slightly and said, "Don't tell me you haven't discovered it until now, it seems... It's just a show that the ancestors deliberately let us play. play?"


(End of this chapter)

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